From zero to NSFW developer in 3 weeks. My story.


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
Hey guys! Just couple month ago I discovered porn games for myself. I knew that they existed, but didn't really tried them. At least I didn't try VN games. I only remember playing strange 3d games where you have couple models and you just tell in what position they should fuck and that is it. There was no story to it. This time I discovered VN games. I was immediately hooked on experience! Somewhat around 17th of April I decided that I can actually try to create a game like this myself. Since that decision I dedicated all of my free time to it. Programming is easy for me, and 3D is hard, but I like that challenge! So I started.

I created a plan: let's create a proof of concept. I need to be sure I actually can do this before going full in. For that I want to create one playable scene of a game. First I wrote a script of the desired scene, with dialogs and description of visible content. After that it was clear that I need around 30 rendered images. I started learning Ren'Py engine and Daz. Ren'Py was not a problem, but Daz studio was a beast to get into. First of all I only have a laptop, so creating scenes is not so easy and creation of 4k renders takes around 2 hours. It took me around 10 rendered images that went into learning process and after that I started creating real renders for the game. (First renders were with wrong resolution, wrong lights, etc…). Based on the script I knew that I would need to create 5 characters and 2 locations. Their preparations took most of the time. After that, process went kind of smooth - I was creating 2 renders per day (one during the night and one during the day job). Somewhere after 15 renders I found out that I can also create more images with batch rendering tasks(render queue). Now it was a challenge to prepare enough scenes so that they would render during the time I'm not at home. Also sometimes it was not very reliable because my laptop crashed after rendering only one image, or other instability issues. But now my speed is 3-5 renders per day. Of Course during the creation plan changed a little and now I have 37 images for the first scene.
What this game is about? This game is not my end goal. With it I want to create a simple experience. My inspiration for it comes from Lancaster Boarding House. My real goal is creating a second game (I want develop them in parallel) just about watersport-slavery fetish. The first game will have some fetish content for all kind of things, but not going deep into them and only optional. It is more about the story.

After evaluating the proof of concept I will make a decision if I'm going to continue or not. If so I would need a real PC with good video card, and maybe people to help me with creating assets. Especially I would need a team if I want to maintain 2 two separate games. Also I would need someone who can write better texts(I’m not a native English speaker, so it is a bit hard for me to create a good descriptive story). I think of creating at least 5-6 scenes first and only then to go and create a Parteon to ask people for support. And only reinvest earned money into producing the content.

So here I'm. It has been less than three weeks from the moment I decided to start learning till the moment you can actually download and play my game. Yes it is only one scene that would probably take you like 5 minutes to go through. But for me it was a huge learning process with try and error. I hope for your honest feedback!!

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
The renders are pretty good for a first effort, but some stylistic choices felt a bit off. Your buddy kind of looks more like a 40 year old drug dealer who just got out of jail than a college student.

The writing definitely needs some work, a proofreader wouldn't hurt.

I think doing two games simultaneously is a terrible idea, especially for someone just starting out. I would advise you to just pick one idea to start with and go for that one.


Jun 9, 2017
The most important thing here is that you completed your proof of concept. You now know that you can do this. As someone interested in doing this myself, you are much further along than I am. You can do this.

That said, here's some feedback --
If this sounds brutal, just think of how harsh I am at myself. ;-) I'd want honest feedback, so you ask, I give it honestly.
A good reason why I've been slow at this is because a good VN requires planning. A VN is made of two things -- Visuals and Story. You have to cater to both, and the visuals should reflect the story well (cue previous complaint about the roommate).

You talked about how you worked to complete your renders, but the mention of how you planned the story seems to be almost an afterthought. I understand that this was done to basically test your capabilities, but creating a story that pulls you in (with visuals!) is an extremely important part of making a successful VN game. I strongly feel you need to work on that some more.
I can nitpick issues with the story, but will leave it as -- practice. Practice makes perfect after all.
There were quite a few grammar issues as well... Never release a game without fully proofreading.

I do want to focus on the characters as well. Good characters are an important element of a good story and VN. You gave us some background on the MC, but I see nothing interesting about him, nor of the other characters - visually or otherwise.
If you check out the "Show us your DazSkill" thread here, you will see it full of exemplars of how hard people work to dial in their characters, literally 'fleshing in' what they are like. Give us those character building details, not the mundanities of -- "I need a girl!"

