
Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
And re time jumps - a little bit of tidying up of structure might help. I totally understand you saying that Yoon won't start having sex with strangers immediately. If you follow the AWAM thread then you might have seen me arguing IN FAVOUR of time jumps of 1-2 weeks which especially if early on would have made that storyline more plausible. And it is the same way with Yoon.

Just think how you introduce these time jumps and how you explain the passage of time. I personally did find the time jump in previous episode a bit confusing but a lot of that was down to the automated montage which I personally did nt love.

And the jump back in time to show young Michelle and young Andrew, and also to show the threesome with Michelle's birth mum - to me they were obviously flashbacks. But to others maybe you need to make it clearer by saying e.g. "10 years ago" and "20 years ago" (or whatever the respective period of the two flashbacks were), and at the end of the flashback, put a screen showing e.g. Present Day - Day 52 (or whatever day you are jumping back to).

Then if you were to add any time jumps forward, try and say something like "two weeks later - Day 66" and maybe include a brief one o two lines of test explaining what happened in that time jump e.g. "Yoon was busy working and the next time she was able to meet Jasmine for coffee, a fortnight had rushed by" etc and then you could cut to Yoon and Jas having coffee....

Just some random thoughts that may help make time period of the story easier to understand. But try not to skip back and forward to much between Days. Have time jumps but then continue the story linearly forward from there. Have some flashbacks to important events that we or Yoon may not have seen but make them clear.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
Okay, I am not complaining or blaming anyone but I do feel like I am shaped, restricted, molded here. It is like I can't do what I like I MUST do what they like. I MUST follow what other do! From where I am, I am disciplined to treat the fan like no.1. But even from my standard, I feel like I have to become slave for everyone demand/needs, I must satisfy everyone, if I want to make a game in 2021.
Pretty much every scene in this game is either avoidable or has an alternate. Keep making the game as you envision it, we're here because we like the ride so far. As long as the player keeps having a choice in what scenes they get I don't see what the problem is with you making a few that I or someone else wouldn't like.
Having said that I really appreciate how much you take feedback seriously, I think it shows a lot of love for your game. You've got a great vision so far though, an interesting storyline and some excellent characters. Don't let the negative nancys take away your drive from it


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
I find that choice confusing for instance :
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I think a lot of confusing is due to translation, but not only. The general flow of the game is not so smooth, the mafia subplot feels disconnected for example.

Also the big jump to day 64 or so, erasing some past events is quite confusing.

Overall the game is good but needs some polishing in the writing and translation. Good luck (y)
Jan 28, 2019
The game is a bit of a cluster fuck. I don't know what is going on sometimes, because shit just happens, seemingly without any input on my part.

Following a mostly "good wife" path, and with 0 points with Joseph (and nearly 0 interaction also, as I didn't stay at the pool and there was no house party), I made tea for him and Michelle, and then excused myself.
Then you get Joseph's line "I need to go to the restroom," but then instead of any encounter or anything, it goes to some weird cut scene of me crying outside Michelle's door, and meeting the work people, etc. And then it jumps to day 64, Michelle is talking to me again, and there is a strong implication that I did something with Joseph. Followed by a scene where Michelle tells me Joseph is leaving, and asks if I want to stop him, if I have feelings for him.

What the fuck just happened? That is a massive time jump (from day 3 to day 64), with all sorts of implications about, and choices to be made about, a path I am not on?

The entire game, with how it narrates its story, already feels disjointed. But I could look past that as just the dev's writing style. But a change like this, and I have no idea what is going on.

edit: I( want to make it clear, I'm not just playing the game for a fap. I play these games for the characters, story and plot as well.
And I know time jumps will happen. That makes sense.
But there didn't seem to be a reason for the jump, and I still don't understand where I am or where I am going.

Also, such a huge time jump eliminates chances for character interactions. As an example, Michelle's friend Zoe. Don't join them in the pool, and you seem to miss out on anything with her. In that 61 days that just get skipped, has there never been a single other possible instance where Yoon could have met, talked to, or otherwise spent time with her?
What about Daniel? On day 3, she is still shook up about his proposition. Then a two month time skip, where we assume... they just don't talk about his proposition?

