Yeah, I get what you mean, that's fair enough, I'm probably biased too because I'm a sucker for the fire nation trio and Azula fucking Zuko in general.
Honestly the first book's two route aren't THAT different from each other IMO.
We all have our pairings. Personally I think Toph with Zuko, and especially Sokka, is the right way to go. Even Aang would have been acceptable, due to her desire for freedom and her obvious need for support in her life, but also independence. Aang and Katara make a great couple, but I am of the opinion Aang and Toph would have worked fine too.
I don't really have a specific reason for Toph and Zuko pairing up, but it just seems like it would be cute.
Toph and Sokka was clearly set up in canon in the first show, and I really thought, since they just dropped Suki off the fucking edge of the map in Korra, it would be Tokka canon, but no, they just put her with an anon and some fucking loser nobody ever heard of.
Back on topic though, I think we can all agree that, unless we just genuinely enjoy enslaving and abusing these characters for whatever reason, commit the acts of the slave route against our personal Avatar Waifu is unpleasant at best and downright depressing at worst.