So no crack yet ? Sad, but i believe in you !
Even tho i pledged day 1 for the update with actual stuff when it dropped, since i already supported this game since YL1 from time to time when there were good updates, not some bug fixes and shit.
But i'm rooting for this to be cracked, to hell with this type of DRM, it is anti-consumer and kinda a spit in a face.
When i buy copy of a game i want to own it, not fucking rent it or some shit, not put availability of a game in hands of some retarded company trough mandatory authentication. Not have this shit linked to some Hardware ID the devs didn't bother to even explain how it works, how can you lose it, e.t.c. And not any other way to sell just temporary access and not the game.
There already was some issues with cookies or something when even ppl who gave money couldn't access the game, so fuck this shit.
As for the game itself, honestly as of right now, you don't lose that much yet. It's very jank, and except for custom made characters(many of them are not even updated by people who made them, to properly work for this update) it doesn't really have anything that YL1 have not. Yeah, there is Timeline now for animation like in blender or sfm, but you don't really need that if you just wanna make the furry do the seggs. Those videos uploaded here, mostly show the best of how it looks in terms of physics and soft body stuff, in reality it's very janky, one wrong step and it breaks. Or things just spasm and jitter on it's own sometimes. In stability, the physics are much worse than what YL1 had.
And for this they want you to have RTX and other relatively new hardware as recommended, for a game that doesn't even look next-gen. And recommended it absolutely is, cuz for me it runs like shit once you start adding multiple characters to the scene.