Hey can you spcify the steps
You mean how to do all planting stuff? Well,first you should change at the second floor in the barn,then go downstairs on the first floor and take the stuff in the three corners ( barrels with seeds;watering can and garden shovel) and then go to speak with the fairy outside! After the fairy leaves,you will need to step in every marked spot to do all planting - now here comes the difficult part - there are 2 places for every type seed you need to plant and after stepping into the spot you will be telled by Philip every time you finish some of the stuff,what need to do next - for example: stepping into the spot Philip says need to plant the seeds for berries,then move him to the 1st of two big places for berries and start by using your mouse or both your mouse and the keyboard arrows to do exactly step by step by step by step all the time while wallking and putting seeds all around the two big places for that type,then when it's finally say it's 100% you will need to go back to the lightning spot where Philip will this time tell you that he need to put the seeds(first one is actually digging not planting seeds),then go back to that big places and start doing the same thing once again,after once again reach 100% go back to the lightning spot and Phillip will say that now need to use water,again go back and do the same like before to put water,the water is actually looks like it doesn't need necessary to be at 100% because at some point the seeds start grow up and then you can either decide to just leave them like that or take them but if you take them make sure you don't start to plant the same place again and move to the next one you still didn't do... It's a bit annoying and it takes some time till do every place like this but once you finish planting all types of seeds the game will proceed and after some scenes with the fairy that will come to the barn after Philip finish his job and some choices you decide to do,a bit after that you will finally start playing with Issabela,where everything is much more easilly then with stupid Phillip

I wish there is more Issabella and less Philip stuff but guess next time it will be like that since at the end of this update you will finish with playing Issabela(after of course 1st completing all stuff and making your choices with her)
PS: I forgot to mention that there is also two places where after stepping into the lightning spot you will see wallking marks where you need to step into to plant the seeds - the first one is quite a big and you will no miss it...the second one is near the trees so you should look carefully!