Lets get on with the bug-hunt!
I'm going to gloss over the fact that sometimes the game switches from english to spanish, that there are two settings for english in options and one for spanish, while one shows english even while spanish and other things. Some things are not translated.
Persistent problems: English text doesn't word-wrap, meaning that some text is lost and often its not enough to gleam what the conversation was supposed to be. Genders are confusing in english, Valeria is in description refered to as She and He in two back to back sentences.
First map, the bedroom (casa di sata): it is possible to climb every bookcase.
pisio 8 prision futa dia:
-First picture of tutorial does not have english translation on the poster, every single other page has.
-to talk to the other prisoner, you need to click him with a cursor, walking to the cell and pressing enter does not work.
-it is possible to climb the cracked wall next to the talkative prisoner
-it is possible to climb the statue next to the throne.
-talkative prisoner suddenly changes into shopkeeper for no reason, even changing portraits.
-it is hard to keep writing this as people get names but never get a nametag, so I can't really tell you what was the first futa's name that catches you, but I wanted to point out her boobs clips through Sato's legs.
on the map Puerta de de tortura
-you can get infinite imagen desbloqueada from clicking the bottom right box. I also don't speak spanish so I don't know if its good, bad or intentional.
-you can climb the boxes stacked against the bars and the damaged pillar
-on the previous map, you could enter this one by simply walking to the right, to leave where you came from, you need to walk to the edge of the screen and press use button (enter) or (mouseclick)
-junk-kun's mother doesn't have any arms in the scene where her personality changes.
in hiro's hideout
-you can get infinite imagen desbloqueada from clicking the broken pillar.
-for some reason it is the only room where you cannot run
The old machine (ruleta)
-Didn't know I was using money to play the game, the mention wasn't there.
-Cuarto de hiro
- the video from the painting is hilarious with positioning.
-casa 2 -bookshelves are climbable again, so are apples and sack in the bottom left
I'm deliberately avoiding the "futa prision" video as there is a typo in the name of the game too.
-piso 8 prision noche
-the poster next to the bed is missing but is still interactable
-pisio 8 prision futa dia
-after the daring attempt to save me by maker, it is referenced that valeria takes the maker somewhere while she continues standing in front of the bars at sato's cell
-gigantess room
-her sprite clips into the prison bars
-cuarto de potiones
-it is possible to climb the tables on the top left of the room, it is also possible to climb into the machinery to the right of the sleeping girl.
otherwise its a decent game.