Maintenance post:
Since G_β choose to retire (it was planed but not that soon, some of his haters made it happen quicker that we all wanted), it's time to update the original post which won't receive new content (aside from Models, which will be released one by one).
Everything should be here (I'm talking original files without re-encode, as G_β shared them) and I sorted it by games > Characters. It may contain mistake as I don't know all games but I mostly worked with people on the G_β Discord to sort it (contact me if you find mistake that need correcting).
Note: some has crossover, so you find them only in one folder, not the folder of both games.
Added Adventure Time
Added Apex Legends
Added Bayonetta
Added Ben10
Added Dark Souls
Added Dragon Age
Added Dynasty Warriors
Added Elden Ring
Added Fallen Throne
Added Five Nights at Freddy's
Added Fornite
Added Frozen
Added Ghost in the Shell
Added Ghost Recon
Added Grand Theft Auto
Added Heroes of the Storm
Added Life is Strange
Added Lollipop Chainsaw
Added Marvel Comics
Added Metal Gear Solid
Added Model-Test
Added Naruto
Added Prison School
Added Rapunzel
Added Soul Calibur
Added Star Wars
Added The Incredibles
Added The Legend of Opala
Added The Legend of Zelda
Added Tomb Raider
Added Uncharted
Added Unclassed
Added Undertale
Added Unreal Tournament
Added Valorant
Added Vampire The Masquerade
Added Virtua Fighter
Added World of Warcraft
Added Yakuza
Added Shani
Added Raven
Updated Links in OP
720p / 1080p new content NOT updated (need re-encode of the 4K version)