Unity FurryVNE [2024-11-09] [FurryVNE Team]

3.90 star(s) 9 Votes


Aug 10, 2017
"in 2years Odes make major updates ability to make a full custom character with base, fur authoring, garment support and custom garment... and a huge optimization of it. as Dogson constantly feed it with new content."
>Yeah, contents that end up being unusable, taking into consideration the other main point of the damned app. Like someone else here mentioned, pretty much a Daz3d demo -_-
I mean, can you imagine if R2CK only still has character creation at this point in time? Not a fair comparison, yeah. But thats not the point

"for the self-imposed obstacle...you will just stay here and say "Meh good enough"? Well that's a choice they didn't make "
>Well, thats what they basically did, mate. Maybe shouldnt've made broken promises to begin with, and just spit out the reality years ago...That they wont deliver on time, at least, not for the interactions systems. What do we think, eh?
Thank fuck for piracy, i guess.

"...but you're always here looking for info and downloading their game, that's some of us sharing, and still spiting on it."
>Eh, fair. I just ran out of goodwill juice at this point. Wonder how that happened....
Tho no, i didnt bother downloading any of the "new" ones yet, basically because i might as well just go and look for random models off of the net and open em in blender. Which i sucked major ass at using, but the experience is going to be pretty much the same

See the issue?

Oh, and then that patreon post....Not even gonna bother.

Oh well, tbh ive already forgot YL2's gonna be a thing, until not so recently that i started logging back to their main forum for some character skins. Some new faces around, old ones gone for good i think. Talked small talks.

Then it hit me; Theyve barely gotten anywhere. Last i logged in was, what? 2018? I dont know what to think at that point honestly.

And now here we are.

Figured that out on your own, did you?
content is usuable i really enjoy creating character actually. i've already say it , but i wanted a CCtools i've got it, you want a animation tool, you need to wait. For blender you don't even have to be an expert to create good thing, just learn the basis.
if you don't have time, i can understand.

the CCtool of rack2 is a simple one, couple of slider, tatoo and part add, and a bug fest as the rest of the game, don't even compare it to a polished CCtools.
yup i wonder how ... you are too much invested in this dude. you don't pay, you don't bother reading their post...
they don't give deadline, the progress is a bit slow but they are working with consistency and inform their patreons about their progress. it's way way above the majority of creators in patreons. why throwing a rock on them ?

Won't argue more since SugarDuckling already posted what i wanted to say for the rest.


Jan 3, 2019
Fur authoring tool, garment binding tool and custom offsets tool aren't "minor tweaks", those are completely new systems. You're seriously misrepresenting things.

Code is code regardless of where you write it. You could make a virtual computer inside of Minecraft and then program a physics engine on it. Doesn't make the code any less valid or any less custom.

Seems to me you have no idea what a game engine actually is or how it interfaces with 3rd party products.

They chose to make their own physics engine because of limitations in the one provided by Unity. That's a valid reason and it will allow for things that wouldn't otherwise be possible.

All these comments seem to stem from the idea that they're dragging out the development, as if that would somehow increase their revenue. Do you honestly think that NOT releasing actual adult content would be making them MORE money? At what point in the history of the furry fandom has NOT selling sex been more profitable than selling sex?

If money was all they cared for, interactions would have been rushed out asap so they could profit off horny coomers. But, they're taking their time actually making the app the way they want, and they ended up spending a lot of it on the character editor.

wdym rofl. Just because a project is started doesn't mean the end product immediately manifests. It actually has to be developed.

Their earliest YL2 development post goes back to Jul 2017. While development may have started earlier, their efforts weren't 100% focused on it until these posts started popping up (they were technically still developing Yiffalicious at that point). So that will make it 5 years this summer.

This guy thinks the development is slow, and chose to compare it to R2CK as some kind of point. :ROFLMAO:

Please, tell me how Fek (or ANY other developer for that matter) is making a furry project with this scope and ambition and is communicating the progress at this frequency and with this amount of media and detail.

What promises? They've been reluctant to give out any dates at all until that last submission.

That's the thing. You're equating not having interactions as not having gotten anywhere. That's your problem. It's greatly misrepresenting the development though.

