i used IL2CPPDumper to get metada and struct used the py script in my ida but that is the easy part i dont think i need tu make a tutorial for that ;p
then i made a 404 auto responder with fiddle and identified a function that has 2 UnitiWebRequest check the first verify if the status is 200 and the seconds verify if the status isnt 403 then i used Fiddler and created an autoresponder on the Yl2Cloud/verify to respond always 200 to these request an located an other function that wasnt called before "YL2_Verification_Verify_JGOEKHJEBJM__IBJJHCBJNCH" this function is doing some ciphering also taking password, key and some data from the previous request i tryed to bypass this by i dont know how much try and methods but alway get to crash or new error some related to empty variable inside arrays other because array seem to go out of bound so are cbc error wich are all handled thats what i find very strange and also i'm a bit worried that there some encryption going on the game file as the a direct check for !decrypted
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that go to some error handeling
i also tried to be more violent an directly replace the jumpcall by the switch the the skytemple scene but go exactly the same behavior as the one you get with unity explorer when manually switching the scene also good to note that when you do that unity explorer error out some missing files
and also i was tired that the code jumped in all the direction so i have breakpoint all the function and just numbered them so now i dont need to run the program to know when and were they are called but this only helped to locate YL2_Verification_Verify_JGOEKHJEBJM__IBJJHCBJNCH after this i got stuck because it seem that the last call that is interesing after diving into garbage generated by bee and getting back to the login screen wich restart the loop or if you patch YL2_Verification_Verify_JGOEKHJEBJM__IBJJHCBJNCH create new error that sometimes i find funny
if you figure this out you nee to explain to me because i'm so frustrated right now i want to understand what i'm missing because i know i'm close to find the solution or the thing that said uncrackable because need some complicated backend or donwload file from authentified server