Played through from the beginning and I'm digging it,
Leonave, but the first rape scene at the school seems ridiculously out of place.
If you wanted to include a sex scene, it should have been two students fooling around (like the hospital scene) because to have MC see a girl get raped, tears and all, by a teacher and then NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT causes me as a player to lose all respect for him. It would have been a simple matter to report this to the Admin and save the girl from future abuse. The prison rape scene, on the other hand, was brutal and totally fitting with the story.
Other than that I was pleasantly surprised by the focus on the Herma characters in the world building of the game. Given the fact that MC's sister is also a Herma, that's two LIs who are rocking some big girl cocks. I see this as an absolute win.