Hello dev, glad to see IU improvements, still not enough tho
. Its better to avoid using to much text and popup message windows (specialy that big ones) in UI. Like, insted of text notices you can just show up/down red/green arrows above bottom menu. One arrow - one point, two arrows - two points changes and so on. MC need that menu too for her stamina too, and also it will be good to show school and mc stats not only in text, but in picture too. Some empty bars/circles etc, that wil be painted if there are lust or stamina points. It wil also show players not only current level but also its maximum, that wil help a lot for managment. And devide school and mc UI, like one on top other one on bottom. Yeah, IU development is always pain in the ass. But, it worth it.
I also have some suggestions about gameplay, hope you find them usefull:
Only grades is not enough for player motivation to explore for porn. You can make it more complex and interesting. Like make test only be link in chain test -> test -> big event -> test -> test -> big event -> test -> test -> End event. Big events could be some school festivals (sport, art, feast, other holydays) that players need to prepare or to be prepared or both. For preparation, players wil need to participate in clubs, so you can devide day cicle in something like this: home -> class -> clubs -> home. May add betwine classes and clubs some lunch minievent for replenish mc energy. As Luna has her unic status in school, she can be granted with privilege to participate in any club as she wants. It wil give players freedom to built mc as they want. You probably mention that in game, as Luna helps students and teachers, she and her mother receive money from goverment, so after each test and big event ends, this organization cuold provide mc random items or perks to choose based on results, that wil help to clear the rest main chain. Better result -> better rewards, and if results are bad it could be debuffs too. After End event players can go on another run with some benefits from previous runs, like more new events (big and small), some mc and her mother support skills upgrades (more stamina refresh, different buffs for day) and also increase dificulty for better use this rewards. Yup, its like in rougelike games, each run big events wil be choosen randomly,
So it will solve too big problems, that i can see in this game: lack of interesting gameplay mechanics, and most important, lack of freeplay. I know, that it wil be suuuper hard to make something like that, but I named your concept "great" mostly because with it, you can easily integrate porn in all core gameplay, and that is cool! As I mention, the biggest problem for now, is lack of freeplay, so simple sandbox mode after ending will be also good
. Anyway, its your game dev, so its only you know how to cook it
. Cant wait for future updates, keep it up dev, you are doing great!