Take the guess, people. When we will get the animations?
According to what they say in one of their patreon posts:
"Roughly speaking, we've been releasing dev logs about every 3 months. As the last dev log was in Jan, we're expecting the next one to be around April, but it may release later (or even earlier, depending on how things go).
We think the next dev log will be our last before interactions are released, and we intend it to include a "live" demonstration of them, explaining in great detail how these new systems work and how to use them. So essentially a demonstration/tutorial of interactions that should hopefully prepare you for the release and get some ideas going."
They obviously won't release the build with animation right after the dev log. Probably a couple of months later. So my guess would be something from 06 to 08 of this year. That is if things go smoothly, but this project isn't really known for that as of late. So i will not be surprised that they will stall for much longer, cause they again are not satisfied how shit looks, or even before they say they will release the animation update, they once again encounter some gamebreaking bug.
Would be nice if they finally released it before 2023 ends, but hopes are not high.
But will the animation tools be even that good, once they drop ? First of all, they outright said that in the first release it won't feature things like oral or non-penetrative sex, probably many other things that people asked for since YL1 too. Which sounds like it won't be that much different from what they had in YL1(actually seems like they didn't fix their problems with why YL1 was YL1 and didn't allow oral and non-penetrative sex). And secondly, the Character creator started good at first, not hard to learn, and and quite powerful, you can do many things with assets provided with no actual skills required and time investment ain't that big either. How a good character creator should be. but later they just stop giving shit about that "character creator" part really. Since custom offsets added, no new body types in quite a fucking while, and no updates to older ones. And the new features like clothes or custom offsets are completely behind a wall of - Not a 3D modeler, Don't use blender ? Get fucked, you won't be using those features. And it would be at least fine and bearable if you could use what other people made. But no, Those features set up in such a way that you cannot re-use them for your own needs, clothes needs to be modeled around already made character model, they won't fit on any other unless the other character is exactly the same size and shape. And you cannot just use custom offsets other people made as well. If your character isn't the same head and feet type as character you exported the custom offset from, applying the offset to yours will deform it's head and feet into complete ugly mess. At this point this becomes more like an asset pack/plugin for blender than an honest character creator. Even when people suggest in their discord server that having "X" would be cool, the usual answer is: you already can do it in blender 4head.
So I'm not sure if this kind of shit won't repeat with animation tools too. What's even the point of using their app would be then ? Just learn blender and do animation there, there are plenty of ready to use models or model bases out there too.
Also they say that they will add ability to create custom maps, but not in their app of course lol. Go and learn how to do unity, and only unity. Like, bruh...
Imagine advertising blender plugins as: "Right now we're creating FurryVNE - a Furry Visual Noveling Editor in full 3D. With this project, we're aiming to create a complete toolset for creating furry avatars and stories."