First, let me clarify that I do not wish to address any comments based on a leaked version of my game. However, given the number of questions that have arisen during my long absence and the bit of free time I have now, I’ll indulge you with some simple answers.
So, the outcomes are entirely dependent on the character you choose to follow. I cannot go any further, all answers are already in the game.
Since you're, kind of, asking for feedback, I'll give you some.
First, let me just say I enjoyed this game immensely. It is very well written and the scenes are very hot and well animated. And I'm sure I will continue to enjoy the game even if no consideration is spent on any of my, hopefully, constructive criticism. I think the many opinions shared so far is connected to that. This game is very good. That leads people to have strong feelings and opinion. With that out of the way, these are my thoughts:
1. Choices are opaque and not really related to the outcome.
This leads to a loss of perceived agency for the player. Take the very first choice. Try to lure Hana away from Ollie, by either suggesting going to a flower shop or a café. Choosing the flower shop leads to success, which starts Milly down the route of seducing Hana and, at a later stage, fucking Hana netorase-style. Choosing the flower shop leads to failure and that in turns leads to Milly raping Hana, but still netorase-style. The problem here is that it is impossible for the player to know one represents success and the other failure, but even more importantly, that success leads to a consenting fuck, whereas failure leads to rape. It would have been better if the choice between consenting fuck and rape hade been something that Milly could consciously choose at the direction of the player.
The same issue is encountered in the last update. The player is presented with the choice of accepting Nadyas offer to fuck or turn her down, despite Milly being seriously horny due to Nadya showing off her boobs. The first choice logically leads to Milly fucking Nadya, but the second leads to her getting raped by another futa and later having consenting sex with a third futa if on the depravity path (there is also a second opportunity which at the moment is a dead end, so I'll ignore that) and no sex at all if on the NTR path. Once more, the choice is not logically connected to the outcome, not the least why having had consenting sex with Hana or raping her affect whether or not Milly in turn is raped and has sex with other futas (or not). In this case, it is also made a little bit worse, by the second choice feeling both kind of stupid and out of character for Milly. After having turned Nadya down, Milly immediately thinks to herself "why did I do that?!?". So I, for instance, wanted to say yes to Nadya, because it is more in line with how I would like to play Milly (super horny, but not random and stupid). But then I loose out on the futa-on-futa (or at least the start of it, I guess there will be more chances to get in on that action).
Going forward, I think choices would feel better if the player is given agency over what Milly *wants* and tries to do, rather than over arbitrary things that, through the butterfly-effect, lead to different outcomes. So for instance, instead of the player choosing between having Milly eat a hamburger, that then randomly leads to consenting sex with LI X, or eat a pizza, that then randomly leads to rape of LI Y, let the player choose between having Milly go after LI X in order to seduce her or go after LI Y in order to rape her. I think that would be more satisfactory and also create a greater feeling of agency and controll over the narrative for the player.
2. Paths not really paths, at least not yet.
Here I'm going to go against the grain a little bit. People in this thread seem very concerned with there being too many paths. And while I do, to some extent, share the worry that too many paths could lead to development slowing down due to severe branching bloat, I don't feel this is what has happened so far. In fact, I don't feel like there are so many paths as there are choices on how the following scene should play out and with which LI. So, for instance, having chosen the depravity path in the beginning of the game, does not preclude the player from switching to the NTR-path in the latest version and the sex with Hana will then be the same as if the NTR path was chosen at the beginning. The only significant difference (as far as I've surmised) is connected to choosing NTR-path at the beginning, because then the futa-on-futa scene and path is out the window (for now at least).
The question then becomes, should the choices even be labeled paths? Especially since choices so far are also not logically connected with the paths (in what way is suggesting going to a café connected to wanting a dominat and rapy Milly and how is turning Nadya down connected to wanting Milly to have sex with other futas?). I'm wondering, are these path really based on what Milly does, or are they based about what kind of fetishes/fantasies the player will get to see? Because if it's the latter, and you're doing it to organise and keep score of the fetishes/kinks you want represented in the game, I think it superfluos to label it paths for the player.
3. On a purely subjective note, I do hope we'll get an option to turn the tables on the other futas and go completely dominant/rapey on them.