Also, for someone not financially invested in the project, you seem awfully emotionally invested. Why exactly?
"Fur authoring tool, garment binding tool and custom offsets tool aren't "minor tweaks", those are completely new systems. You're seriously misrepresenting things."
>And you missed "additions". And minor ones at that. Would be cool, i guess...if were in a position to make use of em

"Code is code regardless of where you write it. You could make a virtual computer inside of Minecraft and then program a physics engine on it. Doesn't make the code any less valid or any less custom."
>Missed the part where its suddenly became an engine. "Code is code regardless of where you write it"

"Seems to me you have no idea what a game engine actually is or how it interfaces with 3rd party products.
They chose to make their own physics engine because of limitations in the one provided by Unity. That's a valid reason and it will allow for things that wouldn't otherwise be possible."
>And then theres always fellas like you who seem to know/have the tendency to know these things, if not being on par wit the creator/s themselves. How convenient.

This aint politics, but it also doesnt take one to know bullshit if only just by looking at the bigger picture, among other things.
"Code is code regardless of where you write it", simulation inside a simulated environtment. The first isnt possible unless the latter is established. AKA The engine.
Wanna innovate, make something more efficient? Go around certain limitaitons? Cool, but youre still within the same realm.

Semantics aside, were still looking at the same bloody thing.

"All these comments seem to stem from the idea that they're dragging out the development, as if that would somehow increase their revenue. Do you honestly think that NOT releasing actual adult content would be making them MORE money?"
>With how these "transactions" works, you really gotta ask? Or have you been missing out on how these things usually tend to go? -_-

Speaking of...

"This guy thinks the development is slow, and chose to compare it to R2CK as some kind of point. :ROFLMAO:
Please, tell me how Fek (or ANY other developer for that matter) is making a furry project with this scope and ambition and is communicating the progress at this frequency and with this amount of media and detail."
>Because the comparison wasnt the point. The implication is. So ill repeat it again;
" I mean, can you imagine if R2CK only still has character creation at this point in time? "

"wdym rofl. Just because a project is started doesn't mean the end product immediately manifests. It actually has to be developed.
Their earliest YL2 development post goes back to Jul 2017. While development may have started earlier, their efforts weren't 100% focused on it until these posts started popping up (they were technically still developing Yiffalicious at that point). So that will make it 5 years this summer."
>No comment on that front. Pretty much spot on, iirc. Except now its 2022 and were still looking at a 3d-static-figurine tool

"What promises? They've been reluctant to give out any dates at all until that last submission."
I guess as long as its not an explicit statement, its not a promise, huh? Maybe thats the problem, there isnt any. That is, not taking into account the amount of times they brought it up in the talks, and yknow...Maaaybe something to do with one of the main supposed fucntions of the damn thing being the interactions. Unless that wasnt the incentive/selling point? Were not looking at the same thing?

"That's the thing. You're equating not having interactions as not having gotten anywhere. That's your problem. It's greatly misrepresenting the development though."
Because were still looking at a plate, and only plans of what might be on top. Progress, but like someone else here mentioned; Snails. Fucking. Pace.

Again, theres plenty to do already with the character tools all the way from 2020, from there on it was just a number of minor additions...Meaning that they could brought them up at later date once theyve gotten the basics done for the interaction systems. Besides, its not uncommon for early developments to undergo some form of clean sweep to make up for new implementations that may or may not made past entries redundant, this case; custom characters included. But for the price? Considering where we are now? Tell me youd rather stick with the early CCtool static action figures forcefully rammed onto the wooden fence after all this time, instead of finally making at least some use of the things you end up making.

Jesus, how many times i gotta repeat the same shit? And how many times do we both gotta misdirect/ignore our points?

Also, for someone not financially invested in the project, you seem awfully emotionally invested. Why exactly?
yup i wonder how ... you are too much invested in this dude.
Getting personal, are we? Allright.
Eh, probably something to do with me actually being excited about it, once upon a time. But ive always found something odd with these "dealings" so i held myself from really diving in. But like i said, i forgot this project even existed at some point or another

Besides, atm, even if i want to support these kinds of "endeavors", its not like i can

Something to do with my finance and constantly changing bank policies, and now im pretty much effectively cut off on all international transactions at this point. Hey, sorry for being born in a 3rd world country and being fucking poor, i guess -_-
But fuck all if those concerns means jack to anyone, huh?

And looking back at the things i had interests on, i suppose its a good thing i never did, this one included.

Ive made my points, i suppose. Was a bit reluctant to respond because of how i end the conversation last time i was here.
And see yall in the next 2 years.
But it dont take a genius that just from that end alone, the convo here were/still pretty much cycles of the same old shenanigans. Tis like a fucking stuck record with either side repeating the same point, neither actually addresses each other, then the same repeats on another end. Rinse, repeat, loop. This one here is no diffrent.