All that said, I want to say good luck!
I'm not into your kinks, but every niche needs a good game for itself. Should serve you well.
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Fudged it again.
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I didn't play your game, I just went through your images, they are really good for 3 weeks learning, you will get better at them. The only one thing I want to add, the .png image format make your overall game too big, I save them as a high quality .jpg in photoshop, so use whatever you can or you can get picture optimisation software free, I don't know the name of though.
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
I didn't play your game, I just went through your images, they are really good for 3 weeks learning, you will get better at them. The only one thing I want to add, the .png image format make your overall game too big, I save them as a high quality .jpg in photoshop, so use whatever you can or you can get picture optimisation software free, I don't know the name of though.


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
Thanks everyone for the feedback! It is great to have such a nice community here!
The renders are pretty good for a first effort, but some stylistic choices felt a bit off. Your buddy kind of looks more like a 40 year old drug dealer who just got out off jail than a college student.

The writing definitely needs some work, a proofreader wouldn't hurt.

I think doing two games simultaneously is a terrible idea, especially for someone just starting out. I would advise you to just pick one idea to start with and go for that one.
Yes! That is a very true problem. I'm still learning how to create characters. And Pete does look more older than I wanted him to look. But also this was the idea, that he should be sport-driven macho-man... Also I'm not happy how Lydia(dream girl) looks like. Not sure yet should I go and start again with those characters, or continue what I already started?
And about having two games, that is a plan for the future, not for now.

The most important thing here is that you completed your proof of concept. You now know that you can do this. As someone interested in doing this myself, you are much further along than I am. You can do this.

That said, here's some feedback --
If this sounds brutal, just think of how harsh I am at myself. ;-) I'd want honest feedback, so you ask, I give it honestly.
A good reason why I've been slow at this is because a good VN requires planning. A VN is made of two things -- Visuals and Story. You have to cater to both, and the visuals should reflect the story well (cue previous complaint about the roommate).

You talked about how you worked to complete your renders, but the mention of how you planned the story seems to be almost an afterthought. I understand that this was done to basically test your capabilities, but creating a story that pulls you in (with visuals!) is an extremely important part of making a successful VN game. I strongly feel you need to work on that some more.
I can nitpick issues with the story, but will leave it as -- practice. Practice makes perfect after all.
There were quite a few grammar issues as well... Never release a game without fully proofreading.

I do want to focus on the characters as well. Good characters are an important element of a good story and VN. You gave us some background on the MC, but I see nothing interesting about him, nor of the other characters - visually or otherwise.
If you check out the "Show us your DazSkill" thread here, you will see it full of exemplars of how hard people work to dial in their characters, literally 'fleshing in' what they are like. Give us those character building details, not the mundanities of -- "I need a girl!"

All that said, I want to say good luck!
I'm not into your kinks, but every niche needs a good game for itself. Should serve you well.
Hi! Thanks for such a big effort in providing feedback!
About the story, yes the first scene is a normal morning, here is no plot. But I do have a plot idea for the Chapter-1 of the game, that would be probably around 12-15 scenes like this one. But yes this is just general idea, and I do suck at writing, the best would be to fill the story with interesting details and characters. I hope to do that... Or find someone who will help me with that. It is all about motivation! And for now I'm very motivated to continue!

I didn't play your game, I just went through your images, they are really good for 3 weeks learning, you will get better at them. The only one thing I want to add, the .png image format make your overall game too big, I save them as a high quality .jpg in photoshop, so use whatever you can or you can get picture optimisation software free, I don't know the name of though.
Thanks! I will try to optimize the size when I will do an actual release of the game :) I'm not sure yet where is the best trade of between quality and size of the images... And I also have everything rendered in 4k, so I already downscaled images to HD to save the size... Will try JPEG next time! Thanks!

Studio Errilhl

Game Developer
Oct 16, 2017
Don't make your images JPG - make them WEBP (Renpy native support) - even with no compression, you'll get a saving of about 10-25% of the size. If you can accept a little bit of compression, like at 95-98% quality settings, (ie, 2-5% compression), you can probably reduce the size of the images to about half what you have now.