I feel like every choice risks locking you into, or locking you out of, a path or potential paths, but some things are hard scripted to that the game assumes something happened.
And I boil back to my example with Joseph. How did it go from tea, to 61 day time skip, to him and Michelle broke up and Yoon is terrified Michelle will hate her because of... something... that somehow involves Joseph, to Joseph leaving forever and Michelle asking me if I have feelings for him... when I have no interactions with him, no points with him, and no clue how this scenario, from a story perspective, came to happen?
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Jun 13, 2020
Yes, Zoe does love Yoon. But with her it's mostly about sex, by the looks of it so far. She can help Yoon on her journey of discovery about her sexuality. I'm not sure what she could contribute as a long time partner in a (poly) relationship or the support she could offer Yoon. Yes, she is still young and has room to grow. Now as she is, I just can't see her in the endgame. If we are going for a harem scenario, then you can count her in. And you could throw in even Tamara. :)
In my playthrough Yoon is dominant and the pillow fight is pretty sweet, even when Jas lets Yoon win, you can see the love and tenderness. :) And it could lead to an interesting dynamic between them, for example when Yoon takes Jasmine's cigarette. ;)
What is Yoon to Michelle after she discards of Joseph? Step mom? Friend? Close friend? There was a lot of potential, but where do we stand now and where does it lead to. I think more development needs to happen. I am looking forward to it. ;)
Also, according to the dev, not all characters will make it to the finish line. I wouldn't be surprised if Zoe served only as a stepping stone for Yoon.
Prefacing this by saying 100% yes on Jasmin and Yoon no matter what else happens, I am a sucker for that old "platonic friends to lovers" teen movie trope born anew in lesbian romance.

I know I am a bit in the minority it seems on Team Zoe here, but given that I have been the dominant partner in a happy and healthy poly relationship with multiple people for 4 US Presidents now, i admit my perspective is very divergent from the average player, perhaps I'm feeling a kinship with her that others are not. Ill try to explain what I see and think After Choices is angling for (they can correct me if they wish) based on the scenes we have so far.

What Zoe is, is a dominant lesbian. Young or not, age doesn't really factor into that "awakening" or level of experience (some people take to it really quick, others not so much). She is probably used to people assuming she is "too young" to have serious feelings about others, and possibly she doesn't always take her relationships seriously as a defense mechanism.

But with Yoon there is more too it, you can see it when she is confronted in the laundromat. the body language screams it. But she's not dominant in the "dominatrix" tv trope sense, she is in charge of her "queendom" and anyone in her orbit accepts that, she's not a bitch about it, but she is the dominant partner in her relationships. She's not running around cracking whips or putting people in handcuffs (yet) she's acting more like a dominant actually does irl (vs tv tropes and bad Twilight Fanfic turned movie).

She's pushing Yoon just enough to push her out of her comfort zone, a comfort zone which is clearly making her unhappy, but not enough to push her too hard or too fast so she breaks. she's expecting Yoon to be honest with herself plain and simple, and she's not going to let her lie about her feelings. Zoe is doing what Zoe does, taking charge and guiding Yoon to where she needs to be.

In Yoon's case, Yoon is wildly submissive, there is not a dominant bone in her body up to this point and that calls to Zoe, but not in a caveman sex brain way. Its hard to explain if you haven't experienced it.

I've replayed the scenes with her and Yoon in the Laundromat and at her apartment a couple times and there is more there than just sex, Zoe is frustrated with Yoon, she knows what she wants, she knows Yoon wants it too but she wants Yoon to admit it. Yes she clearly wants sex with Yoon but the way she acts is telegraphing her intentions.

Zoe has no doubt Yoon is into her but she is afraid to express it, that frustrates Zoe because she is way into Yoon as well and just want's Yoon to admit it to herself finally. Clearly when she asks Yoon "I am asking... What... do.... you want?" she is frustrated because she has romantic feelings for Yoon and wants to take care of her, to take over and keep her safe and happy because Yoon is making a mess of things (In Zoe's mind). But Yoon keeps hesitating to let go of the things that make her miserable (a sexless marriage for example). That makes Zoe frustrated because its Yoon sending mixed signals, one minute the "good wife" the next she is hunting Zoe down and asking why she wont talk to her when Zoe tries to leave her alone.