How many times youve repeated the same thing everyone already knew about, SugarDuckling? Least Fuzzy here tries to address the points in some manner, yet here we are.

And like i said, pretty much all out of goodwill juice at this point. And energy left to actually give a shit? To everyone elses relief im sure...

An uneducated suggestion; Wouldve benefitted their campaign to pull off a little "public stunt"/gesture by making the latest entry of the build for public sharing. Besides, its in their interest to garner new prospects as well, yeah? Not like id actually know because i never read any of em, right? -_-
Mightve been a good opportunity, and for the "uninitiated", a glimpse of how far it had actually gotten....I mean, not like they gonna lose out on much, are they? But no, ofc not. Heres the relevant subsription service's link, kaching.

5+ years still looking at a dipping sauce and not one raised an invisible eyebrow. Am i glad i never hopped in.
There, said it. Basically the whole point

Do as you wish


Nov 9, 2020
>And you missed "additions". And minor ones at that. Would be cool, i guess...if were in a position to make use of em
Again, those aren't minor. Your personal opinion of them can certainly be that since they don't appeal to you, but that isn't the same thing.

>Because the comparison wasnt the point. The implication is.
You're comparing apples to oranges. It's like berating the development of Blender because Fortnite has so much more gameplay.

R2CK was made to be a game. FurryVNE was made to be a tool. I, for one, am happy they're spending time making a strong foundation for this tool.

The irony was that you chose R2CK of all things, considering how that project is essentially stalled with zero progress the last two years.

In case the point didn't come across:
The capability of FurryVNE in terms of character creation is vast in comparison to R2CK. It is therefore to be expected that this took longer to develop and that's why the interaction systems haven't yet been implemented. That's why R2CK's interaction systems were developed sooner in relation to the start of each respective project.

Also, considering R2CK hasn't had any progress in two years (seemingly), it isn't far fetched to assume that the reason this is the case is because of a lacking foundation. Unless there's a strong foundation, a project will eventually rot from the inside and decay, becoming impossible to manage and develop further. That's what the devs of FurryVNE are trying to avoid, and so much time was spent on foundation.

>Missed the part where its suddenly became an engine. ...
simulation inside a simulated environtment. The first isnt possible unless the latter is established. AKA The engine.
No, you have no idea what you're talking about. An engine can work outside of the environment, but it can be made to interface with one, in this case Unity. That's the whole point. You don't need Unity to make a physics engine, but you can make it interface with it.

A physics engine, again, is just code and an API to make other parts interact with it. It can be compiled to a separate linked library and then included in other builds, or it can be compiled along with the final build. In the end, the code making up the engine is the same. It doesn't make any difference for the experience of the user.

The only hook from Unity would be the timestep invocation to run the physics engine's code every X amount of times per second. But that hook could exist anywhere. You could invoke it from anywhere, doesn't need to be Unity.

>And then theres always fellas like you who seem to know/have the tendency to know these things, if not being on par wit the creator/s themselves. How convenient.
FYI I'm a professional developer since several decades back. What competence do you have, exactly, to make the claims you're making? The question is why you're just spewing bullshit in an attempt to make some kind of point, when you're only exposing your own ignorance for everyone to see.

You're so emotionally invested in a product in which you have no financial stake, that you have to literally make shit up to vilify the developers and the direction they chose to take their app. Seriously, WTF?

I guess as long as its not an explicit statement, its not a promise, huh? Maybe thats the problem, there isnt any
Alright, glad we got that established. There was no broken promise - it was something you made up, again. How about you take responsibility for your own assumptions rather than lashing out at "broken promises" that never existed in the first place?

Jesus, how many times i gotta repeat the same shit? And how many times do we both gotta misdirect/ignore our points?
Is there a reason you're referring yourself to "we" and your opinions to "our"? rofl.

Tbf, I'd rather they spend the time making a solid foundation to build upon than rush something out and end up in a dead end like last time, but that's just my opinion.

5+ years still looking at a dipping sauce and not one raised an invisible eyebrow. Am i glad i never hopped in.
There, said it. Basically the whole point
So, a person that never had any financial stake in the product, who actively talks shit about it and makes stuff up in an attempt to make the developers look bad, isn't interested in the development and is happy they never supported them.

Why should anyone care, exactly? Why do you even spend this time here, writing all this, if in the end the whole point was ultimately this? That seems like a royal waste of everyone's time.