As for the renders, they're definitely not bad for a noob. You should learn a bit about dformers and dforce usages, to avoid having the "boob-wrap" effect (like on the black girl), and yeah, the characters need a bit of work, especially the buddy, he's way too old. Fetch some younger looking guys from.

Overall, it's not a bad proof of concept, although the writing is a bit meh, and doesn't flow as well as it should, it's still very good for a first try.


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
Don't make your images JPG - make them WEBP (Renpy native support) - even with no compression, you'll get a saving of about 10-25% of the size. If you can accept a little bit of compression, like at 95-98% quality settings, (ie, 2-5% compression), you can probably reduce the size of the images to about half what you have now.

As for the renders, they're definitely not bad for a noob. You should learn a bit about dformers and dforce usages, to avoid having the "boob-wrap" effect (like on the black girl), and yeah, the characters need a bit of work, especially the buddy, he's way too old. Fetch some younger looking guys from.

Overall, it's not a bad proof of concept, although the writing is a bit meh, and doesn't flow as well as it should, it's still very good for a first try.
Thanks! will look into WEBP also =)
By any chance do you know any tutorial on how to avoid "boob-wrap"?

Great start just try to go at your own pace cause most vn developers burn out halfway. Just take your time and good luck
Thanks! Will try to now burn out! Maybe working with someone in a team might help! No idea how to find such people, but will try :)
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Not bad, but there's a big problem with your code : its indentation.

Yes it works like this, but not for the reason you think. For Ren'py, your game looks like this :
  • An empty label named "s1" ;
  • A stand alone block of code linked to no label ;
  • A menu ;
  • A label named ".peek_hana", that it will link to "s1" by default and chance (same for all the local labels) ;
  • A label named ".dont_peek_hana" ;
  • A label named ".shower" ;
  • A stand alone if/else structure, that will contain a menu and the labels ".didnt_rat_pete", ".rated_pete" and ".talk_with_zarah", that again will be linked to "s1" by default and chance ;
  • A stand alone block of code linked to nothing.
You must add a level of indentation to everything that follow the declaration of the "s1" label ; well not necessarily to everything, the if/else structure can stay at this level if you indent the rest.

Also, the labels ".dont_peek_hana", ".didnt_rat_pete" and ".rated_pete" are useless. They don't have enough lines to justify them to not be directly put in the menu block. Implied by this, the label ".peek_hana" is also useless.

The code should looks like this :
label s1:

    scene black

    show s01 01-waking-up

        "Move on and go take a shower":
            $ s1_peeked_on_hana = False
            #  The interest of local labels is to be local, no need for 
            # the leading label name.
            jump .shower
        "Get a closer look":
            #  Blocks can't be empty, but it doesn't mean that they need
            # to effectively do something.

    $ s1_peeked_on_hana = True
    show s01 12-peek-at-sleeping-hana

    show s01 23-pete-listens
    mc "Whatever… I go shower first!"

    #  Optional here, but it's better to use it. An implicit /jump/ skip
    # part of the features associated to labels.
    jump .shower

    label .shower:
        show s01 24-mc-shower

        mc "{i}There goes my promise to not focus on girls today...{/i}"
        mc "{i}Ok, there is a lot of studies today. Time to get going{/i}"

    # Fall back to the content of the "s1" label.
    if s1_peeked_on_hana is False:
        show s01 22-pete-talks
        pb "Morning! Man, you missed such a nice ass! She just left the room!"

        zw "Consider yourself very lucky! This is your last time!"
        show s01 31-mornig-empty-room

        mc "{i}Damn… I can rat Pete out… But that is not what friends do…{/i}"
        # You're in the /else/ block, this condition will *never* be True.
        if s1_peeked_on_hana is False:
            mc "{i}And I actually want his help to get my chance with Lydia… I have 3 weeks left in college. I need to do at least something... His help might be what I need.{/i}"


            "Accept punishment":
                $ s1_rat_pete = False
                mc "Ok... "
                show s01 34-zarah-talks
                zw "You will be helping to clear out the trash after the sports event tonight"

            "Tell her it is Pete`s girl and you had no idea she was in the room":
                $ s1_rat_pete = True
                zw "So you think I care who of you brought the girl there?!"
                zw "You both will be helping to clear out the trash after the sporting event tonight!"

