Mr Secret

Dec 18, 2019
Idk what happened but the last update I've downloaded was 9.6b and now there's a 9.6d but I don't see a changelog for 9.6c or 9.6d so what I'm asking for specifically asking for is can someone tell me what was changed since 9.6b? I don't really care whether or not it's just fixes or if it's story addons. I GOTS TO KNOW YA KNOW? also Shady is future MC
It's mainly just fixes for bugs, no new content.


Dec 9, 2020
My memory on that part isnt clear, was that when we first meet bk2 Shady or bk3 Shady? Because the timeline is bk1, bk3, bk2, bk4.. but we experience bk2 and bk3 out of order.
first time we see shady is bk2 bk3 second bk4 third


May 19, 2021
No bk3 happens before the events of bk2. So bk3 is the first time we see Shady in the timeline. Like how Iroh was hiding out from the guards in bk3 love and then was imprisoned in bk2 love. Time travel makes things confusing and I wanted to be sure which event it was.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2019
No bk3 happens before the events of bk2. So bk3 is the first time we see Shady in the timeline. Like how Iroh was hiding out from the guards in bk3 love and then was imprisoned in bk2 love. Time travel makes things confusing and I wanted to be sure which event it was.
Naga has little regard for timeline, it seems just an option for her. If Shady is somehow snakish spirit, I see no problem with him appearing seemingly later and then go back just as MC does.


Jul 13, 2020
can anyone help to download
Umm...while on this thread, click on the little "1" underneath the word "Discussion".
Then scroll down a little, until you see the word "DOWNLOAD" and a bunch of links.
Click on any of the links next to the operating system you are using(ie: next to Win/Linux: for Windows. Or next to Mac: for a IMac) I prefer MEGA but you click whichever you like.
Depending on which link you choose, you may be bought directly to the site or you may be brought to a page warning you that you are leaving F95zone.
Next, either click on the DOWNLOAD button on the site or click on the CONTINUE TO MEGA button, then click on the DOWNLOAD button.
Wait until the download is finished.
Find and UnZip the game.
Double click the .EXE file.


May 19, 2021
Naga has little regard for timeline, it seems just an option for her. If Shady is somehow snakish spirit, I see no problem with him appearing seemingly later and then go back just as MC does.
The first time you see Shady (for him) in bk3 MC says "Shady! youre here" Shady: "Do I know you" MC: "We will" Shady: "I like that, Im going to use that line" paraphrasing it because I dont want to get the exact text but it should be close enough. So if Shady is jumping around too that means he intentionally pretended that bk3 was his first meeting to throw you off. But that also makes the Shady is MC theory weird if Shady wasnt pretending there, thats why I think if Shady is MC he has to be split. Shady didnt get all the memories so its like he knows half the story.

I feel like Im doing a bad job explaining, this is like some doctor who shit where some spoilers here but when the doctor meets his wife for the first time its her last time meeting. And for the doctors last meeting its her first meeting. The doctor and his wife experienced their timelines in complete reverse, his 2nd meeting with her was her 2nd to last meeting. Time travel makes all this confusing I wanted to be sure which event he meant.

For the timeline theres several events that happen in bk2 that they show were caused by bk3. Thats why the girls didnt get along in bk2 but they were together at the start of bk3. The events of bk3 caused them to drift apart.


New Member
May 27, 2020
That would explain his immortality, knowledge of what we need before we need it and if you pay attention MC starts acting more like Shady in later books but that might just be him rubbing off on him. Last update if I remember MC said something about selling stuff and then said "something something Im starting to think like Shady". Also in bk4 slave Shady needed you to grab him 4 elements stuff, that might have been because hes in a normal body? That could all just be red herrings though.

This gave me an interesting theory idea, what if MC splits like the snake lady did and the different routes are caused by which Shady got to influence events?
also in the cave while you are searching for the ring(bk4 love in jinora birthday) on the one of the paths you will see this and it's so suspicious!!!
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