May 30, 2020
Ooooo... MC is starting to lose his mind. I like this turn of events. I wonder what will happen? Considering he was fine in book 4, and nothing like this happened, probably nothing but nobody spoil anything. I wanna see what happens here.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
By being wishy-washy about Jinora, I mean the whole 'Jorina' or whatever the whole 'sack on the head' thing was and how they kept including her but not really, I just don't like half hearted stuff, though toward the end I guesse they finaly decided to go full tilt there.

I was talking about her acrobatic skills, English isn't my first language so maybe 'flexibility' wasn't the right word.
Wouldnt really call it wishy-washy or half hearted.
Considering the characters...precarious situation,testing out the waters in that way was a rather decent idea.
Now,if they actually didnt deliver beyond the the sacked-avenger scene I would be with you but as it

No no,flexibility was the right term,I just wasnt certain whether you meant in a athletic or mental sense.
Having said that...uh not really sure how they could have played up her skills more.
She gets stuck in a hole because she overestimated her flexibility and uses it in a fight scene once as well as some of her ecchi scenes.
I mean its flexibility...what exactly should one do with that?
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May 30, 2020
Wouldnt really call it wishy-washy or half hearted.
Considering the characters...precarious situation,testing out the waters in that way was a rather decent idea.
Now,if they actually didnt deliver beyond the the sacked-avenger scene I would be with you but as it

No no,flexibility was the right term,I just wasnt certain whether you meant in a athletic or mental sense.
Having said that...uh not really sure how they could have played up her skills more.
She gets stuck in a hole because she overestimated her flexibility and uses it in a fight scene once as well as some of her ecchi scenes.
I mean its flexibility...what exactly should one do with that?
Oh I could write you an essay on the options.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2019
Well for those of us who have loved and lost and vowed never to love again, the abuse of our 2D fixations can be upsetting. GTA is different, anyhow. Theres no manipulation or emotional abuse in GTA, or if there is its always backed up by physical. You don't deconstruct and break someone both mentally and emotionally, you just blow their fucking brains out. Its impersonal, easy, and cathartic.
To take one's time and care in completely destroying a person, down to their very core, takes a sadistic streak that teeters on sociopathy.
It's a video game my guy. And if you're actually upset about what happens to a drawing in a non-canon game then you need some help.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
I don't really know how to give option on that without just posting random porn pictures as exemples.

So I'm just gonna say that if you don't have ideas about what you could do with a girl who can do that : View attachment 845429

I don't know what I can tell you.
Oh,thought you were talking about actual narrative utilizations of her attributes.
Yeah sure,you could give her more flexibility-themed ecchi scenes(as incredibly shallow of a use as that would be). *shrugs*
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
I mean, the game is 50% funny stuff and 50% sex, so the first thing I think about any character trait is 'how can it be used for sex ?' XD
Yeah no,fair enough.
Just wasnt what I was thinking of so chalk it up to a simple case of miscommunication.
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
Which one? Since most of the Avatar cast were teenagers, most of the females, while not busty, were at least curvy. Only 'true loli' character here is Toph or maybe Slave Route Jinora. This game seems to exaggerate at best. I can't think of anyone TERRIBLY off-model, which is why I like it.
Do you know any games with well written lolis like Slave Route Jinora, or Toph?

Dixen Chix

May 13, 2019
Just a quick question. If there was to be a book dedicated to a side character, which one of the girls would you prefer and why ?

TBH, I think the best story/gameplay would be June. I know she's already in Book 3, but following a travelling bounty hunter would be sick

Another one for lulz would be Sparky-Sparky-Boom-Man's in LoK
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SOTD: Townes van Zandt - Our Mother The Mountain
Oct 28, 2019
We all cope with life in different ways.
the important thing here should be: this is not life. it's a game. maybe some few who come to this site would actually consider things they find here in games, to happen or play out for real. majority, i am sure, does not. more serious, if that route upsets you that much, maybe it's better you skip it? i do get this, getting sucked in by a game's story and/or characters. RPGs do that, if the story is good.

likely, if i'd be this MC for real, and get ripped out of my life by whoever, i'd go NoFU on her first word and then lay back and do nothing.
like, "yea whatever that universe's problems are, you started wrong, and i won't give you a restart." will i get sent to hell for it? maybe.
been there done that bought the effin' T-shirt. at least it's warm in hell.
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May 30, 2020
the important thing here should be: this is not life. it's a game. maybe some few who come to this site would actually consider things they find here in games, to happen or play out for real. majority, i am sure, does not. more serious, if that route upsets you that much, maybe it's better you skip it? i do get this, getting sucked in by a game's story and/or characters. RPGs do that, if the story is good.

likely, if i'd be this MC for real, and get ripped out of my life by whoever, i'd go NoFU on her first word and then lay back and do nothing.
like, "yea whatever that universe's problems are, you started wrong, and i won't give you a restart." will i get sent to hell for it? maybe.
been there done that bought the effin' T-shirt. at least it's warm in hell.
Oh I know its not real, don't think I don't know that. But the love routes of this game play out something that is my personal fantasy, something I want to be real very much, which is why I'm very happy I found it.
I can't explain to you in words really exactly why I feel the way I do and I'm not going to go on a sob story explaining why I am the way I am.
I fixate on Toph because I think shes cute and sweet and innocent and deserving of love. I want to be with her and protect her and hold her close more than anything, same as any recluse loser who has deep love for a waifu of any description.
I play through this arc because uh
Well I can't really explain why it just feels like I have to, like its my duty to experience the game 100% for completion's sake if nothing else.

If I was this MC, I'd take this as a personal gift. My current life is awful and boring and full of disappointments. If I was transported to the world of Avatar and told that I could make every single girl in the universe of the game fall head over heels in love with me, then I'd probably fall on my knees thanking the Painted Lady. I'd be utterly ecstatic, totally overjoyed, I cannot express to you how happy it would make me. I seriously cannot think of a fate I would enjoy more than being taken far away from this life and all its mediocrities and being dropped into someplace where I'm the destined hero and every one of the girls in the fiction of this awesome universe that I love with all my heart want to be with me and only me.


SOTD: Townes van Zandt - Our Mother The Mountain
Oct 28, 2019
that's the thing with RPG, lots of people find their own personal hook, so to speak, and align with some part of a game. imo it's what makes role playing so interesting and attractive, you get to be someone else. some people even get hooked on pure grind games, where the story is thin or just not there, and all you do is erhm,
Go There Kill 10k This Stuff; Reward, another Mission Where You Go There And Kill 20k That Stuff, And So On.
it's an escape, if for a few hours. lots of people want out of whatever they're in, for a bit, or forever.
also, i'm just the same kinda completionist with games.. :D
May 30, 2020
that's the thing with RPG, lots of people find their own personal hook, so to speak, and align with some part of a game. imo it's what makes role playing so interesting and attractive, you get to be someone else. some people even get hooked on pure grind games, where the story is thin or just not there, and all you do is erhm,
Go There Kill 10k This Stuff; Reward, another Mission Where You Go There And Kill 20k That Stuff, And So On.
it's an escape, if for a few hours. lots of people want out of whatever they're in, for a bit, or forever.
also, i'm just the same kinda completionist with games.. :D
4E got me into visual novels. I enjoy the emotional connection, I just wish there were more based on existing properties. I get attached to characters I know from shows and games and such that I love more than just random OCs made for a VN.
However if written well, I can become equally happy with a VN love focus that I never heard of prior to starting the game.


Mar 14, 2020
Yo not gonna lie, I am shocked the Jinora scenes were in this game. I thought it was going to be something just teased at but naw they just said fuck it.
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