She even went so far as to get a Yoon stand in as a roommate/plaything. If Yoon was just sex to her Zoe would not act the way she did. she had a Yoon style sexdoll already, Yoon would have been a distant memory. not someone who has the ability to force her to close down to protect herself. Even once they are in the bedroom, she doesn't force Yoon but she pushes her comfort zone. Lets not forget Yoon is clearly into it, she kisses Zoe back eagerly once they start making out

As for What she can offer. she can offer the dominance that Yoon is craving, even though Jasmine can also be dominant, I don't see her as being very strict with Yoon long term. it seems more of a "session" based dominance where as Zoe is more of a lifestyler.

As for Michelle, I see an "enhanced" mother daughter relationship with benefits since Michelle's mother situation is totally messed up (unless the birth mothers get redemption and a chance to atone). Despite her reluctance in the beginning Michelle has really warmed up and opened up to Yoon and I think finally realizes that Yoon loves her like a daughter, more than her own mothers anyway. She has been the only mother Michelle has known for most of her life.
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Jun 13, 2020
Okay, I am not complaining or blaming anyone but I do feel like I am shaped, restricted, molded here. It is like I can't do what I like I MUST do what they like. I MUST follow what other do! From where I am, I am disciplined to treat the fan like no.1. But even from my standard, I feel like I have to become slave for everyone demand/needs, I must satisfy everyone, if I want to make a game in 2021.

This is your story to tell, dont let me or anyone else tell you how to write it.

You wont please everyone, some people will accept that the story you tell isnt for them, some will decide to be shitty about it and bully you and some will love it.

The solution is to just do you, write the story you want, its ok to listen to people and take their suggestions if you like them, but this is your creative process and you decide how the story goes.

Anyone who wants to tell a different story can do what you did, learn Ren'py and Daz and create their own.

Keep your chin up and keep telling the story. Clean up bits here and there when you feel the need. rewrite stuff if you feel like it, but dont stop telling the story you want to tell because some people are not enjoying it as much as others.
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
Okay, I am not complaining or blaming anyone but I do feel like I am shaped, restricted, molded here. It is like I can't do what I like I MUST do what they like. I MUST follow what other do! From where I am, I am disciplined to treat the fan like no.1. But even from my standard, I feel like I have to become slave for everyone demand/needs, I must satisfy everyone, if I want to make a game in 2021.
Remember that many of use are most interested in seeing where your vision takes us. We need a hug emoji.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Speaking from personal experience here, I know that this feeling can be quite crippling for one's creativity and mental state in general, so believe me when I say that this sucks.
Honestly though, sometimes, you just gotta tune out people and do your thing. Will it piss off someone? Probably, yes. Is there a chance it might backfire? Certainly! But what's the alternative? If you were to give into everyone's demands for content etc, it wouldn't be YOUR game anymore. You'd simply be the idiot who does the work for people with certain preferences which may well divert from what YOU want.
And really, that's the whole point of games in general: Tell a story THE DEVELOPER want to tell. Sure, you do get feedback on sites like f95 which can even be of a certain value to the overall game. But at the end of the day, it's still you who calls the shots on plot, characters etc. You just gotta remember that :)
Well said, Nevrius.
One could say that AC entered this market already at a disadvantage in the eyes of many players/critics. A female protagonist who is not of US/Northern European background and furthermore is on a path of awakening and exploration, not one of corruption and destruction. To be honest, that uncommon perspective is what attracted me to Free Pass in the first place.

I could see someone offering constructive criticism in the sense of, "based upon my own experience with people in the west, said NPC would probably do X rather Y." I'd consider "Based upon my understanding of Yoon so far, I was a little surprised she did A," or "I'd like to see Yoon do Z at some point*."

I've definitely seen a few developers fall into that trap where they seem to give up most of their own plans and cater to the wills of those who pay the most (or who are the loudest). It is rather saddening and disappointing to see that. Others incorporate patron input by say, "I have a number of scenes I have all planned out, but which ones would you like to see first." That's a way of listening to patron feedback I can easily respect.