.... I just want yiff with updated models. What are they doing thats taking so long?
They've spent a lot of time on the character creator. Since autumn 2021, they're now implementing interaction systems. You can follow the progress on their or .
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Mar 10, 2019
I know that people are upset that FVNE is being slow, but I must say that they could be a lot worse. I rather they take their time than to do some half assed product. Or they could have done some shitty DRM bullshit like Intimate VR does that makes it impossible to even try the game if you don't pay out the ass for it. We can still access the full editor and the cloud just by sharing the .exe so I think that it's fine.

Examples of it could be worse:

Intimate's DRM is the worst fucking thing I've ever seen, always online and aggressive as fuck. That one crack that exist for it is nearly impossible to do for dumb fucks like myself.

Rack2 has been in a destroyed state for more than 3 years, there were no updates for 2 years that actually did anything other than adding shitty chromatic aberration and shaking effects and people still give him money. Like what the fuck? I just checked he has nearly 2000 patrons giving him $13K a month.
Do these people believe that Fek is actively working on the game? :KEK:
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New Member
Mar 21, 2022
"Code is code regardless of where you write it. You could make a virtual computer inside of Minecraft and then program a physics engine on it. Doesn't make the code any less valid or any less custom."
>Missed the part where its suddenly became an engine. "Code is code regardless of where you write it"

"Seems to me you have no idea what a game engine actually is or how it interfaces with 3rd party products.
They chose to make their own physics engine because of limitations in the one provided by Unity. That's a valid reason and it will allow for things that wouldn't otherwise be possible."
>And then theres always fellas like you who seem to know/have the tendency to know these things, if not being on par wit the creator/s themselves. How convenient.
So they spent 5+ years coding on something that could've been done by plug in?.
  • Like
Reactions: Kurotaro


Nov 9, 2020
So they spent 5+ years coding on something that could've been done by plug in?.
They started working on the physics engine last autumn. The reason for creating their own physics engine is because of limitations in PhysX, the default physics engine in Unity.

I suppose that facepalm reaction from Kurotaro was due to not directly answering the question.

The question is so asinine and simpleminded it went over my head. So the question is "Could X have done with a plugin?", which essentially is another way of asking "Could X have been done with code?". Yes, of course X can be done with a plugin/code. That doesn't mean this plugin actually exists. Are you fucking kidding me, rofl. Come on man, this isn't rocket science. Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean it already exists. Can a spaceship theoretically be made that has the capability to fly to other stars? Probably. Does that mean this ship already exists and the efforts of NASA are worthless? No.

From what I understand, they're trying to do inverse kinematics and physical animation all in one go, which is highly unorthodox. It's not far fetched to believe this would require a custom implementation.
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Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
I know that people are upset that FVNE is being slow, but I must say that they could be a lot worse. I rather they take their time than to do some half assed product. Or they could have done some shitty DRM bullshit like Virtimate does that makes it impossible to even try the game if you don't pay out the ass for it. We can still access the full editor and the cloud just by sharing the .exe so I think that it's fine.

Examples of it could be worse:

Virtimate's DRM is the worst fucking thing I've ever seen, always online and aggressive as fuck. That one crack that exist for it is nearly impossible to do for dumb fucks like myself.
Virt-A-Mate has no drm and to my knowledge never has. You can download the game directly from their patreon and use a shared code (which hasn't changed in quite some time since they've begun development of 2.0) that unlocks everything, no cracks are involved, it's the full unlocked legit game. You may be thinking of Intimate which has always had aggressive drm.

Question is, will Yiffalicious 2 FurryVNE add drm when they release the interaction system? The first game had drm midway through development if I recall, up until the very end. Wouldn't put it past them to do so again, especially when they add the thing everyone's been waiting years for.


Mar 10, 2019
Virt-A-Mate has no drm and to my knowledge never has. You can download the game directly from their patreon and use a shared code (which hasn't changed in quite some time since they've begun development of 2.0) that unlocks everything, no cracks are involved, it's the full unlocked legit game. You may be thinking of Intimate which has always had aggressive drm.

Question is, will Yiffalicious 2 FurryVNE add drm when they release the interaction system? The first game had drm midway through development if I recall, up until the very end. Wouldn't put it past them to do so again, especially when they add the thing everyone's been waiting years for.
Fixed, was thinking of Intimate VR. Sorry about that.


Jan 3, 2019
Again, those aren't minor. Your personal opinion of them can certainly be that since they don't appeal to you, but that isn't the same thing.

