The way this game is being encrypted so hardcore and to such an extent, it sounds like the developers want to make it a tool a la Blender or Maya without the part of making character models from scratch by using the FVNE part.
I seem to remember the devs once upon a time (like back when they started working on it) saying they would make Yiffalicious 2 free like the first. That sure seems like a lie now, unless they make it free after sorting out the many issues it currently has, though that begs the question of why not make it available to even the pirates who would also give insight into bugs and other issues that would need fixed.
because now they get 8000$+ per month before they were 6000$+ per month they started to milk the last cent of their fan i think
and i dont think there is that much encryption and if there is one the keys a stored in the game or in the request made to their server and i dont think the key is unique to the account the code i found isnt that complex and if we can get a account we also can get the file decrypted and patch the game to use the local one already decrypted that also a possibility
SodaSoda if you manage to find something please report as i'm stuck in a loop were the game take me back to the login screen after dysplaying a shot grey screen that seem to be the transition to the loading of the game but after that it get back to login so idk i can be wrong here
I'm quiting reversing this mess until i can get an account or someone lend me one i can't find the needle i miss and i'm starting to waste to much time on it i think the solution is located inside :
YL2_Verification_Verify__BDBIJPCFAJB ==> this check if the server response are not 403 and are 200 and direct the code to the error according to the encoutered errors
YL2_Verification_Verify_JGOEKHJEBJM__IBJJHCBJNCH ==> this seem to hash password and do some deciphering its probably the more ineresting one
Inside the dump.rar are dummy dll and the file that are needed to get the function name in ida because i don't know for sure that we all have the same result in the function naming
and i'm not giving up just i can't progress anymore i need more data and without account it's too hard to get these data