I think the love route for book 3 is the best but I'm very biased. I agree however that the writing is awesome and I love seeing this side of Korra. Shes so sensitive and cute now. Its just a shame that she had to basically be physically and mentally tortured over the course of 3 seasons to stop being such a cunt.
The writing for the porn parody is even better than the actual show, hilariously. Korra actually wants to talk to her friends and be around them, and having an outlet for support in the MC makes her happy. It feels much more natural than the hamfisted lesbian overtones that shoved into the last two seasons in an attempt (which failed miserably) to make the ending feel like it wasn't a progressive points cashgrab (which it obviously was).
Mity is my favorite porn artist ever because of the writing he puts in his games. Its what makes the simple animations and scenes feel so much more rewarding than a more fluidly animated, yet meaningless porn short. I grew up on Shadbase, and while I will never forget my life-changing corruption that the Shadman instilled in me, Mity, in my opinion, does it better.
I've said this before, but I would buy this game for 60 dollars on Steam and not regret my purchase whatsoever.