
Jan 6, 2019
But they are still minors, and my point is not even about their age, but about the design, for you, does Katara look like an adult, for example?
As I said before, it's understandable that you or other people here don't like this genre, no one is forced to like it, in the same way that no one is forced to like bestiality, gay, futa, urination etc, I'm just funny because for me, The vast majority of characters look like teenagers. View attachment 3659277 View attachment 3659278
Again characters like Katara look nubile/post-pubescent. Can pass for a petite adult woman. Being a minor varies according to country (the vast majority of countries set their ages of consent in the range of 14 to 16), but no country has set it beneath the age of fourteen.
Again, don't make your characters look like pre-pubescent children is a pretty good rule of thumb. It's not only appalling, but also asking for trouble.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Again characters like Katara look nubile/post-pubescent. Can pass for a petite adult woman. Being a minor varies according to country (the vast majority of countries set their ages of consent in the range of 14 to 16), but no country has set it beneath the age of fourteen.
Again, don't make your characters look like pre-pubescent children is a pretty good rule of thumb. It's not only appalling, but also asking for trouble.
Well, if you can look at Katara and see a small woman, good for you, a very fertile imagination
Jul 1, 2018
Again characters like Katara look nubile/post-pubescent. Can pass for a petite adult woman. Being a minor varies according to country (the vast majority of countries set their ages of consent in the range of 14 to 16), but no country has set it beneath the age of fourteen.
Again, don't make your characters look like pre-pubescent children is a pretty good rule of thumb. It's not only appalling, but also asking for trouble.
It's wild that you accept Katara but not Toph lmao
Petite girls exist, you know? A friend of mine is super short and barely has boobs, but she is still over 18. I just don't see the point in you still trying to argue about this, it's just a game, move on.


SOTD: Elmore James - Mean Mistreatin' Woman
Oct 28, 2019
But they are still minors, and my point is not even about their age, but about the design, for you, does Katara look like an adult, for example?
As I said before, it's understandable that you or other people here don't like this genre, no one is forced to like it, in the same way that no one is forced to like bestiality, gay, futa, urination etc, I'm just funny because for me, The vast majority of characters look like teenagers. View attachment 3659277 View attachment 3659278


this is a fantasy game. it's not netflox. it's not your daily backyard teenagers either.
furthermore, the path to all those underaged things doesn't exist. well, not to plain sight, nor to closer look; you have to deliberately choose the evilst 'down the dark side' choices without missing a step, to even get there.
also, there's quite some lack of criticism over the (according to all that QQ about age) underaged Aang.

calm down. have a smile. :)

*edit* found a typo. now it's MINE.

Hater Supreme

Apr 16, 2020
Again characters like Katara look nubile/post-pubescent. Can pass for a petite adult woman. Being a minor varies according to country (the vast majority of countries set their ages of consent in the range of 14 to 16), but no country has set it beneath the age of fourteen.
Again, don't make your characters look like pre-pubescent children is a pretty good rule of thumb. It's not only appalling, but also asking for trouble.
>It's appaling AND asking for trouble!!!
I invite you to go to twitter to cry about it to people who care. Although I wouldn't mind seeing your indignation when you reach loli scenes in later books because if Toph doesn't fly under your radar...let's just say your heart might give out.


Dec 15, 2017
Again characters like Katara look nubile/post-pubescent. Can pass for a petite adult woman. Being a minor varies according to country (the vast majority of countries set their ages of consent in the range of 14 to 16), but no country has set it beneath the age of fourteen.
Again, don't make your characters look like pre-pubescent children is a pretty good rule of thumb. It's not only appalling, but also asking for trouble.
My man, you are way too hung up on the law. I get that you live in a country where you might get in trouble for having content like this, but that's on you to decide if the other content is worth it for YOU to break the law. It's not on MITY to make sure he's following the law for you. If you're so disgusted by the content I suggest you stop playing this game and move on to something else.


Sep 8, 2017
I'll never understand why people come to a forum like this to complain about the design of FICTIONAL characters and essentially advocate for them to be changed/censored. There are plenty of things that are immoral and terrible in real life (bestiality, underage sex, rape, murder, etc.) that are not a problem in fiction, because fiction is NOT REAL (though for some reason no one bats an eye about fictional underage characters violently trying to murder each other, but clutches their pearls real tight if they are exposed to sex too early which is clearly a much more concerning evil.)

There are plenty of games on this site that cater to all sorts of different tastes in fictional characters (big boobs, small boobs, gay, furry, you name it.) If you don't like a game because in the show the characters are from they are all underage, and the Rule 34 game based on said show stays true to the source material, that's totally fine and you're entitled to not be interested in the game. That's what tags are for, so you know if the game fits your interests (or if you live in a country with draconian censorship/thought crime laws and you want to be a good law-abiding citizen who only pirates games your government would approve of.) But clearly there are plenty of other people enjoying the game as the dev currently made it, so saying things like it's "appalling and asking for trouble" seems a bit unnecessary and unhelpful to the game thread.