I, myself am planning on designing a few games told from a polyamorous perspective. I know it will get grief from the NTRphobic, because the polyamorous mindset would probably feel like "cucking" to them. I hope to be effective in showing that is is something very different, but I know that some will not see. I will need to rely on the knowledge that this is being told based upon my first and second hand experience at the core to keep me focused. I hope and pray that AC will be able to do the same for Free Pass.

*I initially used "D" as the variable, but that would sound too much like "All about the D," and using "E" would imply I wanted Yoon to take Ecstasy.
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
Prefacing this by saying 100% yes on Jasmin and Yoon no matter what else happens, I am a sucker for that old "platonic friends to lovers" teen movie trope born anew in lesbian romance.
I get that--some of my best relationships started off as friendship first.
I know I am a bit in the minority it seems on Team Zoe here, but given that I have been the dominant partner in a happy and healthy poly relationship with multiple people for 4 US Presidents now, i admit my perspective is very divergent from the average player, perhaps I'm feeling a kinship with her that others are not. Ill try to explain what I see and think After Choices is angling for (they can correct me if they wish) based on the scenes we have so far.
You and me both. Congratulations on the 4 Presidents' worth of stability. I've only become active in the kink community over the last few years, so none of my relationships fit formally into the D/s dynamic. At one point, I had a submissive GF, but I was still too new to the dynamic to really engage it fully.
What Zoe is, is a dominant lesbian. Young or not, age doesn't really factor into that "awakening" or level of experience (some people take to it really quick, others not so much). She is probably used to people assuming she is "too young" to have serious feelings about others, and possibly she doesn't always take her relationships seriously as a defense mechanism.
There are some who seem to take the old "Gor-esque" model that all men should be dominant, all women should be submissive. As such, lesbians have often had to deal with ignorant question, "Who's 'the man' in the relationship?" Not every lesbian relationship needs to be "Butch/Fem," no matter what the popular media wanted us to believe. There is a certain freedom in already being on the fringe of what societal norms are to explore with those dynamics. Butch/Butch and Fem/Fem works just as well. I feel it might be why we have so many Pagan Poly Pansexuals in the community.

That said, I remember how one of my V relationships had my partner coming to me to vent, because her relationship with her other partner was a struggle for taking on the dominant role. Dom/Dom didn't work quite as well.

But with Yoon there is more too it, you can see it when she is confronted in the laundromat. the body language screams it. But she's not dominant in the "dominatrix" tv trope sense, she is in charge of her "queendom" and anyone in her orbit accepts that, she's not a bitch about it, but she is the dominant partner in her relationships. She's not running around cracking whips or putting people in handcuffs (yet) she's acting more like a dominant actually does irl (vs tv tropes and bad Twilight Fanfic turned movie).

Related to the other paragraph, but probably better shared here, those "old timers" in the community quite often see young men who have been inspired by reading or seeing a few fantasy BDSM materials and come into the community assuming that they're uber-doms by virtue of their gender and presentation (I had to work on the best word for that). I've heard the term "Dommie McDomdom" used for such young guys.
She's pushing Yoon just enough to push her out of her comfort zone, a comfort zone which is clearly making her unhappy, but not enough to push her too hard or too fast so she breaks. she's expecting Yoon to be honest with herself plain and simple, and she's not going to let her lie about her feelings. Zoe is doing what Zoe does, taking charge and guiding Yoon to where she needs to be.
Our mentors do not to be older than us. We have much to learn from the experience of those younger than us.
In Yoon's case, Yoon is wildly submissive, there is not a dominant bone in her body up to this point and that calls to Zoe, but not in a caveman sex brain way. Its hard to explain if you haven't experienced it.
I understand. Often there is an "energy" that comes into play that identifies those dynamics. One of my friends was considering me for a partner of some sort, but she needed a certain level of domination energy, and I don't have enough of it for her needs. On the other hand, I knew one woman who told me that she knew within minutes whether or not she would go to bed with a man. I feel it was based upon that dynamic, and unfortunately, when I was in close contact with her, she tended to respond to men who did NOT respect her boundaries. Not just nudging them to help her explore, but actually crossing the boundaries and engaging her submissive side without negotiation or explicit consent.
I've replayed the scenes with her and Yoon in the Laundromat and at her apartment a couple times and there is more there than just sex, Zoe is frustrated with Yoon, she knows what she wants, she knows Yoon wants it too but she wants Yoon to admit it. Yes she clearly wants sex with Yoon but the way she acts is telegraphing her intentions.

