Indeed, I find that it's quite refreshing and a breath of fresh air seeing the dominant and sultry persona of the MC blend together to make a very beautiful (and pleasantly enticing) personality
Yeah. It's wild that this is kind of uncommon in erotic/porn games. An MC that:
- Is super horny (ok, that's still common)
- Because of said horniness seeks out and initiates sexual encounters and relations (this is rather uncommon, in the average porn game, sex often just falls into the MCs lap, who usually has kind of a shy personality).
- Is charming, social competent and has qualities that make it believable that a lot of very attractive LIs would find the MC sexually attractive enough to allow for sexual shenanigans without any guarantee of a monogamous and longterm relationship (not to mention, agree to be in the MCs harem
). This is maybe this games weak point, as the story progresses a little bit to fast to be believable, but still, the MC is at least physically attractive, charming, confident and assertive. (many, many games have unattractive MCs who'd never get laid in real life, my pet peeve being all the super short, scrawny and ugly male MCs who the large majority of women would dismiss out of hand).
- Is assertive and dominant to the point of being rapey and uses that dominance to seduce/corrupt and get into the pants of the LIs, which, while not moral, actually works as a strategy in real life, as many people (women especially) are sexually attracted to assertive dominance.* (This is very rare in erotic/porn games, even when tagged with dominance, showing that most devs have no idea of what real dominance is).
One of the reasons I really like this game so far.
* To be clear here, I'm not advocating for people to use assertive dominance as a seduction/corruption tool in real life, as, even if you're really good at reading people, you will get it wrong sooner or later and then you will have done something bad to someone and might also face concequences yourself (and let's face it, the vast majority of people playing porn games and spending their time on forums discussing said porn game are *not* "really good at reading people"...
