1. - "WITH 2024-06-19 VERSION, interaction cloud and or offline sharing (?), yes/no?"
> No. Also, just cuz im a twit; ill assume by '2024-06-19' version you mean the current latest one npomme had cracked, as we speak. The interaction cloud simply aint there yet on said version. As for file sharing, as in, manual and/or offline sharing? no idea tbh. Hadn't seen anybody tried, or maybe i simply wasnt paying attention. It's prolly the latter, tbf.....
- "Is it something exclusive to newer versions and/or subscribed users?"
> AFAIK, talk of the town seemed to lean towards a "yes", on both fronts (my own take anyway cuz npomme's screenshot from way above gave me some real mixed signals), but a "no" for 2024-06-19 version
2. AFAIK, no.
This is prolly the shortest answaer i could give with my limited attention span lol
I've been searching but couldn't understand or find any clear answers :
- WITH 2024-06-19 VERSION Is there any way of loading any Cloud Interactions instead of only being able to make some with local characters/scenes or is it something exclusive to newer versions and/or subscribed users ? (I can't figure out if the answer is simply 'NO')
- Is there a way to Download some manually somewhere (yet) ?
Thanks for whatever the answers
I can and will attempt to provide some clarity on this, for both of you and anyone else watching:
1. With the June build, 2024-06-19, the answer is conditionally yes. Interactions are filtered and set invisible by default, so if you're using the launcher NP has provided, you are signed out of the cloud, and cannot see them. If you were signed in as a valid patron, you could see any interactions uploaded with the build, and make use of them like you would a cloud character.
--2024-06-19 Build: Subscribers, yes. Launcher users, no--
2. There are, but only in private / specific spots. A frequent user of the program, Mobuis, has made some available for download, either in the discord server or on their twitter (I forget which place I found them in). Any interactions manually downloaded and ran in FVNE will need the characters they were built with to work, in every build prior to November's latest 2024-11-09, as they only added swapping then. It is best to find out, per interaction, which characters are involved prior to running said Int. I can confirm I have also seen the files of other interactions in their discord, though while there are over 150 on the cloud, the number I have seen is in the ballpark of a dozen.
--Yes, either in their discord, or finding a user that has shared them, where they shared them, since March--
To the best of my knowledge, folk /have/ been uploading Int's and Char's since March as normal, like they have been uploading Char's to the cloud since first able. The only difference is that the devs express worry about being shut down on Patreon, as somehow (in their words), a feral animal with exposed genitals is within ToS, but said animal in a sexual setting, particularly or possibly with a human, is not within ToS. How this makes sense when pose mode can be used for such a setting, and how naked human/humanoids/anthros don't forcibly equate to a sexual setting, even in the presence of others, I have no frickin clue. Many others, including more and less popular users, do this without concern or with little limitations.
Take PDonTran for example; literal horses, as well as humanoid-skeleton horse people; feral in all other aspects. No penalty.
--Int's cloud-hidden to logged out users over Patreon ToS+Shutdown concerns--
The short answer is that NP hasn't cracked the cloud filters, and they changed the security between June and October, so [they] have to crack it /again./ If you had a login, the June build files would work as normal; anything build in it, and prior.