Zoe has no doubt Yoon is into her but she is afraid to express it, that frustrates Zoe because she is way into Yoon as well and just want's Yoon to admit it to herself finally. Clearly when she asks Yoon "I am asking... What... do.... you want?" she is frustrated because she has romantic feelings for Yoon and wants to take care of her, to take over and keep her safe and happy because Yoon is making a mess of things (In Zoe's mind). But Yoon keeps hesitating to let go of the things that make her miserable (a sexless marriage for example). That makes Zoe frustrated because its Yoon sending mixed signals, one minute the "good wife" the next she is hunting Zoe down and asking why she wont talk to her when Zoe tries to leave her alone.
The way you present it reminds me a lot of "Childhood friend"/sister dynamics in some games (Like Sunshine Love). The dynamic is there, but upbringing and social norms can get in the way. That partner I spoke of earlier. She came to me for advice at one point as their relationship was developing because she suffered from, what she called "Lesbian Sheep Syndrome," where they both grew up with expectations that the man was to take the first step, and both were waiting for the other to make that first step.
She even went so far as to get a Yoon stand in as a roommate/plaything. If Yoon was just sex to her Zoe would not act the way she did. she had a Yoon style sexdoll already, Yoon would have been a distant memory. not someone who has the ability to force her to close down to protect herself. Even once they are in the bedroom, she doesn't force Yoon but she pushes her comfort zone. Lets not forget Yoon is clearly into it, she kisses Zoe back eagerly once they start making out

As for What she can offer. she can offer the dominance that Yoon is craving, even though Jasmine can also be dominant, I don't see her as being very strict with Yoon long term. it seems more of a "session" based dominance where as Zoe is more of a lifestyler.
For a moment though, with my editor underscoring "lifestyler" for spelling, I originally thought "The Lifestyle," swinging. Yes, I see your point. I have met many in the kink community who just do scenes, but largely leave it on the shelf between those sessions. I know one Master/slave-slave household in Scotland. I only see them on Zoom, but it feels like they are 24/7.
As for Michelle, I see an "enhanced" mother daughter relationship with benefits since Michelle's mother situation is totally messed up (unless the birth mothers get redemption and a chance to atone). Despite her reluctance in the beginning Michelle has really warmed up and opened up to Yoon and I think finally realizes that Yoon loves her like a daughter, more than her own mothers anyway. She has been the only mother Michelle has known for most of her life.
As a poly person, I can't help but think that if Michelle had been younger when Yoon entered her life, she would have had no problem having another mom. My own son saw my wife's boyfriend as a second father (I was not absent, unlike Michelle's mom). My two youngest grandchildren were birthed by my daughter's wife at the time. They grew up knowing they had two mothers (one mom, the other mommy, if memory serves), they were able to realize that their birth mother had problems and have treated my daughter's now husband as a father.

Since Michelle was already disappointed with her biological mother, she wanted her biological mother to atone, not have her father bring in another mother for her. "Not the Momma!"
This is your story to tell, dont let me or anyone else tell you how to write it.

You wont please everyone, some people will accept that the story you tell isnt for them, some will decide to be shitty about it and bully you and some will love it.

The solution is to just do you, write the story you want, its ok to listen to people and take their suggestions if you like them, but this is your creative process and you decide how the story goes.

Anyone who wants to tell a different story can do what you did, learn Ren'py and Daz and create their own.

Keep your chin up and keep telling the story. Clean up bits here and there when you feel the need. rewrite stuff if you feel like it, but dont stop telling the story you want to tell because some people are not enjoying it as much as others.
Hear! Hear!
I want to see the Free Pass that After Choices wants to tell, not a game written by committee.
It reminds me of both the Justice League and Star Wars sequels, where "higher ups" undermined the writers and directors, resulting a weaker story that made almost no one actually happy.

