so far the errors and the repetitive question to everybody are the worst part of it,...if you take that put is pretty damn straightforward not so much complication ,....the scriptis okish more for a juvenile fanbase than for any adult ,....
but the felling i have after playing the last update is that the mc is like in neutral gear,he doesnt know if he is a simp or something else,....but im confus ,,,,,in the first chapter tessa tell the mc he can trust the trillonaire asshole,and beware of the agent of chaos,but in the last update she totally tell him that this "thing" isnt any good and he need to be carefull aorund him,, wich one of is the true, is okishh ,like a 3 out of 5 nothing mmore ,bcs there is nothing amzing to called upon it or to remember ,.....a sjame i really was wiating for ths update to be something else,........