while i do agree, i also think its a game as well, so it need some gameplay. i was ok with the combat in the first, because, while not good, it had potential, however, every subsequent new book brought worse and worse combat. as for minigames, the blackjack was well done, it was grindy, but as a side way to get money, it was a good idea.i have not plays since the 8.??? version... to be honest, the only grind i had with this game is the "Many version of the same game" problem it had. 1st it makes the programmer have to rewrite the same thing "MANY TIMES" and 2nd all previous progress is lost... let's be real, this is a hentai game... i want hentai, if i wanted 10 pokemon games an 10 guess the color games, i would play those...
my problem is, instead of using those things to build a repertoir of possible minigames so the player can choose and have fun, they instead force us to grind multiple minigames all the time.