
Apr 4, 2018
Its a shame that they'll see absolutely none of this feedback because their patron feed gets drowned by "its ok take all the time you need ill keep giving you guys money even if this game never gets updated again" posts every time they use another sob story as an excuse for the constant delays

I liked MITY, I really did. But it gets harder and harder to be anything but suspicious when pretty much every single update for the past few months (maybe even a year?) has followed the exact same pattern every time: Delays and excuses, usually involving some emotional issues that paints them as a victim allows them to do whatever they want and get a free pass because anyone who criticizes them is seen as an asshole/entitled


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2019
Its a shame that they'll see absolutely none of this feedback because their patron feed gets drowned by "its ok take all the time you need ill keep giving you guys money even if this game never gets updated again" posts every time they use another sob story as an excuse for the constant delays

I liked MITY, I really did. But it gets harder and harder to be anything but suspicious when pretty much every single update for the past few months (maybe even a year?) has followed the exact same pattern every time: Delays and excuses, usually involving some emotional issues that paints them as a victim allows them to do whatever they want and get a free pass because anyone who criticizes them is seen as an asshole/entitled
The fucking constant cock sucking on the Patreon is very annoying, I agree.
And if this update is delayed past the end of this month I'm canceling my pledge 100%. I stopped it during the 4th month delay last year. Coder can have burnout, I get it, but I'm not giving money away for that.
That being said, I do believe the Artist is genuine when he says the coder gives him bullshit timelines, then fails to deliver. Artist has said before that coder won't get back to him for a day or two. Probably email or discord and coder just ghosts. People can be like that.

I guess what I'm getting at is outrage is appropriate at times, it just seems like right now, with that last post, people think the dog was about the delay of the game. It wasn't. It was just about why there was no blog post with the art update.
Let's roast the mother fuckers when it's time, and shit even for the coder saying it was coming within a week 2 weeks ago. But not for something that's not related one way or the other towards the delay.


Game Developer
Oct 20, 2017
So, how do you guys think the last book will be like? I think they will visit the spirit world in a space that doesn't follow the rules of times and space, so that the final battle against the "Evil Spirit" every girl from past books join in, then end in a huge (and awesome) orgy with MC.


Jun 20, 2017
So, how do you guys think the last book will be like? I think they will visit the spirit world in a space that doesn't follow the rules of times and space, so that the final battle against the "Evil Spirit" every girl from past books join in, then end in a huge (and awesome) orgy with MC.
Not sure but I'm only excited cause it's Avatar Korra and I always thought she was the best looking female character I've seen, partially cause I love a girl with some muscle.


Game Developer
Oct 20, 2017
Not sure but I'm only excited cause it's Avatar Korra and I always thought she was the best looking female character I've seen, partially cause I love a girl with some muscle.
This isn't the last book, there will be a fifth, the book that will unite both routes into a single ending, which in my opinion is kind of stupid because there is no middle ground in slave and love route.
Feb 5, 2018
This isn't the last book, there will be a fifth, the book that will unite both routes into a single ending, which in my opinion is kind of stupid because there is no middle ground in slave and love route.
But what if I love my slave? :WeSmart:

Edit: Have you not seen Schindler's List? Amon Goeth love his jew slave.


Dec 4, 2017
I guess what I'm getting at is outrage is appropriate at times, it just seems like right now, with that last post, people think the dog was about the delay of the game. It wasn't.
Well you know what they say about the boy who cried wolves. I am not blaming artist for delay because his dog died. I blame him for coming up with excuses for coder. He even writes his posts now in a way that leaves coder an excuse to fcuk up another deadline. Like 'oh guys didn't I warn you?'. It's lame. If you see that coder is past schedule just say so. DON'T LIE TO US. Because he first lifts our expectations and then when coder fails...again... I feel like it's another 'oh surprise surprise guess who fcud up again?' It starts getting boring pretty soon
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Aug 13, 2017
The fucking constant cock sucking on the Patreon is very annoying, I agree.
And if this update is delayed past the end of this month I'm canceling my pledge 100%. I stopped it during the 4th month delay last year. Coder can have burnout, I get it, but I'm not giving money away for that.
That being said, I do believe the Artist is genuine when he says the coder gives him bullshit timelines, then fails to deliver. Artist has said before that coder won't get back to him for a day or two. Probably email or discord and coder just ghosts. People can be like that.

I guess what I'm getting at is outrage is appropriate at times, it just seems like right now, with that last post, people think the dog was about the delay of the game. It wasn't. It was just about why there was no blog post with the art update.
Let's roast the mother fuckers when it's time, and shit even for the coder saying it was coming within a week 2 weeks ago. But not for something that's not related one way or the other towards the delay.
No one is outraged though. Giving honest criticism, that's factually true, isn't "outrage". Calling it outrage helps nobody and is just a way to dismiss what's being said. Read one of my earlier posts, I said that as of right now they're coming really close to missing yet another month, that'll still be charged for, and as the month comes to an end do we get an explanation as to why the deadline for earlier this week or whenever they promised was missed? No, we get a post about the artists dog dying and in that post they say they don't feel like talking. How is this post, meant to be taken? Obviously if something as sad as that happened you'd allow for them to take time off, to grieve and whatever right? So if we call it out as yet another excuse given the timing of the post we're called assholes or outraged fans when in reality there's nothing in the track record from the past year that would allow me to believe it. They've been posting excuses along with missing deadlines since august or whenever it was they took that 4 month break and now we're just meant to believe a post because it has something sad written in it? I'll say this one last time, the update isn't going to come out this month and if it does then I'll gladly accept that I'm wrong however if I'm right that's another 20k in their pockets for delivering absolutely nothing...yet again.


