i'm a little stuck if someone want to take a look the solution is inside :
YL2_Verification_Verify$$ADIIPJAHJFN if the game call this and get what he want he go through shitload of memory loading stuff like YL2_Verification_Verify__AWXHAPRAVYPIMKFR clone after clone after clone with some field and byte name change i bet the texture and assets loading anf then the proceess end at YL2_Verification_Verify__CWSYBYQVCELNIEDO wich is loading the activity selection menu or like call it "choose menu" but as you can make this load whatever you want as long as the rcx register is set to a scene that exist like login but i can't find how the fuck i end at this function and thoose value i will take a small break of one or two day here as i have some shit to do
But if someone is trying to hack this shit first you will need valid file if you manage to bypass thoose file you absolutely need to explain to me how tf it is possible as i managed to do so but the game poop itself so bad i dont want to clean his mess ever
second here the last build file fresh from YL2Cloud :
and dont try to crack previous one dev "fixed" a memory leak (the leak is slower) in this one that make tracing possible and that is divine !
and all the dude that think thats like heat you need to turn a var on true if its true please contact me because i searched bad and if you skip that fucking verify process game will not have any fucking meshes or textures you need thay chain of YL2_Verification_Verify__AWXHAPRAVYPIMKFR to happend and then load the scene and you need some value to be here and that to much value to hardcode
And you all dont panic i will get back to it for sure thats few day off ! and also i will collect the files i asked as that can be usefull and will be usefull data anyway to identify some vars so the file collection project not dead you can continue to contact me for that!