I'm also learning Ren'py and Daz to tell my own story, but rather than in reaction to After Choices, it's more like inspired by them (as well as a few others). I was also inspired/motivated by developers who have tried to construct a harmonious poly-esque harem household, to my mind, "almost there."
  • Red Heart
Reactions: After Choices


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2019
Okay, I am not complaining or blaming anyone but I do feel like I am shaped, restricted, molded here. It is like I can't do what I like I MUST do what they like. I MUST follow what other do! From where I am, I am disciplined to treat the fan like no.1. But even from my standard, I feel like I have to become slave for everyone demand/needs, I must satisfy everyone, if I want to make a game in 2021.
You know that I love you, but I find it very strange to see such a comment.
It is obvious that as the popularity of the game grows, criticism will only increase.
You just need to come to terms with it, learn to separate criticism from whining, and most importantly, stop trying to please everyone.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
You know that I love you, but I find it very strange to see such a comment.
It is obvious that as the popularity of the game grows, criticism will only increase.
You just need to come to terms with it, learn to separate criticism from whining, and most importantly, stop trying to please everyone.
I expect that a good portion of AC's reaction is about their particular experiences growing up in Myanmar culture, something few of us from other countries can really understand fully.

After Choices

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Mar 21, 2021
I have read every single new comments replied by you, my friends. I am very happy you guys are always there for me. Giving me positive vibes, making my day.

I have decided that

1) I will put the date back in order.
2) It will remove time-travelling/erasing present event, too.
3) I will add some extra dialogues to make it believable on some aspects.
4) I will simplify some choices by adding cautions.

Downside to doing all those things will be something like "Old save(s) won't work".

After Choices

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Mar 21, 2021
The game is a bit of a cluster fuck. I don't know what is going on sometimes, because shit just happens, seemingly without any input on my part.

Following a mostly "good wife" path, and with 0 points with Joseph (and nearly 0 interaction also, as I didn't stay at the pool and there was no house party), I made tea for him and Michelle, and then excused myself.
Then you get Joseph's line "I need to go to the restroom," but then instead of any encounter or anything, it goes to some weird cut scene of me crying outside Michelle's door, and meeting the work people, etc. And then it jumps to day 64, Michelle is talking to me again, and there is a strong implication that I did something with Joseph. Followed by a scene where Michelle tells me Joseph is leaving, and asks if I want to stop him, if I have feelings for him.

What the fuck just happened? That is a massive time jump (from day 3 to day 64), with all sorts of implications about, and choices to be made about, a path I am not on?

The entire game, with how it narrates its story, already feels disjointed. But I could look past that as just the dev's writing style. But a change like this, and I have no idea what is going on.

edit: I( want to make it clear, I'm not just playing the game for a fap. I play these games for the characters, story and plot as well.
And I know time jumps will happen. That makes sense.
But there didn't seem to be a reason for the jump, and I still don't understand where I am or where I am going.

Also, such a huge time jump eliminates chances for character interactions. As an example, Michelle's friend Zoe. Don't join them in the pool, and you seem to miss out on anything with her. In that 61 days that just get skipped, has there never been a single other possible instance where Yoon could have met, talked to, or otherwise spent time with her?
What about Daniel? On day 3, she is still shook up about his proposition. Then a two month time skip, where we assume... they just don't talk about his proposition?

I feel like every choice risks locking you into, or locking you out of, a path or potential paths, but some things are hard scripted to that the game assumes something happened.
And I boil back to my example with Joseph. How did it go from tea, to 61 day time skip, to him and Michelle broke up and Yoon is terrified Michelle will hate her because of... something... that somehow involves Joseph, to Joseph leaving forever and Michelle asking me if I have feelings for him... when I have no interactions with him, no points with him, and no clue how this scenario, from a story perspective, came to happen?
Hello, thank you so much for playing. Yes, it is my fault for forgetting to put a line at there. And that missing line is turned out to be the most important one. For those who didn't have any relationship with Joseph, Yoon has been misunderstood that her daughter hates her back knowing absolutely nothing. It just Yoon's misunderstanding. In that path, it is not because of Joseph's assault( that will not be even there for those players) but because of Michelle knowing her true identity. She just wanted to be alone. Yoon misunderstood the situation.

