Gonna be honest, I don't think a new writer would be all that bad of an idea either.
He does decently enough, but the sheer favoritism toward the Slave Route got old to me by Book 3. It was disappointing but understandable that the Slave Route comes first, whatever. Then Book 2's Love Ending was... just trash. Like I remember he even got called out by a bunch of his Patrons (I was one, at the time) because of how badly it was done. And he defended it (while pulling a Mass Effect 3 and still going back to revamp it to be... *less* disappointing) by saying (paraphrased) "Well, Azula is a crazy bitch, and I think we foreshadowed this ending pretty well".
Like... yeah. Sure. In this game that uses time travel, body possession, breaks canon on a regular basis, and already alters most characters way beyond canon, it's unreal to think that Azula could get some kind of a redemption arc beginning in the so-called "Love" route. Let's ignore all the foreshadowings and vulnerabilities she had earlier.
Then Book 3 was just awkward. Not only was the Slave Route pretty gross at some points (like Toph's eyes), but the Love Route made your character more or less useless. Like yeah, I get that he's the layabout avatar, but in the Slave Route he always becomes some big badass who pimp slaps around the series mains, and in the Love Route he's always so... lackluster.
To be honest, that included with recent delays in publishings, I'm actually starting to think bringing a new coder in would be a great idea. He could assist with the code to speed up dev time, *and* they could have someone new write the Love routes.
Oooh, or maybe someone from the community could go back and redo it? I'm guessing redoing scenes in this game would probably be pretty difficult from someone inexperienced with the code, though. A Custom Scenes mod would be insanely useful.