Patreon News :
(date is obviously wrong since we have today 1/31/2023)
an hour ago
News 1/20/2023
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice weekend, just wanted to come on and post a new roadmap for the upcoming patch cycle. It's pretty straight forward and I talked about it in the previous FoM update post, I believe, but for anyone who missed it or aren't totally clear, here is what a lot of it will look like:
More story updates for all the main characters.
Felix and Chloe storylines getting updated for female PCs.
All the jobs getting reworked to be more interactive.
All the jobs having their scenes updated for female PCs.
Since I'm going through and reworking this content, I figured I'd go ahead and add the female scenes to them to go ahead and get all of that covered. Once we get through all of this, we will finally have most of the content updated to accommodate for female PCs (I believe only Liam, Alex, and Winter stories will be left to have female scenes added). It's taken much longer than I wanted to go through with updating everything for female players characters, so with these reworks, it seemed like the perfect time to make a big push on it.
I hope you all look forward to the new content, I will try to have some extra things thrown in where possible (such as 1.2.4 where I will take a break from updating everything to cover some different stuff) and, as always, I thank you all so much for your patience and support!