
Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Doesn't really seem like Mity's all too concerned about fitting scenes in the narrative if they'll be interesting enough.
Which is why I said unlikely,not impossible.
Assets dont materialize out of thin air and as of right now the game shows no indicating towards it(if anything,it seems to whole heartedly embrace the whole cougar thing with Lin).

And that was her design idea in the first series, when she was literally 12 and could only look like a 12-year-old girl. Then she spent a good chunk of the following decades building a police force for a city that was set to house people from nations who were bitter enemies in the past. Hell, just look at most female cops in real life.
As I said,Im well aware of it being befitting of her development.

This is also the girl with nary a concern for appearance but all the love in the world for attaining immense strength. Toph pretty much IS a flamboyant dude.
You...dont know what flamboyant means,do you?
She was a tomboy but certainly not flamboyant(admittedly part of that is the uniform).

I agree that LoK had some problems with women's faces looking manly(Kuvira has some serious Mako jawline going on there) but expecting a lithe frame from most 40-year-old women is already pushing it, much less with Toph.
Not the point(and actually holds very little relevance in stylized animation).
Toph´s trademark always was her gap moe concept(a palmtop tiger,if you allow me to steal from a different frenchise).
Completely abandoning said concept is asking for dissatisfaction and alienation.
As I already mentioned its validated in the narrative so I dont have a problem with it on that front,I just think it looks absolutely horrible(especially that jawline...jeez).
Take it as a personal knee-jerk reaction if you want to.

So, Tenzin is the father of himself?
Maybe FET will finally find an answer to the grandfather paradox :p

The Ascendent

Jun 9, 2018
So, Tenzin is the father of himself?
Only if we play as him in the Lover route, which seems, unlikely. And this is only in the Lover route. Although, if the setting does follow the canon, Aang does eventually hook up with Katara (after our PC leaves) so Tenzin is conceived under normal circumstances not the future Avatar meddling with time. Remember that Bumi was Aang and Katara's first child. Anyways I was just exploring some of my thoughts. We shouldn't be taking this game too seriously, it is a parody after all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
Which is why I said unlikely,not impossible.
Assets dont materialize out of thin air and as of right now the game shows no indicating towards it(if anything,it seems to whole heartedly embrace the whole cougar thing with Lin).

As I said,Im well aware of it being befitting of her development.

You...dont know what flamboyant means,do you?
She was a tomboy but certainly not flamboyant(admittedly part of that is the uniform).

Not the point(and actually holds very little relevance in stylized animation).
Toph´s trademark always was her gap moe concept(a palmtop tiger,if you allow me to steal from a different frenchise).
Completely abandoning said concept is asking for dissatisfaction and alienation.
As I already mentioned its validated in the narrative so I dont have a problem with it on that front,I just think it looks absolutely horrible(especially that jawline...jeez).
Take it as a personal knee-jerk reaction if you want to.

Maybe FET will finally find an answer to the grandfather paradox :p
Here's what google said about the meaning of "flamboyant":
"Tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness."

Seems like I'm not the one who doesn't know what that means. Last I checked, a big part of Toph's characterization is her extreme confience in her earthbending and always being eager to prove it.

Flamboyant isn't a label you slap onto someone who outwardly seems gay.

That was 12-year-old Toph's trademark. This is adult Toph. Her trademark is being a tough-as-nails cop. Retaining any of her "moe" features from childhood doesn't make sense at all.

She used to be a blind, little girl who looked so helpless and weak despite actually being incredibly strong.

Then she grew up.

I can understand not liking it, and that is perfectly fine, but saying it violates her character concept, when it's actually the logical direction, is just hilariously wrong.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Here's what google said about the meaning of "flamboyant":
"Tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness."

Seems like I'm not the one who doesn't know what that means.

This is also the girl with nary a concern for appearance but all the love in the world for attaining immense strength. Toph pretty much IS a flamboyant dude.
*cough* *cough*
Again,Toph was a tomboy,not flamboyant.

