Yea most games with a female MCs suck because they are made by males living their rapefest fantasies, basically its all about women being used and abused for the players satisfaction, rather than any half descent narrative. As you say so few games feel like they are made by a woman, because I fully assume so few are. Games tend to be categorized in 3 major trends in term of MCs, Alpha Male MCs that just browbeat everyone and everything into submission, Beta Male MCs that somehow still pull out the trick to get all the girls from the Alpha Male characters, or finally female MCs that exist so to puppet a female character thru the worst and most debasing experiences possible.
The three scenarios represent the three main mindsets, the first is for the Beta Males that want to get the Alpha Male experience, the second is for the Beta Males that want to get some payback by seeing instead a fellow Beta Males be the ones to succeed, and finally the last is by the borderline if not outright misogynist that want to effectively dominate a woman into doing any depravities they desire. I guess at least its better they take it out on a virtual character than in real life.
So yea the few rarer MCs left you'll see are either descent female MCs or Transgendered, either of those tend to be abandoned because few are the Devs that have the backbone to carry things thru in face of either the lack of support to outright opposition by the very vocal groups that represent the followers of the three main MC types.