So. Played the rereboot, thoroughly enjoyed it. Not quite a continuation of the old story, but certainly pretty close in terms of the spirit of it. The biggest change is the replacement of Jasmine with Sienna (which is sad), but as explained before, the storyline of Jasmine was leading down a dark path that may not have a place in this story yet. Sienna does have Jas' sense of fun though, so is at least an acceptable spiritual successor.
Another significant change is Andrew being Daniel's son, which was disorientating at first, but quickly explained later as Daniel's infidelity. And the rationale for Daniel giving Yoon the Free Pass.
The background of Michelle and Sukkhon has been refined, and makes a lot more sense now. Linda and Richard are now Daniel's parents.
Sukkhon is the main LI at the moment, and I believe Zoe is the next in the queue to get content. Then probably some straight content. Doesn't appear to be much in the way of straight content yet, but since I don't play that route, it's hard to say. No Liam or Iceman, no DJ, so no clear male LI at this stage.