Flamboyant isn't a label you slap onto someone who outwardly seems gay.
Funny,never said that.
Though it is true that its mostly associated with homosexuality these days.

That was 12-year-old Toph's trademark. This is adult Toph. Her trademark is being a tough-as-nails cop. Retaining any of her "moe" features from childhood doesn't make sense at all.

She used to be a blind, little girl who looked so helpless and weak despite actually being incredibly strong.

Then she grew up.

I can understand not liking it, and that is perfectly fine, but saying it violates her character concept, when it's actually the logical direction, is just hilariously wrong.
Well we agree that its narratively valid,so thats good.
What I dont agree with is eliminating a characters trademark features for the sake of the narrative as the same could have been achieved by retaining a modicum of resemblance.
Retaining more petite features(though "moe" goes too far)wouldnt at all have hurt the base concept or narrative intentions(especially in a series that has shown multiple times that physical stature doesnt equal strength)while offering a stronger recognition to the viewer.
Or to rephrase it,I have a problem with the underlying design philosophy,not the narrative reasoning.
In so far I will keep my stance on them having screwed up the design(admittedly my initial reaction was exaggerated for comedic purposes).


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017

*cough* *cough*
Again,Toph was a tomboy,not flamboyant.

Funny,never said that.
Though it is true that its mostly associated with homosexuality these days.

Well we agree that its narratively valid,so thats good.
What I dont agree with is eliminating a characters trademark features for the sake of the narrative as the same could have been achieved by retaining a modicum of resemblance.
Retaining more petite features(though "moe" goes too far)wouldnt at all have hurt the base concept or narrative intentions(especially in a series that has shown multiple times that physical stature doesnt equal strength)while offering a stronger recognition to the viewer.
Or to rephrase it,I have a problem with the underlying design philosophy,not the narrative reasoning.
In so far I will keep my stance on them having screwed up the design(admittedly my initial reaction was exaggerated for comedic purposes).
"Tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness."
Hmm. 2 out of 3. And when did *cough cough* those two become mutually exclusive? Wait, why am I debating this? This is irrelevant.

What? The narrative determines how a character's features changes. The narrative determines everything. That's why it's called the "narrative." Toph had to embody the best form of outward authority she could, in circumstances where looking imposing is pretty much required. You'd think being petite would help deal with career criminals when she has to settle things as fast and with as little violence as possible?

Maybe it's possible she could have retained some degree of apparent physical frailty into adulthood, and it would've shown if she wasn't in a profession where such things are detrimental.

And what are you tralking about again? The series has shown multiple times that physical stature does equate strength to a degree:
Bumi looks like any old dude when covered, but turned out to be incredibly buff.

Iroh went from fat to fit when training for his prison escape.

The Kyoshi Warriors' WHOLE FIGHTING STYLE is about making up for the strength they lack against bigger opponents.

Toph is the ONLY definite example of physical stature having an extreme disconnect with strength in the series, which is what made her such a great character.

Did you ever even Avatar, man? I will repeat that not liking the design is fine, but wrongly criticizing it's supposed misplacement is wrong.
Last edited:


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Hmm. 2 out of 3. And when did *cough cough* those two become mutually exclusive? Wait, why am I debating this? This is irrelevant.
Adherence to timely fashion trends is an integral part of the describtor.
2 out of 3 is most certainly not enough.

What? The narrative determines how a character's features changes. The narrative determines everything. That's why it's called the "narrative." Toph had to embody the best form of outward authority she could, in circumstances where looking imposing is pretty much required. You'd think being petite would help deal with career criminals when she has to settle things as fast and with as little violence as possible?
No,the artist determines how a characters features changes.
A narrative dictates the direction,not the degree.
A good artist will keep the narrative as a anchoring point while trying to keep the design as recognizable as possible which this one fails at.
Really?Somehow I doubt that was a bullet point for our bishie here.