As you can see the above reply, my friend. I will simplify the game and please come back to see :) Have a nice day.
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Jun 13, 2020

I am sorry this is gonna kinda sound like a TED Talk on D/s please skip on ahead if you are not interested. Ill spare the rest by not doing a quote by quote breakdown, instead addressing one specific aspect, but it seems like we are on a similar page, accepting that everyone who is into D/s has their own unique experience, so im speaking form mine.

I had to laugh when I see you reference Gor with similar... "respect" :ROFLMAO: to my own. People who know me well in the dominant role think its fun to tease me with those books when they are feeling cheeky, because they know how much I dislike them. If you have not read Houseplants of Gor, its a pretty dead on brutal satire of the series.

When I reference lifestyler I am indeed meaning Zoe seems more like a 24/7 dominant who will always be "on" when Yoon is involved, with a firm hand on the wheel so to speak. Where Jasmine feels like a "scener" who takes charge in the bedroom and in certain situations and the rest of the time she's gonna be more girlfriend/wife material. I feel the two can co-exist quite nicely.

Zoe being younger matters not one bit. She has vastly more confidence and drive than Yoon does at this point, shes a perfect fit for Yoon as well.

Not that Zoe cant also fill those roles or that she will be some cold bitch to Yoon, many people think being D means you are an abusive person at worst or a cold hearted person who doesn't love their partner(s) at best, there for the kink of it. Personally there isn't much I wouldn't do for my S partners. Zoe clearly shows tenderness and care for Yoon, shes just frustrated because to her its obvious where Yoon belongs.

24/7 is still living your normal life, doing stuff as partners, there is just a dynamic of one being in charge and one not. A lot of the time Its not unlike a traditional couple dynamic of bygone eras. It's not always what you see on TV or in "documentaries" that focus on the kink aspect of it, showing the S in scandalous clothing (especially when Femdomme F/m dynamic is involved) rather than just two people in a relationship with a bit of a more defined role dynamic. Becuase not all D/s couples are into kinky BDSM, or roleplay etc. I am just as likely to be cuddled up chatting about the day. watching a movie with my subby partners or gaming as anything else.

A not so secret secret of proper D/s is that the S has all the power where as the D has the control and that is how it works when both want the same goal. The D cant do her thing if the S doesnt allow it (unhealthy abusive relationships aside) and the S wants the D to do her thing so she gives up her control. both get what they want and need. I see that in Yoon and Zoe. Zoe cant be Yoon's dominant partner if Yoon doesnt let her, but Yoon also strongly desires to have (at least at this point) someone guiding her, she is constantly internally begging for guidance on what she should do. Zoe, Jasmine and Sukkhon has so far been providing that in their own unique ways.
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After Choices

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Mar 21, 2021
Already working on the new version
Total Expected Render - 200
Implemented Events
  • Yoon & Michelle
  • And yes, we have to find out who is the lucky one at the club ;)
  • Free Pass continues...
  • Stay Tuned for more info ;)
Due to many requests, I have decided that

1) I will put the date back in order.
2) It will remove time-traveling/erasing present events, too.
3) I will add some extra dialogues to make it believable in some aspects.
4) I will simplify some choices by adding cautions.

The downside to doing all those things will be something like "Old save(s) won't work".

If you don't like the idea please let me know in the comment.
Jul 29, 2021
View attachment 1367348
Already working on the new version
Total Expected Render - 200
Implemented Events
  • Yoon & Michelle
  • And yes, we have to find out who is the lucky one at the club ;)
  • Free Pass continues...
  • Stay Tuned for more info ;)
Due to many requests, I have decided that

1) I will put the date back in order.
2) It will remove time-traveling/erasing present events, too.
3) I will add some extra dialogues to make it believable in some aspects.
4) I will simplify some choices by adding cautions.

The downside to doing all those things will be something like "Old save(s) won't work".

If you don't like the idea please let me know in the comment.
That's great! I wish you happy every day friends!
3.60 star(s) 81 Votes