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Hey, hey folks! Hope you're all doing well this week! This was an active last few days for me, and I'm feeling a little mentally shot as a result. But, with mental exhaustion comes a sense of accomplishment!
On Halloween I released the mini-sode, A Slave to Desire, starring Alex, our resident strong girl. Reaction was universally positive, which was nice. To the people who hated it and were just nice enough not to say anything.. I appreciate you, too.

I'll be sure to unlock that mini-sode for non-subscribers in a week or two. Here's a little bit of the cover process, which I thought came out pretty well for a rush job. The goal was to make something that you'd find on a VHS cover in 1994.
I've mentioned it before, but I really want to try doing more of these mini-sodes next year, with some taking place between main chapters, instead of always being like.. A flashback event. That'll be part of my strategy for getting out more content next year.
Then, on Saturday I released a new Chapter 10 demo that added Mason's shopping event, the Viola content, and a peek at the Gabby content. I've still got a little work to do to wrap the whole thing up, but I'm aiming to drop the first patron release of Chapter 10 this weekend.
In addition to the remaining script clean-up and rendering I need to do, there's a few little bits of fine-tuning I need to do for already-completed parts of the game. There's a small change to Chapter 9's scene with Lucien that I had several people request, which I still need to implement. That'll need a handful of renders. Then I also need to make an adjustment to one scene in Chapter 10, which shouldn't need any renders, but will need me to change a couple of little variables and scene jumps.
But, today I've mostly been working on some of the stuff for Gabby and Madison, including finalizing the scene at the police station. I wanted to make the station feel really populated and lively, so I once again turned to my little low-poly people, while making a few 'billboard' characters for foreground shots. Same deal as when I did the Chesty Cheetahs scene. I also just did a few random shots throughout the areas that the characters would mainly be, to check for lighting issues, low-res textures that'd stand out, etc.
The only thing that caught my eye was the police emblem/crest/whatever you'd like to call it on the wall, which A) was floating off the background wall a bit B) didn't look great as a black-on-grey image. So, I tossed it into Clip Studio, my preferred drawing app of choice, fiddled with it a bit, adjusted the glossiness settings in Daz Studio, to ultimately get something I'm happier with.
All in all, things are winding down, but I've got a busy week ahead of me, coupled with a tough work week at the day job. But, I'm optimistic about my progress.
As always, take care of yourselves -- and thank you for your support!