Seeking Games where the heroine gets more powerful the more sex she has?

Pink Chaos

Dec 4, 2019
What games are out there featuring a heroine that gains power from sex? Cursed Armor is an example of this with the heroine gaining a suit of armor that becomes more powerful as she absorbs sexual energy. Games with a corruption type stat that grants you assorted perks the higher it gets also count at least somewhat, though I prefer one where high corruption doesn't net you a bad ending.

I know Rain's Rave and Lilia's Liveihood has you take less damage the higher your sexual experience. Seed of Evil also gives bonuses from high corruption, but it has a bad end for said corruption which is not my preference. Overall there doesn't seem to be many games like this.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2018
Meltys Quest? She can ”unlock” new costumes that when mastered would give you a variety of skills... You can play it as a Virgin but the first play through atleast encourages you to be as slutty as you could since you will get those unlocked skills retained in a new game+.... Though I dunno about you if the endings would be called a “bad end” coz she’s supposed to be a slut to begin with...

Game has repeated pregnancy though, just could be a + or - for you.

I think Annelitte is the same as Meltys but shorter.

Pink Chaos

Dec 4, 2019
I'm familiar with Melty's Quest, but I like that game and I do like pregnancy. Maybe I'll play it again sometime. And, yeah, I wouldn't consider its slut ends to be bad ends, not really.


Jul 24, 2018
Brave Alcumist Colette is a game that needs you to collect cum in order to craft and level up to gain more powers. It's been translated recently too. Colette is one of the many companions that can collect semen too.


Sep 12, 2018
Adventure of Anise, MC needs to end the stage with her womb full of cum to buy skills, but if she gets too full, she fails the stage, fail the stage three times and its game over.
It has different endings that depend on how much sex you had in the game, and you can defeat the stage bosses or capture them for an aditional H scene.
The cons... well there is many, first is not translated, and the save doesnt really save, or maybe I just didnt knew how to save correctly, the enemies have different amount of cum so, trying to manage it is a little difficult, and the worst, aparently there is a secret final boss, but to fight him you need to complete the game, and then reload the file that has the finished game, but since I cannot save or load, I havent seen that fight...