I hope you won't let the comments here turn you off from creating. As you said, you might be better off to use premade assets, but other comments in the thread also make clear that there is interest in futa protagonist games, so you could definitely find an audience. Good luck moving forward!Wasn't expecting this reaction lmao. I guess that when you spend so many hours looking at your own creation you eventually loose sight of whether it looks good or bad. I genuinely didn't notice that the faces looked so wrong, but that is to be expected since this is the first time I actually tried my hand at character modelling and I have less than 1 year of experience in 3d art. I should have followed the advice that you should never go for character modelling straight away before you have a deep understanding of sculpting and anatomy or else you will pay the price. I will take this as a learning experience since it is my first game. Regarding the future of this project: I will finish it no matter what but it will probably be abridged. Remaking all the characters at this point is probably a fool's errand so I will try to finish as fast as possible and move on to the next project where I will use a different method to create the assets (instead of making them from scratch) maybe 2d, daz who knows.