Apr 4, 2018
Calling it now the next post is going to have a vague hint about one of them having the virus or at the very least "Im sick so it might be the virus so Im gonna take some time off just to make sure!"

Just imagine how many sympathy points that could buy them, they could delay the game for another 4 months
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Dec 4, 2017
I'll say this one last time, the update isn't going to come out this month and if it does then I'll gladly accept that I'm wrong however if I'm right that's another 20k in their pockets for delivering absolutely nothing...yet again.
Very well said and then again - for me(in my time zone) it's already 29th and two days won't make a difference to me. Even if they release "this month's update" on 31th 23:59:59 - it doesn't change anything to me they ruined my trust with this FAKE DEADLINES THAT THEY NEVER MEET! I mean I guess 95% of people in this thread who are following this game since last speptember and aware of developer's recent 'life problems' KNEW that they won't release it on time. Ofc many didn't want to accept that fact and secretly hoped for the best(like I did) but deep down they knew something is gonna change that will push release. But nobody expected this post about dog. I am a dog owner myself. And I had to put my dog down once and it's a horrible experience. But given the context and timing I feel betrayed that they used THIS to not explain why is there a delay. I would forgive almost every honest reason even if it was coder's 'burning out again' but this... I just don't know how to feel anymore.
So if we call it out as yet another excuse given the timing of the post we're called assholes or outraged fans
I think THAT spoiled it for me. That I have to choose - either I am an asshole who doesnt belive that dog died or I am a freaking SIMP who is raging about not getting fap material. So I loose in both ways if I follow THEIR narrative. And that attitude is WORSE that greed. That they make you feel bad for calling them out. It's like this move in modern cinema - if movie is bad and you say it's bad and won't watch it they call you a homophobe or a sexist or whatever that you didn't watch it.
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Feb 5, 2018
I am not blaming artist for delay because his dog died. I blame him for coming up with excuses for coder. He even writes his posts now in a way that leaves coder an excuse to fcuk up another deadline. Like 'oh guys didn't I warn you?'. It's lame. If you see that coder is past schedule just say so. DON'T LIE TO US. Because he first lifts our expectations and then when coder fails...again... I feel like it's another 'oh surprise surprise guess who fcud up again?' It starts getting boring pretty soon
Coder din't "miss" the deadline, he chose to completely ignore it and just continue.


Coder: "I actually do have a very mild cough but that's not holding me back. I realized that with so many people stuck at home our fans could really use some distraction and and I'm going back and making things more interesting I hope. I still haven't finished so going back and editing is probably not wise but I'm trying to do both."

Artist: "And that snippet is pretty much the gist of things. I'm as impatient as anyone else can be, but considering all the weirdness going on and still having a solid bit of time before April is here, I can see and agree with Rob's desire to try and create something better."

As you can read, the focus on "finishing" the build was ignored.
Feb 5, 2018
The Artist's dog dying is sad but NOT A VALID EXCUSE for the Coder to ignore a deadline and delay release to end of month or more.

From Bughunt to Bughunt. (ignoring bugfixed builds)
Last Build's Bughunt Version: Took 37 days to make and release. (31 Dec - 5 Feb)
Current Bughunt Build: 53 days, and counting. (6 Feb - ?)

This is not acceptable.
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Apr 4, 2018
Sometimes I think they are bluntly trolling us :unsure:
I dont think theyre trolling so much as coming to the realization that as long as they attach a vague story about any sort of troubles happening in their life the vast majority of their patrons are more than happy to give them a free pass to constantly delay builds and push out subpar ones when they feel like theyve stretched their luck long enough, and all it takes is a sappy "I know we had a long delay and that was unacceptable, you guys deserve better and we promise to be better" post afterwards and they can do it all again with zero accountability
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Aug 13, 2017
Very well said and then again - for me(in my time zone) it's already 29th and two days won't make a difference to me. Even if they release "this month's update" on 31th 23:59:59 - it doesn't change anything to me they ruined my trust with this FAKE DEADLINES THAT THEY NEVER MEET! I mean I guess 95% of people in this thread who are following this game since last speptember and aware of developer's recent 'life problems' KNEW that they won't release it on time. Ofc many didn't want to accept that fact and secretly hoped for the best(like I did) but deep down they knew something is gonna change that will push release. But nobody expected this post about dog. I am a dog owner myself. And I had to put my dog down once and it's a horrible experience. But given the context and timing I feel betrayed that they used THIS to not explain why is there a delay. I would forgive almost every honest reason even if it was coder's 'burning out again' but this... I just don't know how to feel anymore.

I think THAT spoiled it for me. That I have to choose - either I am an asshole who doesnt belive that dog died or I am a freaking SIMP who is raging about not getting fap material. So I loose in both ways if I follow THEIR narrative. And that attitude is WORSE that greed. That they make you feel bad for calling them out. It's like this move in modern cinema - if movie is bad and you say it's bad and won't watch it they call you a homophobe or a sexist or whatever that you didn't watch it.
I'll gladly be called whatever because I don't care so long as they read what I'm saying. If I'm wrong fine, good, whatever. However I know they're going to skip this month and prove me right. When that happens what will we be called then?
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