Others - Completed - Future Fragments [v1.0.1] [HentaiWriter]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, really fun to play and good animations. Little boring and tedius at times, but nobody it's perfect you know. Great progress along the way from the begining also. I'm waiting for the official release.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent platformer with awesome sprite graphics and CGs. Very megaman-esque in play style with traps and some platformer based puzzles. Great voice acting with 100% of the game being voice acted, no miscellaneous dialogue that goes unvoiced.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing sidescroller/platformer. Very high animation and voice acting quality, solid gameplay and variety. The gameover CGs are the only thing that could use an improvement as the art style isn't that great. Overall a very promising game, can't wait for it to release!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with wonderful animation and art and beautiful voicework. To be honest it's better than just an H game, it's an H game with depth and content to make it enjoyable even in the SFW mode. If you've ever wanted to play basically sexy Megaman with a unique twist this is it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Highly recommended for those who love H-platforming games. Unique art style and story, characters and their scenes are made in detail as well. Challenging and dynamic especially with its verticality, but not tedious nor overly straightforward. Yet, if you'd like, you can just kill yourself If you want to get to the sauce and you won't be set back too far. Moreover, you DON'T always HAVE TO DIE to get the SAAUUCE, there are events and scenes around the area for the SPICY SAAAUCE.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Creme Fraiche

    Solid game all things considered. Haven't kept kept up with the project for a while but glad to see it finally reaching its endgame. Always really liked platformers, so finding one that also doubled as porn was a bit of a change of pace for me but was welcome to my degenerate self. Here's to it having a successful release!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The main metroidvania loop of collecting powerups and slowly expanding the world you can explore over time is done well- going back to previous areas isn't tedious due to the interconnectedness of areas, and it is easy to identify rooms based on layout, what the room introduces, and how they are connected to other rooms. Moreover, the game avoids gameplay fatigue by having several areas focused on different mechanics, fully exploring the limits of the new mechanic before introducing more.

    The story is also quite nice- the main premise is basically a more explicit version of Shimoneta, where a future obsessed with purity and repression ends up being more sexually assaulty than the mess we already have. Except instead of a rapey and disturbing Ana, it's a bunch of robots who are forced into doing something that harms themselves and the person they're literally fucking over. It should be noted that almost all sex is between girls and machines with varying levels of sentience and human traits, or with other girls, so if that's not your thing then the game might not be for you if you just want to play for the horny (but the story is good enough regardless that I'd still recommend it). If you ARE playing to get off, the animations are quite nice and the requirements aren't too obtuse, and the scenarios presented are quite creative.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game with passions.
    You can see how much they put in the game such as the background notes everywhere.
    Smooth character movement and attack frames with multiple attack elements to switch, which increases the game variety.
    And detailed performance after the character is faint or down.
    The events also shows the details.
    Enemies sometimes need some tricky way to deal with.
    Don't miss it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really solid demo build, excited for the final content but otherwise it's really fun and really good voice acting and animations. Hopefully some more features will be added and the gallery will feel more intuitive when the final version releases, but I heavily plan to purchase the game on steam and am excited for when this releases.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Ive played the last 4 versions.
    I love the visuals of the game it fits great for what kind of game it is.
    This one also has great voice acting which is quiet refreshing since most dont have so much of it.
    Cant wait to try the full version!
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    der der der

    Good game in its parts. Platformer games are hard to make unique and this one hits on that in a few areas like the powerup and item systems. Animations are really detailed for pixel art, and the few CGs ive seen look good. development speed is alright. They need to get it all compiled but once that happens, top 10 easily for me. I give it 4 out of 5. once finished It may be a 5.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok for a side-view platformer, I guess. If you don't like things like grotesque monster rape on female at all don't bother. The final straw for me was its window wouldn't fit on my desktop and apparently there's no way around this other than playing it on a tv, which I can't do over 95% of the time and people shouldn't be expected to do with a porn game like this. It also did the cutest little thing with a monitor I had that was actually slightly larger than the game's window where it put the entire taskbar up above the screen so you can't position the window at all :p Also, computers will try to load it in Winrar if you have that on them at times. Seems to suggest compatibility issues of some kind:a little odd for something that's been around as long as Windows 7.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best platformer we have at the moment. Fully voice-acted, which is more than I can say for any other genre. I'm looking forward to a final release. This isn't so much a recommendation for this game right now as it is to say "don't play any of the other ones."
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome Dev, awesome game.
    The action is fun, the animations are sexy and there is a lot of voice acting in the game, a very complete game experience all in all.
    Also it has some very cool innovative mechanics, like changing the gravity, and some of the sex-machines functionalities.
    If you like Side-scrollers or metroidvania games, this game is definetly for you!
    5/5 will buy on Steam.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    There are very few games on this website that I genuinely am eager for the game to be finished, not for the sexy scenes but the game itself. From the small bits of story we have seen through the updates, the story seems like its actually going to be interesting. The gameplay mechanics seem to be more like a true metroidvania game than a simple adult game.

    Yes, there are sex scenes in both the sprite animation as well as some newer cutscenes which are good and all, but for once, these things are not the driving factor in terms of wanting to play the actual game.

    I think their method of not releasing "the whole game so far" like many do in updates was smart. You get small tastes of the game but you dont get enough to get your rocks off and then just say screw it, good enough. You only get little snippets of the game and it keeps you wanting more after every update.

    This game has keyboard controls and also works very well with a controller. I generally use an old Xbox 360 controller that I use a USB adaptor for and it works really well for this game and I find it actually makes the controls easier to manage. Makes sense for a metroidvania style game as those are not exactly designed with a keyboard and mouse in mind.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    One of those games that being drag on with hardly any updates. just repost from the past updates. It fun to play at first. Sort of a copy and paste of other Side-scrolling games hacks & slash. If you plan on playing it. better wait till it full game. no new h-scene in the past 3y.
    Say you can reuse old maps. I've tried doing this but it doesn't seem to work. more like grab an older ver of the game to play on those map.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll be writing my review based on the version meant for pseudo-publication, not the experimental one.

    Future Fragments is an excellent platformer with amazing in-game scenes. This game doesn't really use CGs for scenes, the scenes with enemies are animations. One gripe I have is scenes are largely for losing, which can be annoying. This is mitigated by there being frequent save rooms so there usually isn't much backtracking if you die. The controls are tight and the levels are definitely well designed with the powers in mind. Overall as long as this is fleshed out I can see it being one of the best games of its type.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    username not specified

    Future Fragments is the embodiment of quality. With such an organized team and schedule, the FF devs have managed to create an adult game that actually tries to be a game without shying from the porn aspects in any way whatsoever. In addition, FF may be the first time that I didn't have to fear an adult game being abandoned mid-development or being dragged on unnecessarily for years due to how transparent the development process is.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Can't wait for the final product! I especially love the voice acting, and the pixel art is just detailed enough to be hot as fuck! HentaiWriter has been very engaged here too, which is super cool.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm generally not too much of a fan of platformers, but just looking at the details, the animations and voice acting are all superb you'll really feel that a lot of time and effort was put into creating this. Looking forward to how this game ends up, keep up the good work and cheers