I was wondering what was going to happen with the netorare branch after the choice leading to it got changed some patches ago. I guess it's just part of the futa on futa one now... makes sense less work. Though it's really Sophie that I want to see turned into an airtight party favour, her then Nadya are my favourites. Basically 0 interest in Hana, though I guess Ollie taking it in his bussy might make him briefly interesting as he's so far only just been there as a wet blanket to cuck.
The very end was off to me. We've been seeing their rando conversation in detail, then it suddenly jumps to vague summary as things are kicking off. Would have been better for the update to continue on until at least the night was through so it had a more natural finish.
I'm a little unclear if the Agawa family is supposed to be actually related people or like a mafia crime family kinda family.
This line seemed super odd too:
Like, why are they talking about this in front of the MC, and why isn't that making her push back. Also Natalie seemed to do a complete personality 180 in this bit.