Welcome to the art of porn games for more "obscure fetishes", you either utterly fail and get no attention or you end up making bank because there is, in this case. Quite literally only 2 other alternatives to your game, and ONE OF THEM IS OWNED BY YOU TOO!
Although in fairness if this isn't their main job, and is a sidejob the "content" each update is okay. What is totally unacceptable though is just the hit or miss with the quality of the updates, and it would cost them literally nothing aside from maybe 5 more minutes or 10 every update(copy paste text into chatgpt, or a word plugin).
Like cmon, you are selling a product, can't you at least make sure the product has consistent quality.
>Not like we have much of a right to complain, as I assume most people here including me haven't actually paid for every update.