Aug 13, 2017
..some people complain when they get nothing. some complain when they get updates of any kind.
some just live to see conspiracy and "betrayal" behind every corner. and ofc point that out.

can't we just agree that news are news?
Your little speech about the nature of man is a little trite don't you think? I'm simply pointing out the optimal solution. People are naturally hurt when their expectations aren't met, regardless of what's said a broken promise stings the most. Not that they've promised anything but these constant posts that are titled "updates" that only serve to talk about their day and tell us "idk when the next update will be" aren't helping their image.

I'd agree with you that news is news if you can tell me straight faced that this "update" post is news. What did we learn about the state of the game? Nothing new from their last "update". Just that until they get a build from cbob we won't know how long it'll take them to finish the build, not even an idea of when that will be. All we really learnt is that they bought a new air conditioner. Is that news? Sure, is it something that should be in a post titled "update"? No.


Apr 4, 2018
People wouldn't get so upset if they just kept quiet and did the work. It's a shame really, I get constantly feeling like you need to justify slow progress but if they had just been quiet with no updates and then come out with the build they'd get less flak than they do for making "update" posts like these. Basically a novel just to tell us they finally got an AC and that they have no idea when the next build will be.
I think thats what bugs me the most, pretty much every update is just a bunch of rambling and then either somewhere in the middle or at the very end they'll casually just drop "oh yeah the update uhhhh yeah we're working on it". The post can be 3-4 paragraphs long and any mention of the only thing that matters is maybe 1-2 sentences

Normally I'd say I disagree and that it would be better to at least have a few update posts just so there is at least some level of communication and we're not totally left in the dark but honestly if said posts are just going to be mostly unrelated rambling then I guess there's no point


Apr 4, 2018
Also, theres no conspiracy at work but its pretty clear that their issues with getting updates out has gotten notably worse over the past ~2 years, and despite all the fluffy and emotional words they put in some of their posts they haven't shown any sign that they've really made an effort to address it. Hell even after our most recent 4+ month delay they made this whole deal about a new system they worked out where cbob works as much as he can and then he sends a build to marty and he goes from there and supposedly that was supposed to get updates back to a semi-consistent schedule and guess what? We're heading towards the 2nd month with no update and the most recent FET update was (admitted by MITY themselves), lacking and was probably maybe 10ish minutes of content

I don't think they have some con scheme they're trying to do I just think they see all the money coming in from people each month (which only they can see now, by the way) from people who have made it clear that they will continue pledging even if there's nothing new for half a year, and therefore having no incentive or motivation to actually try to fix anything
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Mar 10, 2018
..some people complain when they get nothing. some complain when they get updates of any kind.
some just live to see conspiracy and "betrayal" behind every corner. and ofc point that out.

can't we just agree that news are news?
In a nutshell:

Devs give update: people mad
Devs stay silent: people mad

If anything im just glad it's not as bad as rouge-like lol


New Member
Jan 27, 2021
Does anyone know why my cursor would switch into a weird face thing? Happened during book 2 during a memory sequence and remains after reinstall. Attached is an image of the cursor.
Did you ever figure this out? Same thing just happened to me and maaaaan it's annoying!
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