RPGM - Completed - Free Fuck Ticket~The day that all girls around became my SEX toy~[v1.01] [Bosom Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


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    This game is a masterpiece. Be it design, animation, conversation/storytelling or playability; it is truly one of it's kind.

    I have yet to see any game that had me disgusted at the start but changed my mind completely on both the disgusting parts and the protag itself. The game offers exceptionally well written story that makes sense 90% of the time, which might as well be 110% considering its in the porn game industry. The drawings are well thought out and relatively attractive, not to mention that almost every scene is animated to the T, that is, exceptionally smooth for the chosen drawing style.

    I rarely give any rating to a game that has little to no kinks, especially if it doesn't contain any of the kink trifecta for me personally (feet/ntr/pregnancy) but this game is beyond all that. It does have some extreme parts here and there but they are not given the spotlight and most of the action is just pure sex. Despite all that, it took me 3 hours before I was too tired to continue.

    Having said all that, this is a game I highly recommend buying if you want to support the team behind it, as they are likely to put games in similar quality with all that support. (y)

    TL;DR exceptional game for the adult game industry, quite frankly one of the best games we'll see in 2024.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. Recommend for anyone who likes the fat ugly guy kink. Personally I find the fat ugly guy MC to be repulsive in some scenes so I couldn't finish the game. But I made it to Gold member so I nearly completed it. That being said it was a really good game that doesn't beat around the bush and accomplishes everything it sets out to do. You get sex from start to finish. Lady gives x 3 free fuck tickets everyday to MC and you can use them on any girl within range of your cheat Dish on top of your home. Any girl who recieves the ticket will let you fuck and or rape them, no consequences for anything you do to them after giving them the ticket. Animations are really good, like i said, some of the kinks aren't my style but the game does them well I think. Don't take this game to seriously though, story and plot-wise it's clearly a porno with porno logic. Why these girls take the tickets is beyond me, that's the problem with the fat ugly guy kink, no girl in their right mind, would willingly take anything from a fat, smelly, ugly guy, but for whatever reason they do. Writers plot armor I suppose. All the MC ever really does is presents the ticket to these girls, they never actually take the ticket, so the transaction that is implied from the condition of being "handed" the ticket is never really completed. So the plot has more holes in it than swiss cheese. None of these girls would actually be getting raped by MC because the conditions are never actually met. but thanks to the power of plot armor, the game treats presenting a ticket to a pretty girl, to be the equivalent of them accepting it and taking it from the MC. So every girl gets raped when presented a ticket no matter what. So I took 1 star off for the story/ plot, but everything else about this game is really good. Give it a try. You won't regret it if you like the kinks in it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is decent and the setup/gameplay is solid. However, the game delves into some fetishes that might not be for most people. For example, there are armpit and butthole licking scenes and while I get some people might like that, I don't and the scenes will drag on way too long with no skip option. So if you're like me and licking weird places isn't you're thing, you still have to spend several minutes clicking or even longer if you choose to set it to auto so you don't have to look at it, trying to get out of the scene.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the game. Gameplay is plain and simple, just talk to the girls and have sex with them. You can do this 3 times a day. Progression is simple as well, just have sex with a certain amount of girls per rank and then you will rank up. The higher your rank, the more girls you can have sex with. The sex scenes are also hot (except for the scat, rimjob, and pissing scenes.) There's no unnecessary grinding needed, which is a huge plus. This is a game made solely for fapping.

    The only thing that's preventing me from giving this game a 5/5 star is the MC, and also the disgusting scenes (scat, rimjob, pissing, etc.). I'm not a big fan of the disgusting fat ugly bastard genre. This may just be my preference, but the game would've been better overall if the MC was just your typical hentai neet protagonist with an average face and average body, instead of a fat ugly bastard.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like it.

    The story is good for a porn game and it doesn´t try to be anything more.

    The gameplay is just talk to a girl and give a ticket then fuck them, I think anything else would have made the game worse this story doesn´t need any other gameplay elements.

    The sex scenes have amazing art and the "animations" look beautiful, I also like the sex sound effects.

    The character have very good art design and I like most of the personalities, they aren´t really deep but I don´t mind becuase there are a lot of girls.

    The music is fitting but very generic.

    The translation is pretty good but there are some errors but I was never annoyed or bothered by it.

    If you like the concept of the story or the art style I would really recommend it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly the hottest scenarios were the ones were the girls were willing, author is half pushing his fetishes in the game, but I can appreciate art I guess, for example having the option to give the girl in the business suit a ticket at the beginning even if it fails I taught, man this guy gets it, too extreme at times but not a bad game due to how many different girls there are.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Runner's Fate

    A lot of scat scenes, though generally optional - you get a translated warning. Picking the wrong (right) one will make you see the scat scene if you're (not) into that.

    Otherwise good variety of girls, but you can't really otherwise control the moves. Definitely an once-play through of about 90 minutes if you rush it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is basically non existent, but it makes up for it with how good the scenes are. Probably one of the best games on the site if you are looking for rimjob, urination, and corruption content. The scat is avoidable which is also great.

    I am only giving it a 4 because I think there are simply too many girls. Each one only gets 2-4 scenes and I would have much rather had half as many girls but with 4-8 scenes each for more corruption development.
    Likes: Pingy
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a weird one.

    As you can tell from the preview images you play as an ugly bastard and some of the scenes are quite nasty. There is scat which can be avoided (thank god) but there's plenty of piss stuff and ass eating (which causes one of the poor girls to vomit multiple times as she's doing it) which is not avoidable and not my cup of tea.