You're comparing apples to oranges. It's like berating the development of Blender because Fortnite has so much more gameplay.

R2CK was made to be a game. FurryVNE was made to be a tool. I, for one, am happy they're spending time making a strong foundation for this tool.

The irony was that you chose R2CK of all things, considering how that project is essentially stalled with zero progress the last two years.

In case the point didn't come across:
The capability of FurryVNE in terms of character creation is vast in comparison to R2CK. It is therefore to be expected that this took longer to develop and that's why the interaction systems haven't yet been implemented. That's why R2CK's interaction systems were developed sooner in relation to the start of each respective project.

Also, considering R2CK hasn't had any progress in two years (seemingly), it isn't far fetched to assume that the reason this is the case is because of a lacking foundation. Unless there's a strong foundation, a project will eventually rot from the inside and decay, becoming impossible to manage and develop further. That's what the devs of FurryVNE are trying to avoid, and so much time was spent on foundation.

No, you have no idea what you're talking about. An engine can work outside of the environment, but it can be made to interface with one, in this case Unity. That's the whole point. You don't need Unity to make a physics engine, but you can make it interface with it.

A physics engine, again, is just code and an API to make other parts interact with it. It can be compiled to a separate linked library and then included in other builds, or it can be compiled along with the final build. In the end, the code making up the engine is the same. It doesn't make any difference for the experience of the user.

The only hook from Unity would be the timestep invocation to run the physics engine's code every X amount of times per second. But that hook could exist anywhere. You could invoke it from anywhere, doesn't need to be Unity.

FYI I'm a professional developer since several decades back. What competence do you have, exactly, to make the claims you're making? The question is why you're just spewing bullshit in an attempt to make some kind of point, when you're only exposing your own ignorance for everyone to see.

You're so emotionally invested in a product in which you have no financial stake, that you have to literally make shit up to vilify the developers and the direction they chose to take their app. Seriously, WTF?

Alright, glad we got that established. There was no broken promise - it was something you made up, again. How about you take responsibility for your own assumptions rather than lashing out at "broken promises" that never existed in the first place?

Is there a reason you're referring yourself to "we" and your opinions to "our"? rofl.

Tbf, I'd rather they spend the time making a solid foundation to build upon than rush something out and end up in a dead end like last time, but that's just my opinion.

So, a person that never had any financial stake in the product, who actively talks shit about it and makes stuff up in an attempt to make the developers look bad, isn't interested in the development and is happy they never supported them.

Why should anyone care, exactly? Why do you even spend this time here, writing all this, if in the end the whole point was ultimately this? That seems like a royal waste of everyone's time.

They've spent a lot of time on the character creator. Since autumn 2021, they're now implementing interaction systems. You can follow the progress on their or .
Right then, you go ahead and pay for that shit so that the rest of us dont have to. Besides, not like you'll lose out on anything, yeah? You self-clarified that you understand this nonsense than we do anyway, so good on ya, more confidence for us.

Have fun on that front. See ya maybe in next 2 fucking years.


New Member
Mar 21, 2022
So there non-furry VR tool(Virt-A-Mate) that does the same thing where you can load in furry models, In fact looking around many can do this. While FurryVNE looks like 1080p PS3 game when you have models on the floor physic wise?. Also seems like someone got mad at my other comment when a GTX 1060 or GTX 980 with 8+ thread CPU also 16GB ram can do soft body which that Burnout style sandbox game has showed at 1080p60.
  • Angry
Reactions: FuzzyFerret


Aug 10, 2017
So there non-furry VR tool(Virt-A-Mate) that does the same thing where you can load in furry models, In fact looking around many can do this. While FurryVNE looks like 1080p PS3 game when you have models on the floor physic wise?. Also seems like someone got mad at my other comment when a GTX 1060 or GTX 980 with 8+ thread CPU also 16GB ram can do soft body which that Burnout style sandbox game has showed at 1080p60.
you really need to read before posting, that's all i have to say ...
  • Haha
Reactions: Choo-choo


Jan 3, 2019
So there non-furry VR tool(Virt-A-Mate) that does the same thing where you can load in furry models, In fact looking around many can do this. While FurryVNE looks like 1080p PS3 game when you have models on the floor physic wise?. Also seems like someone got mad at my other comment when a GTX 1060 or GTX 980 with 8+ thread CPU also 16GB ram can do soft body which that Burnout style sandbox game has showed at 1080p60.