Maybe it's possible she could have retained some degree of apparent physical frailty into adulthood, and it would've shown if she wasn't in a profession where such things are detrimental.
I think you are having the wrong picture of what Im asking for.
Im talking about a smaller(but toned)build and more feminine facial features.
Not for Toph to turn into an anorexic wallflower that can barely carry her own weight.

And what are you tralking about again? The series has shown multiple times that physical stature does equate strength to a degree:
Toph is the ONLY definite example of physical stature having an extreme disconnect with strength in the series, which is what made her such a great character.
Bending is based on chi which in turn is partly based on fitness,not pure muscle mass(otherwise our child protagonists would be squashed by any adult,as is the case in real life).
I never bemoaned Toph being fit but to what degree they took that idea.

Did you ever even Avatar, man? I will repeat that not liking the design is fine, but wrongly criticizing it's supposed misplacement is wrong.
Why yes,I [insert whatever you wanted to ask here] Avatar,thank you for asking.
I already stated my initial outright dismissal as being for comedic purpose and even elaborated what my problem with the design is,despite agreeing on its validity,so I dont really know why you are still under the impression that I consider it "misplaced".
I consider it bad(or in your words "not liking the design")and I think I repeated that quite a few times by now.
If your problem on the other hand is that I consider retaining some petite features while still achieving her narrative goals as a possibility we will have to agree to disagree because I can tell you that opinion isnt going to change.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
Adherence to timely fashion trends is an integral part of the describtor.
2 out of 3 is most certainly not enough.
Nooooope. That has never been a requirement. 2 out of 3 is plenty. You're thinking of a DANDY. :ROFLMAO:

No,the artist determines-.
Noope again.

The artist only creates a representation of what the narrative dictates; direction, degree and all. The artist can make a character as old or fat as they want, but it still won't work if it won't fit the narrative. The narrative dictated that Toph needed to believably look like an actual adult cop, leading a policing effort in one of the most important and chaotic places in the world.

And again, she's a cop. Being imposing is a requirement of the job, and she's done the best she can her genetics will allow.

I think you are having the wrong picture of what Im asking for.
Im talking about a smaller(but toned)build and more feminine facial features.
Not for Toph to turn into an anorexic wallflower that can barely carry her own weight.
Wut? Her features are still plenty feminine. She just has the bearing and stature expected of someone taking their job as the leader of a newly formed police force of a newly founded city seriously. The only reason you're complaining is because you're comparing her 40-year-old ADULT body to her TWELVE-year-old version.

Bending is based on chi which in turn is partly based on fitness,not pure muscle mass(otherwise our child protagonists would be squashed by any adult,as is the case in real life).
I never bemoaned Toph being fit but to what degree they took that idea.
No, you claimed the series showed that physical stature does not equate strength so I brought up examples proving that wrong. (NVM that the Kyoshi Warriors weren't benders :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:)

My point is the relation of physical stature to martial prowess; Toph was the SOLE concrete example of an unassuming form belying great strength, but that was only because she was TWELVE.

Fact is, the series still agrees that being a strong bender/martial artist will still be outwardly reflected. For Toph, it was not apparent when she was TWELVE, but she eventually grew into it.

Doesn't seem like you did, sorry.

My problem is you claiming that her adult design violates her whole "character concept," a concept detailing a completely different role in a different series mind you, and then attempting to justify it with misrepresented facets of the series.

But I guess that's already been proven enough. I'm still scared of getting penalized for derailing a thread.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
I'm still scared of getting penalized for derailing a thread.
True and I would rather not risk the ire of a disgruntled mod over something like this.
I will open up a private conversation and we can keep going there if you are so inclined.
Apr 13, 2018
I download 0.8.2b now and according to the chang log I can go to the City street and unlock some shit from asami (blackmail) but I still stuck at Korra 80 resistance and I cant do something about it. so how do I meet sami and unlock the City street and the avatar statue and move on from here.
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