        zw "Be there at 19:00!"
        zw "I will check. And if you bail on it, I will talk to your lector and make sure you are banished from the exam"

    # Once again, fall back to the "s1" label.
    "End of Scene 1! Thanks for playing my first version of my first game. Please let me know what you think! Your feedback would help me a lot!"
    jump end


        import math
You don't need it like this, init python: will do exactly the same. And you don't need to import the math module since you don't use it.

    image black = Solid((0, 0, 0, 255))
The image statement is implicitly at init level. At no time it will be seen as part of the previous init block.

        mcname = renpy.input("What is your name?")
        mcname = mcname.strip()

        if not mcname:
            mcname = "Mike"
You don't need a python block here :
    $ mcname = renpy.input("What is your name?", default="Mike").strip()
    if not mcname:
        $ mcname = "Mike"
    label end:

"end" isn't a label local to "start", do not indent it. But the return statement must be part of this label, so keep its indentation.
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Deleted member 207364

You've gotten some excellent feedback here! The only thing I can add is that you probably should not render in 4k when just starting out, especially not on a laptop that tends to crash. With a weak laptop 4k renders won't be anywhere near worth the time investment. In your case I'd render in 720p or at most 1080p. Also, about downscaling 4k to 1080p, does it not kind of take away the point of 4k?

If your laptop is crashing because of too high temperatures you could try limiting the maximum processor state to 90% or even lower. You can find this in Power Options. If you've got a nvidia gpu that's overheating you could try using something like msi afterburner and set the gpu to a temperature limit. Doing one or both of these things will take a way some of your laptops performance, but at least it won't crash. This is assuming you use windows, I don't know jack shit about mac.

This isn't bad at all considering you have a total of 3 weeks experience, good luck!


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
Not bad, but there's a big problem with your code : its indentation.

Yes it works like this, but not for the reason you think. For Ren'py, your game looks like this :
  • An empty label named "s1" ;
  • A stand alone block of code linked to no label ;
  • A menu ;
  • A label named ".peek_hana", that it will link to "s1" by default and chance (same for all the local labels) ;
  • A label named ".dont_peek_hana" ;
  • A label named ".shower" ;
  • A stand alone if/else structure, that will contain a menu and the labels ".didnt_rat_pete", ".rated_pete" and ".talk_with_zarah", that again will be linked to "s1" by default and chance ;
  • A stand alone block of code linked to nothing.
You must add a level of indentation to everything that follow the declaration of the "s1" label ; well not necessarily to everything, the if/else structure can stay at this level if you indent the rest.

Also, the labels ".dont_peek_hana", ".didnt_rat_pete" and ".rated_pete" are useless. They don't have enough lines to justify them to not be directly put in the menu block. Implied by this, the label ".peek_hana" is also useless.

The code should looks like this :
label s1:

    scene black

    show s01 01-waking-up

        "Move on and go take a shower":
            $ s1_peeked_on_hana = False
            #  The interest of local labels is to be local, no need for
            # the leading label name.
            jump .shower
        "Get a closer look":
            #  Blocks can't be empty, but it doesn't mean that they need
            # to effectively do something.

    $ s1_peeked_on_hana = True
    show s01 12-peek-at-sleeping-hana

    show s01 23-pete-listens
    mc "Whatever… I go shower first!"

    #  Optional here, but it's better to use it. An implicit /jump/ skip
    # part of the features associated to labels.
    jump .shower

    label .shower:
        show s01 24-mc-shower

        mc "{i}There goes my promise to not focus on girls today...{/i}"
        mc "{i}Ok, there is a lot of studies today. Time to get going{/i}"

    # Fall back to the content of the "s1" label.
    if s1_peeked_on_hana is False:
        show s01 22-pete-talks
        pb "Morning! Man, you missed such a nice ass! She just left the room!"

        zw "Consider yourself very lucky! This is your last time!"
        show s01 31-mornig-empty-room

        mc "{i}Damn… I can rat Pete out… But that is not what friends do…{/i}"
        # You're in the /else/ block, this condition will *never* be True.
        if s1_peeked_on_hana is False:
            mc "{i}And I actually want his help to get my chance with Lydia… I have 3 weeks left in college. I need to do at least something... His help might be what I need.{/i}"


