SandBox is million times better then the simple RenPy! A lot more actions and stuff to do like it should be in a real game and not just reading a story as you read a book or comics while eventually picking some choices! RenPy is for the so called "lazy" people who don't like doing any actions while SandBox,RPGM and Unity are for this who actually enjoy playing a "game" and do a lot more actions(especially in the RPGM there are plenty of actions to do) instead just reading a book! I always enjoy a lot more when there's some actions to do and move from one place to another,equip/pick different clothes or whatever else is need to be done in the game instead just only reading a story and pick choices to see the different scenes - i'm not saying that RenPy are not good but they are not so enjoyable like SandBox,RPGM and Unity since there's no any actions to do except picking choices! The only good think about RenPy is that you can more easilly play a few games one after another when it happens that there's a new version of few of the games you enjoy playing,but i would preffer to play longer one game and let the rest that happens to have a update for the next days - that way you can always have some game to play while waiting for a update on the others that you suddenly finished playing their last versions