It's possible I'm in the minority here, but I find this book kinda....boring so far. Say what you want about slave, but we were trying to get Korra under control, dealing with the equalists, dealing with Lin, dealing with Zhu Li, dealing with the whole spirit snake plot, dealing with asami, managing jinora, helping out Pema, making training progress,and each step in the progress was tangible. Same for book 3.
I guess it's similar to book 2 love, where you went from a general in the army to...a relaxing vacation. Even in book 2 love, you were dealing with all of Azula's insanity, and the stuff with May and shady, who became one of the best characters.
Here? Everybody is just kinda chill. There's almost no conflict, no real overarching thrust for the plot, the actual airbending training takes a back seat, it's just being a therapist for Korra while groping her. Which is good.
But like the daily grind feels almost as uneventful as Book 1. Most of the conversations with the characters are boring EXCEPT for Korra, we're barely making progress with anyone ASIDE from Korra, even Katara isn't talking about all the interesting stuff she could be talking about.
Most of the conversations are "yo. sup. cool." A LOT of the usual humor and wisecraking is diminished. Book 4 slave had me laughing out loud constantly. This? eh. The guards arent as good as other guards.Even shady is barely here and doesn't say anything. "yo. sup."
Now, the stuff with Korra. I have a few issues. A lot of it is her giving a slow plot summary of LoK. Now, it's cool to use that to show how it affected her, and some of the more heartfelt moments are good, but it feels a little shallow and cliche. "I'm here for you!" It feels like they could delve a bit deeper here, like we did with, say, Toph.
The progress with her seems really fast. Like it feels like when were at this point with other main girls, we were near the end of the routes. Like, shels already stripping half naked for us, crying in front of us, and letting us dry hump her. Like she already trusts us completely and it feels like we're 1 step away from sex already. Feels a bit cheap. Like they just wanted to jhupmp into the lovey dovey heartfelt stuff immediately.
The setting basically makes it so there is no plot at all which doesn't do this any favors.
The minigames are ven more boring than usual, not only that, but usually you get a tangible prize fr winning, Now? not really. You get nothing for simon says and you dont really need the youth potions.
This IS just the start, and maybe it will pick up later, but so far? I like the start of slave WAY more than love. So farm this is the worst route since book 1(still WAAAAY better than book 1.
I still have hopes, and it also seems like I'm in the minority and most people like this a lot, so eh.
These are just my thoughts