            "Accept punishment":
                $ s1_rat_pete = False
                mc "Ok... "
                show s01 34-zarah-talks
                zw "You will be helping to clear out the trash after the sports event tonight"

            "Tell her it is Pete`s girl and you had no idea she was in the room":
                $ s1_rat_pete = True
                zw "So you think I care who of you brought the girl there?!"
                zw "You both will be helping to clear out the trash after the sporting event tonight!"

        zw "Be there at 19:00!"
        zw "I will check. And if you bail on it, I will talk to your lector and make sure you are banished from the exam"

    # Once again, fall back to the "s1" label.
    "End of Scene 1! Thanks for playing my first version of my first game. Please let me know what you think! Your feedback would help me a lot!"
    jump end


        import math
You don't need it like this, init python: will do exactly the same. And you don't need to import the math module since you don't use it.

    image black = Solid((0, 0, 0, 255))
The image statement is implicitly at init level. At no time it will be seen as part of the previous init block.

        mcname = renpy.input("What is your name?")
        mcname = mcname.strip()

        if not mcname:
            mcname = "Mike"
You don't need a python block here :
    $ mcname = renpy.input("What is your name?", default="Mike").strip()
    if not mcname:
        $ mcname = "Mike"
    label end:

"end" isn't a label local to "start", do not indent it. But the return statement must be part of this label, so keep its indentation.
WOW! This is a better code review that get at work! Thanks a lot for this! This is very generous to donate your time to help me with the code! I'm already rewriting the scene-1 code, according to your review. You right, I didn't really understood how local labels and indentation work, and yes less labels can be used here! This is my first time to use Python, I'm grateful for guidance!
I didn't get the part about `image black = Solid((0, 0, 0, 255))` what is wrong with it? Why shouldn't it be in the `init:`?


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
You've gotten some excellent feedback here! The only thing I can add is that you probably should not render in 4k when just starting out, especially not on a laptop that tends to crash. With a weak laptop 4k renders won't be anywhere near worth the time investment. In your case I'd render in 720p or at most 1080p. Also, about downscaling 4k to 1080p, does it not kind of take away the point of 4k?

If your laptop is crashing because of too high temperatures you could try limiting the maximum processor state to 90% or even lower. You can find this in Power Options. If you've got a nvidia gpu that's overheating you could try using something like msi afterburner and set the gpu to a temperature limit. Doing one or both of these things will take a way some of your laptops performance, but at least it won't crash. This is assuming you use windows, I don't know jack shit about mac.

This isn't bad at all considering you have a total of 3 weeks experience, good luck!
Hi! Thanks! I guess it one of my problems, that I want things perfect... When I will release the game, I want it to be 4k... Crashing of the laptop is not related to rendering, I have some issues with hard drive, that I'm getting BSOD sometimes. It was like this since I bought this laptop and even sending it twice back to fix the issues didn't help. Anyway I'm looking forward to getting new PC, I just need to figure out what would be the best setup for rendering for around 2.5k EUR. And yea I hope I can get back the investments by doing this game!

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I didn't get the part about `image black = Solid((0, 0, 0, 255))` what is wrong with it? Why shouldn't it be in the `init:`?
It's partly my fault, I forgot to write part of my thoughts regarding it. So, like I have the place, I'll even go deeper in the explanation.

Statements like image create their own "init level" say the doc. Translated in humans words, it mean that whatever their level of indentation and the place where you put them, they'll be seen as independent of everything else, and played during the init phase.
By example, there's people writing things like this :
label blabla:
    "some dialog line."
    "and some others."
    image myImage = "blabla/something.jpg"
    "yet another dialog line."
thinking that the image will be declared only where the label will be played. But in fact for Ren'py it will looks like this :
image myImage = "blabla/something.jpg"

label blabla:
    "some dialog line."
    "and some others."
    "yet another dialog line."
and the image will be declared in the same time that any init block and other statements that are at init level (like define, default and transform by example).

So, you don't need to indent it, just keep it at 0 indentation, it will be easier for you to identify the different parts of your code when it will start to become really big.
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Jun 9, 2017
Yes! That is a very true problem. I'm still learning how to create characters. And Pete does look more older than I wanted him to look. But also this was the idea, that he should be sport-driven macho-man... Also I'm not happy how Lydia(dream girl) looks like. Not sure yet should I go and start again with those characters, or continue what I already started?
And about having two games, that is a plan for the future, not for now.