Sep 2, 2022

  • Time for what?
    3 days ago
Hey all! Time, for another belated update from me. Belated because of the same irl-stuff as last time. Besides being a creator of perverted ero games I'm currently also a semi-nurse now which cuts chunks out of my day. Still I want to have a new build for 18Titans ready at the end of this month and I'm reasonably certain there will be. Not what I had hoped for at first (which was having something ready several days ago) but so be. This situation will slowly better itself, but always a little slower than I thought before.
I had a few little scares this week! First off, I got my hand/fingers stuck under a heavy closet(which went sliding whilst helping to move it.) Luckily there was enough of a natural gap in between the closet and the floor so I ended up with slightly sore fingers instead of crushed ones. One of my first thoughts was, "Oh shit I hope this won't fuck my ability to draw." But, like I said, the worst thing was the initial scare it gave me and a few slightly tender fingers.
Then there was that day my drawing software decided to not start and only throw errors my way. A bit peeved, but certain a quick reinstall would fix everything... turned out to be wrong. Long story short, the night before I had accidentally moved some important folders around. It was late, I was tired and not paying attention, right before I turned off the pc. That took me some time to figure out, but felt pretty damn good once I did.
Oh and there was this bird on the roof(?) screaming his fucking head off during the night all of a sudden, because that's just what it decided was the right thing to do... That certainly was a first for me!
Anyway, those were my three "what the fuck moments" of the last couple of weeks! Nothing much else exciting has happened.

Oh, I did discover a band I like! When working on FET and 18Titans having some good music playing in the background is of great help. I wanted something metal(ly) and just searched for "French metal", for something entirely different from what I usually listen to. I ended up listening to Pleymo. I have no idea what they're singing about, but I like it! I've been listening to "sommes-nous?" on loop for most of yesterday's evening :)

Since having an update with just text is boring and because I promised I'd have some Suki last time, I'm adding one below! There's several variations of it in the attachment(fully naked, preg etc). As I was working on it I thought to myself what a missed opportunity it was to not have the MC and Sokka do some shared scenes in Book 3! If I ever find myself without ideas(fat chance) I'll need to add something like that.

I really like the boiling rock episodes if only for the fantasies it gave me.

Entirely offtopic: I've also been thinking about maybe in the future getting myself an e-ink tablet which can be used to read ebooks AND take notes/draw. If I can scribble drawings wherever I go and not have a physical stack of pervy drawings with (which people might stumble upon and is why I don't really like to draw on paper)... that could be very nice.
I was thinking of a kindle scribe... but apparently it has no ability to create separate drawing layers and you can't zoom in/out. Which is bad because I'm pretty much addicted to the ability to zoom in and out. It does look like they update their drawing software from time to time and all of what's missing could be added. Apparently the hardware is good... sooo... maybe? I haven't decided yet. I currently have an age old six inch sony ereader, which isn't bad but just drawing two tits already fills up the entire screen : )

That's about all the noteworthy(?) stuff I have to mention this time, so I'll leave it at that for now.
TLDR: new 18Titans at the end of this month. Peace out!
Thanks a lot !


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018


this is a fantasy game. it's not netflox. it's not your daily backyard teenagers either.
furthermore, the path to all those underaged things doesn't exist. well, not to plain sight, nor to closer look; you have to deliberately choose the evilst 'down the dark side' choices without missing a step, to even get there.
also, there's quite some lack of criticism over the (according to all that QQ about age) underaged Aang.

calm down. have a smile. :)

*edit* found a typo. now it's MINE.
Sorry, English is not my native language and I didn't understand exactly what you meant, I just want to make it very clear that I don't care about the age or appearance of the characters, they are all cartoons, I don't think that fucking Katara, Toph or Jinora It will make someone a ped#phi7e, in the same way that I don't think anyone who plays GTA will become a murderer.


SOTD: Elmore James - Mean Mistreatin' Woman
Oct 28, 2019
What kind of evil bastard would even have korra drink the youth potion twice?!?!?! You have to get through like 5 choices for that! :HideThePain:
there is a fine example of what i was talking about. there's other games which don't even come close to this fine art of sophisticated burial for one kink.


Sep 23, 2018
To be honest, there are some of us who'd rather go through the game for the scenes. So, does anyone have an in-depth walkthrough of the game or something? Especially for stuff past Book 4.
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Dec 15, 2017
To be honest, there are some of us who'd rather go through the game for the scenes. So, does anyone have an in-depth walkthrough of the game or something? Especially for stuff past Book 4.
The only walk through I've seen are the ones in the OP. The scenes are hard to miss, you're basically asked "do you want to see [insert kink/fetish]? Yes/No". Just read what the NPCs are saying and give half a second if thought to it. If all else fails and you're not sure if you might miss a scene, make a save file right before a choice and reload to select all the options.


Jun 19, 2020
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 314, in script call
    call expression "before_main_menu"
  File "game/script.rpy", line 6, in <module>
  File "renpy/common/00preferences.rpy", line 50, in __call__
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'info'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 314, in script call
    call expression "before_main_menu"
  File "game/script.rpyc", line 6, in script
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/691C6D26-E01E-4355-A8EF-F23AF3EA9426/Spark.app/EngineBase/8.2.1/renpy/ast.py", line 823, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/691C6D26-E01E-4355-A8EF-F23AF3EA9426/Spark.app/EngineBase/8.2.1/renpy/python.py", line 1178, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 6, in <module>
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/691C6D26-E01E-4355-A8EF-F23AF3EA9426/Spark.app/EngineBase/8.2.1/renpy/display/behavior.py", line 395, in run
    return action(*args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/common/00preferences.rpy", line 50, in __call__
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/691C6D26-E01E-4355-A8EF-F23AF3EA9426/Spark.app/EngineBase/8.2.1/renpy/exports.py", line 3710, in set_physical_size
    if get_renderer_info()["resizable"]:
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/691C6D26-E01E-4355-A8EF-F23AF3EA9426/Spark.app/EngineBase/8.2.1/renpy/exports.py", line 3478, in get_renderer_info
    return renpy.display.draw.info
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'info'

macOS-17.0-iPad8,1-64bit iPad8,1
Innocent Witches Launcher 0.11-alpha (0, 11, 0, 'alpha')
Tue May 28 15:48:50 2024
Well poo
4.50 star(s) 280 Votes