Also, VAM's a major pain in the ass to use. Not meant to be user friendly, iirc. Really gotta dig into the thing to make proper use out of it (Or use someone elses work and play it from there). And, yes afaik you can import models into it as opposed to YL2....supposedly.

As far as the whole physics "engine" *wheeze* here works, they aint done with it yet...thats all there is to it atm that you need to know.


Nov 8, 2019
Do you honestly think that NOT releasing actual adult content would be making them MORE money?
They are making more than 6K euros per month while essentially producing nothing. Theres more PR talk than content, it feels like freakin No Mans Sky!

They are at the point where they dont need to do anything and money will flow in, the next 6 update could literally be a font optimization and they would still get that much money because "its coming out this year".


Nov 9, 2020
They are making more than 6K euros per month while essentially producing nothing.
They're producing builds with new content at a faster rate than most other projects while at the same time developing new technology and showcasing that. That's not "producing nothing".

It's funny how you're bringing this up for this project considering how there's other projects that haven't had any visible progress or any new builds IN YEARS and yet earn more money.

it feels like freakin No Mans Sky!
I haven't played No Mans Sky, but afaik they turned that development around and now people view it very favorably, showing that as long as you keep working on something it can turn out great.

They are at the point where they dont need to do anything and money will flow in
First of all - even if this was true - so what? What people choose to spend their money on is their business.

Second of all - they're getting less and less money every month. The overall trend has been downward ever since they started developing FurryVNE.

Also, you're avoiding the question. Unless you're willing to bet money that FurryVNE somehow would be making less money once sex is implemented, you're full of shit.

Fact is they're trying to innovate and push technology and they are punished for doing so. Fact is you could just create some static sex animation and paywall it and earn more than what these guys are doing.

Wonder why there's hardly any projects such as this? Read the above paragraph again.
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Aug 10, 2017
I haven't played No Mans Sky, but afaik they turned that development around and now people view it very favorably, showing that as long as you keep working on something it can turn out great.

Wonder why there's hardly any projects such as this? Read the above paragraph again.
i've played no man sky and followed the game dev a bit.
the comparison he made with no man's sky is completely out of topic, but i understand why he make dis :
the team leader make promise the dev can't keep with their deadline, huge project huge ambition but way too short in time, the management sucks, a lot of things missing, and, a lot of misleading thing by the marketing team and the heads of the project.

They are making more than 6K euros per month while essentially producing nothing. Theres more PR talk than content, it feels like freakin No Mans Sky!
if you compare FurryVNE and no man's sky, that mean you can compare anything with everything
well i exaggerated a bit... but you get the idear, just don't do it without explanation of you have in mind :
in no man's sky :
-huge team
-the game dev was obscur like the majority of big games, just teasing, and speaking about but 0 content show; no constant news of the project.
-the founding system was a standard one, they have x money to make it, nothing more and ofc you don't know how many.
-it have deadlines (and harsh one, like Cyberpunk)

on FurryVNE:
-small team (1 dev, 1graphic designer that's all)
- you have the global roadline : CCtools then Animation tools then Visual novel maker, but nothing more, and ofc you have the content they show you.
-the founding system is essencialy patreon : ppl pays them you know how many they have for it, but don't forget they need to live with too... not all the money goes in the game
- no deadlines, it's done when it's done

so essentially you blag by lying. absolutely no matter to spit on
"they've done nothing" : wrong follow their twitter, pay to see the post on patreon, or ask here instead of lying cuz you don't know
"the dev is long just for milking" : wrong, look the other game dev you will see they are faster than most of them (same team size same project size), here you just say that because it's crowd funded and you don't know a things about development of a game so you assume it's long because : a team of 200 dudes have made a game in less than 2 years/ you saw a man alone done a game in less than a year. both case you just fools yourself on sooo many things because again : YOU DON'T KNOW.
if you don't know don't speak, inform yourself before.


New Member
Mar 21, 2022

Also, VAM's a major pain in the ass to use. Not meant to be user friendly, iirc. Really gotta dig into the thing to make proper use out of it (Or use someone elses work and play it from there). And, yes afaik you can import models into it as opposed to YL2....supposedly.

As far as the whole physics "engine" *wheeze* here works, they aint done with it yet...thats all there is to it atm that you need to know.
At least VAM has a working engine that you can mess around with. While VNE still using baked effects that look cartoony.

Load VNE models in DAZ3D/Blender with baked soft body sim, The models crack & glitch cause most of them are early PS4 level at best(100k triangles) while at worst are PS2 level(40k triangles).
3.90 star(s) 9 Votes