Hi! Thanks for such a big effort in providing feedback!
About the story, yes the first scene is a normal morning, here is no plot. But I do have a plot idea for the Chapter-1 of the game, that would be probably around 12-15 scenes like this one. But yes this is just general idea, and I do suck at writing, the best would be to fill the story with interesting details and characters. I hope to do that... Or find someone who will help me with that. It is all about motivation! And for now I'm very motivated to continue!
I strongly suggest that you BUILD your characters... who are they? what are they like? A shorthand of 'sport-driven macho man' is a good quick summary of a character. You can flesh that out more both literally and figuratively. Build from there. With good characters, you can predict how they will react given specific situations, so the story flows much faster and better. While getting writing support is a great idea, a lesser means to get help is to ask for story feedback and LEARN from the feedback. (You can and should often ignore some feedback.. but you can still learn from it. )

I'm happy to hear that you are motivated.

Hi! Thanks! I guess it one of my problems, that I want things perfect... When I will release the game, I want it to be 4k... Crashing of the laptop is not related to rendering, I have some issues with hard drive, that I'm getting BSOD sometimes. It was like this since I bought this laptop and even sending it twice back to fix the issues didn't help. Anyway I'm looking forward to getting new PC, I just need to figure out what would be the best setup for rendering for around 2.5k EUR. And yea I hope I can get back the investments by doing this game!
If you can't afford a new PC right now, an eGPU might be a good short term investment. Not the same as a full on desktop rendering machine, but it can bridge the gap for now if necessary. Ignore this option if you can afford the better solution, but it is a reasonable stop gap.


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
It's partly my fault, I forgot to write part of my thoughts regarding it. So, like I have the place, I'll even go deeper in the explanation.

Statements like image create their own "init level" say the doc. Translated in humans words, it mean that whatever their level of indentation and the place where you put them, they'll be seen as independent of everything else, and played during the init phase.
By example, there's people writing things like this :
label blabla:
    "some dialog line."
    "and some others."
    image myImage = "blabla/something.jpg"
    "yet another dialog line."
thinking that the image will be declared only where the label will be played. But in fact for Ren'py it will looks like this :
image myImage = "blabla/something.jpg"

label blabla:
    "some dialog line."
    "and some others."
    "yet another dialog line."
and the image will be declared in the same time that any init block and other statements that are at init level (like define, default and transform by example).

So, you don't need to indent it, just keep it at 0 indentation, it will be easier for you to identify the different parts of your code when it will start to become really big.
Thanks! Now it is clear! Thanks a lot for your help!

I strongly suggest that you BUILD your characters... who are they? what are they like? A shorthand of 'sport-driven macho man' is a good quick summary of a character. You can flesh that out more both literally and figuratively. Build from there. With good characters, you can predict how they will react given specific situations, so the story flows much faster and better. While getting writing support is a great idea, a lesser means to get help is to ask for story feedback and LEARN from the feedback. (You can and should often ignore some feedback.. but you can still learn from it. )

I'm happy to hear that you are motivated.

If you can't afford a new PC right now, an eGPU might be a good short term investment. Not the same as a full on desktop rendering machine, but it can bridge the gap for now if necessary. Ignore this option if you can afford the better solution, but it is a reasonable stop gap.
Yes building characters is what I'm trying to do! For sure I'm going to put more work into that!
Do you think that 2.5k EUR is not enough for a decent rendering machine?
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Jun 9, 2017
Thanks! Now it is clear! Thanks a lot for your help!

Yes building characters is what I'm trying to do! For sure I'm going to put more work into that!
Do you think that 2.5k EUR is not enough for a decent rendering machine?
It probably is. Wasn't sure if you already had the cash or not, so I was just throwing an option out there.
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Deleted member 207364

Do you think that 2.5k EUR is not enough for a decent rendering machine?
You can fit the best gpu in that budget so yeah. I'd say that it's more than enough for a decent rendering machine :)

It depends on what you want to do with the pc. Will it be used for rendering only? Do you want to squeeze out every inch of performance out of the pc? Will you occasionally play games on it? If so, how demanding are the games you're interested in? Do you want to use the pc while rendering or leave it be?
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