These "developer notes" ???
We are at a loss about what exactly it means that the content will mainly be, in the order they were written:
Male on female and Male on Futa and Futa on male. Based on those clues, many players assumed MC would get them in that order - no, not the rapes or the sex we see other do and do nothing about but gawk and feel at a loss - so it was assumed MC would get a Li as a straight woman, then it would be a Li as a futa and lastly, the futa on male.
When you play the game, though, the only actual Li is a futa - plot twist about the priorities stated in the dev notes - while the house mate is also a futa who shags the receptionist - and after seeing so many assholes raping those they have power over - the rapist teacher, the rapist doctor, the rapist inmates - we assumed most of this game that the obnoxious house mate is also a rapist blackmailing or dangling the job over the head of her employee - the receptionist - like the assholes we had seen before. Her almost raping MC in the dark with her hand over his mouth and her undressing him and tellin him to take it - we sure are put in a very straight path of assuming that MC would be totally disgusted by her. No, not her nether regions, but her attitude towards the people around her and towards MC.
The assumtion ia in the order it is presented - you game the MC for a straight Li, then a possible fuita Li and then able to let her rail MC or not.
Seeing others having the sex scenes with absolutely nothing about the plot in those scenes, reading what MC thinks - precisely what any decent human being would - this is a horrible world where people just rape and torment others for their entertainment - we are in a difficult place to make up out minds about what to look for while playing the game.
We can find confort in the hands of the hot dog sweetheart - she is really wonderfully written - compared to everyone else - and her relationship is the saving grace of this game, hands down the worth while experience to have as a gamer in this game.
We did have fun with the fun hot dog girl while taking the hits from literally everyone else and that was actually worth sitting through total dissolution of MC, to the point he gets moments away from
sicide by forever stasis
Thank you for the sweetheart that she is in this game and the wonderful scenes with her.