
Active Member
Jan 11, 2018
It would suck, yes, but finding another coder would be way easier than finding an artist with the same style. Although the coder is responsible for a lot of the writing here too.

There will be a 5th chapter but it's an epilogue more than anything else. Because Mity only reads comments on his patreon, the only way to get more ATLA content is to join his patreon and be vocal about it. Right now most supporters ask about other, new projects and only a small minority (including me) asks about a refined book 1 and more content.
I doubt there will be a 5th girl though, you'd have to make up all of her story.
You know Desna is a boy, do you? ;)

Yeahhh, I just googled them, cuz I didn't watch Korra, and found that out.

Bummed now, but also now hopeful for incest scenes between the two :3

The only thing thats as good as having sex with twins, is twins having sex.


New Member
Oct 12, 2018
just hoping the current charpter to be big, It's the entire legend of korra in one charpter, maybe, and as far as it is it's only in the middle of the first season of it, theres a lot of characters that need to be add and a lot of story that can be done
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
MrPotatoParty also draw feet much better (though he does a few thing less well than MITY IMO), it's a weakness of MITY's art IMO, it's fine for book 1,2 and 4 but it was kinda grievous in book 3 where the main girl is Toph, a girl litteraly barefoot all the time.

Though both are still improving IMO.
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Active Member
Jan 11, 2018
Mr Potato party also draw feet much better (though it does a few thing less well than MITY IMO), it's a weakness of MITY's art IMO, it's fine for book 1,2 and 4 but it was kinda grievous in book 3 where the main girl is Toph, a girl litteraly barefoot all the time.

Though both are still improving IMO.
He even admitted it as a weakness in one of the art pack doohicks. Says he practiced his feet for Toph scenes.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2017

Hey folks just a quick little "how are you doing?" - update.
But first, if you're a patron in a tier with bughunt perks, don't forget to download the Halloween side story project which I uploaded today and please let me know about any bugs and or other weirdness you might encounter.

So I finally finished the Halloween side story and uploaded it today. For the next couple of days, I'll be killing bugs and hopefully adding/improving some things.
Finishing the bughunt today, felt a lot like coming up for air after diving. Wonderful! I've just finished answering a bunch of pm's which were all gathering dust.
I haven't done nearly the amount of stuff I wanted to, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy with the result. It was a crazy couple of weeks and I had a couple of bugs which were absolutely horrendous and at one time had me doing little dream tests.
That means I seriously wondered if I was dreaming and this was one of those unsolvable dreambugs which I encountered in my sleeping stages. So I tested whether I could do things I can't do in the real world, like breathing through a closed nose. I've never seen 3:00 AM (and later) appear on this much of a continual basis on my alarm clock.

I also started doing exercises before sleeping which someone told me would cut down heavily on my sleeping time without feeling sleepy the next day. Maybe those exercises are working or maybe I'm just on a weird sort of high, but I'm feeling dandy.
More importantly, the few times I talked with the coder is leading me to believe he's really been perking up. I'm still not 100% certain I can trust him on his word when he says he's doing great, but I'm feeling reasonably good about it.
I asked whether he wanted to play an early version of the bughunt build, assuring him it was entirely okay if he didn't feel like it yet, but he was all into it and sent me back a truly endless list with spelling mistakes. That's a good sign. Not for my spelling abilities, but it is for his energy levels.
Sooo I'll try and cross the t's and dot the i's of this mini side chapter and in a couple of days it'll be ready for a proper release! Just in time for Halloween.
The great thing about having to do this by yourself is, one: your really appreciate the stuff the coder has to go through. And second, when we're going back to our original routine where the coder codes and I just draw... it'll feel like a vacation to me : )
So yeah, sit tight until I can get all of oddities flattened and maybe add some stuff.
I'm feeling good, coder is feeling better and I hope you all feel awesome. Have a great (what's left of it anyway) weekend and talk to you later!

Hank Moody

Jul 6, 2017
I'll pass on the broken rushed awful Halloween side project

Despicable that it's only available if you pay 20 bucks

Pathetic tbh
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