

Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Who the hell is mocking short ginger lesbians I'll go kick their ass, Gingers are awesome.... lesbians are cool to.
We get a load of weird religious types hang round in type shouting about god (note, not all religious people are weird ... just these). They give us the usual "you'll burn in hell for that sin" but it looks like all the cool people are going to hell anyway so i'm okay with that.

Aside from those it's the usual "my dick will turn you straight". Yep, bouncing on some drunk blocks half erect dick is what i've been missing in my life, sign me up.

The most amusing ones are the really oblivious guys. Just spent 10 minutes sucking my girls tongue in a club and a guy starts flirting ... tell them i'm not interested to get the "bet your a fucking dyke" retort. Did sucking my girlfriends face not give it away.

Just to note i'm not complaining about men, just a certain type, most guys are cool as fuck but as with all things there are idiots.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2016
Right, i'm a short ginger lesbian, wanna compare notes on how much shit we get in a week ... big difference, even in public i'm still short and ginger and with my girlfriend so out there for all to see and mock and by fuck do we get some shit.

Wanna know the biggest difference?

I don't whine about it.

Get over it.

People trying to have a laugh and your all "but mah feels". Bet your fun at parties.
Wait, what? You are not a dark haired witch with a deep soothing voice? Shit, I hate you now. :D Thank god, you are not a short ginger man. But yeah, whatever you are, you just make it work.
Lol no but you can believe it if it makes you feel better.
Ben, stop destroying people with facts and logic. It's evil. :D

King Monkey Mon

The Perverted King of The Harem Masters
May 16, 2017
Yarp, were already looking through options to change the theme, then I realized its one of those weird days of the year.

Ehh, at least its decent quality trash, still wont be yiffing anytime soon. Remember, never go beyond 10%, its dangerous territory there.

i lost it at the sick bastard part :LOL:


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Right, i'm a short ginger lesbian, wanna compare notes on how much shit we get in a week ... big difference, even in public i'm still short and ginger and with my girlfriend so out there for all to see and mock and by fuck do we get some shit.

Wanna know the biggest difference?

I don't whine about it.

Get over it.

People trying to have a laugh and your all "but mah feels". Bet your fun at parties.
Don't let that shit get to you.

You're one of the few Lesbians that I've met who hasn't been "Kill all men" at me. And your debates are often On-point. I've only rarely disagreed with something you have had to say.

In short. You go girl!


pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
Let's be honest, nobody comes here to be "open to new experiences". They just want to pirate porn games/site rips/comics.

For some reason, instead of getting what they want and going on their way, a few people feel the need to make other people feel bad for the content they want to pirate.
I don't mind furr and I don't mind pirating a furry xD:sneaky::whistle:
Right, i'm a short ginger lesbian, wanna compare notes on how much shit we get in a week ... big difference, even in public i'm still short and ginger and with my girlfriend so out there for all to see and mock and by fuck do we get some shit.

Wanna know the biggest difference?

I don't whine about it.

Get over it.

People trying to have a laugh and your all "but mah feels". Bet your fun at parties.
Short ginger lesbian? RRRrrrr! :p


May 21, 2017
I don't have any problems whit furry stuff, the drawings that are in the page right now are nicely drawed, there is some furry that is actually to much for me, but eh I just ignore those, talking of furry what it does surprise me is wen people say they are furries in real life, I can get roleplaying to get your kink but to actually belive they are one, that is actually weird to me.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I don't have any problems whit furry stuff, the drawings that are in the page right now are nicely drawed, there is some furry that is actually to much for me, but eh I just ignore those, talking of furry what it does surprise me is wen people say they are furries in real life, I can get roleplaying to get your kink but to actually belive they are one, that is actually weird to me.
Depends on ones definition of furry. If one means it to believe that 'Furry' defines one as liking Anthropomorphised animals, then a lot of people can be placed there. The people who 'Fursuit'... are really only a small subset.

If one defines it as 'liking antrhopomorphised animals'... then furry is actually very, very ancient Indeed. The Sumerians, Egyptians and so on have a rich cultural heritage of Man-Animal gods and myths.

My avatar is a anthropomorphised depiction of a 'Devil' Judas dating from the 15th century.


Feb 11, 2018
Aside from those it's the usual "my dick will turn you straight". Yep, bouncing on some drunk blocks half erect dick is what i've been missing in my life, sign me up.
That's a people thing, I guess. I met a gay guy that said his butt would turn me gay. I laughed a little bit until he actually asked for my address so I called a yikes and went on with my day. Some people are stupid.