    When the art isn't depicting something utterly grotesque it's alright and there's a fun variety of girls and positions. Corruption is also handled in a pretty fun way, it pretty much always starts with rape (believe it or not there are exceptions tho) but a couple of the girls will essentially end up saying "ticket pls".

    In short you can look at the preview images and know if there's something for you to enjoy here or not
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a literal CG Hunt. You just walk around a map that's way too big, talk to the women at the right time (game gives you hints) and you see the scene. That's it.

    Hypnotism is the kind where the girl has consciousness but they believe everything the MC makes them believe. It's pretty run of the mill and nothing special happens in particular. The story for certain girls gets fleshed out but not everyone gets that treatment unfortunately.

    Art is good and unique - not just how they draw girls but the animation style is like a rough gif. There's no voice acting which the most unfortunate part.

    There is no difference between a full save and actually playing through this "game", so just save yourself the trouble.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A really great game. At first I was disgusted by the MC but it adds to the rape-theme. This game has some of the hottest scenes and girls ever, and it's a lot of fun that you can explore the open world by yourself and decide for yourself with whom you do it with.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I was turned off by a lot of the scenes due to how disgusting the MC is.

    Scat is optional by the way but a lot of the piss content is not.
    I had to turn the game off multiple times.

    However, the scenes are well-drawn and the corruption is hot. If we ignore the fact the MC doesn't clean himself and the weird Japanese sexual obsession with virginity, I'd enjoy it more.

    There's also a lot of virgin blood scenes which also turns me off.

    Still a 4/10 overall due to the art, gameplay, and story. It's a smooth experience overall and content-wise, I'm not the target demographic but this game aims to hit many different audiences and kinks. It's a well-made game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Yup. A straight up nukige.

    Story 3/10

    You're a fat slob who imagisturbates to every woman you come across when you get home. You're selected to a magical Sex Ticket which you can give to any woman who will immediately have consensual sex with you.

    This ticket is frankly amazing. It alters the mind of the target to not be able to resist you and your words become their reality. Force them to say they love you, and they'll actually believe that they love you.

    Another effect is that the world also believes that anything you do is fine. Sex in the middle of the street? Fine. Late to work because you were having sex? Fine. Shitting on someone's face in public? Fine. Everything is acceptable during and after you give the ticket.

    Beyond that, there's no real story. Each of the main women have a mini-progression story, with the aforementioned mind altering effects. You can get a woman to be a masochist, you can get a woman to desire poo in the face, you can get a woman to act like a baby. Not real story but mind corruption.

    Gameplay 2/10

    It's an RPGM nukige. You get 3 tickets a day to walk around and give and fuck women. There's a day and night where different women come out on different days/time.

    There's brozen/silver/gold card where you increase the range of your ticket giving ability, but that's just locking content behind content.

    There's a catalogue with hints, which is nice to know where to go and when you're done.

    Art 8/10

    The art is really good. I like the style quite a lot. It's not exactly animation but a loop of pictures per phase and it really just works well.

    There's some fetishes that come up such as urination and ass licking, but it's mostly vanilla.

    The number of girls is quite high.

    Overall 5/10

    I don't think I'll ever rate a nukige very high. Because at its core a nukige is not really a game. The story and gameplay are just never going to be there.

    That being said, this game is hot. The art is great and the fetishes/minor corruption is nice.

    There are a few girls who don't even need a ticket and those are the best scenes.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Way more content than I expected!
    This artist had a lof of this type of content drawn over the years, so I expected this game to be a kinda lazy-ass compilation of his previous art. It's not.
    I rate this 4 because, I personally would prefer less girls but more content with each of them. More depth to the characters, kinda.
    Still very good. Play it!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I really hate rpgs. Grind for hours, read stupid stories for a couple H-scenes> but... This one good af. Its short (few hours), very funny story and setting. ANd its simple. Try it out, if u're not satisfied in 30-40 mins just drop it/
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Loads of animations with varying poses, but a good amount of content I'm not interested in.

    Story is simple enough to get things going,
    characters have varying personalities and reactions though.
    Character designs have a lot of variety.
    Animations are basic and messy, but allows for more of them.
    Mechanics are simple, just find and interact with girls.
    Plenty of NPCs.

    A good amount of unavoidable piss and rim job content (personally not interested).
    MC is a pathetic loser. 0/10 Too accurate.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay 5/5
    This game uses RPGmaker which in my experience usually means that the gameplay sucks. The devs apparently also understood that and avoided any fiddly combat systems or something similar. This is a walking simulator and that is about the only thing you should use RPGmaker for.

    Art 4.5/5
    Very good art with a ton of different girls. Only negative: Later scenes for the same girls often reuse art assets with new text,

    Story 1/5
    Yeah this has no real story. Like seriously.

    Overall 4/5
    Why? This game knows what it want to do and does it well. No unneeded gimmicks, this is essentially a walking simulator where you choose scenes.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great artwork, great stories, all content and no grind.

    Make sure to use the catalog in the escape menu if you are missing someone.

    This game also contains a lot of kinks, similar to Nyuu's work other places on the internet.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Only thing to make it better would be if all sex scenes were fully animated, still pretty decent, one of the few rpg maker games I actually bothered to finish, mostly since it doesn't waste your time with pointless story and just gets you straight to the good stuff, it still takes some time to finish and find all the girls but art is pretty good so it's a good reward, not that it takes a lot of time to finish, in fact it could have been longer and have even more girls, highly recommended.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I downloaded this game out of curiosity. It has many disgusting and ugly scenes that I thought I would never like but they are so HOT they transcend the disgust. Art style is very unique. Gameplay on the other hand is very standard for rpgm (walk up get a scene), but it works well with the plot. Story is good for such simple setting.
    Art 4.5/5
    Story - 4/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Originality 5/5