
Active Member
May 5, 2020
Do not think so, I vague remember you find it earlier when doing other things, looks something like a camp/fort with a square block of soldiers and a officer type in front, and he is the only one you can actually approach and talk to terrain/walls block all the others.

And yup, once the king has basically raped you then the game is pretty much railroad city, there is supposed to be a way to get back on him and everybody else later on, not sure if that is game+ or simply something you can choose very much later in the game, I do remember some pretty nasty spells that require dark goddess title to allow you to use them, but the pop up in the vendors of such things fairy early ish in the game.

Though most h based rpg's are pretty railroady when you get down to it, especially those with fights where even if you win you still loose, I tend to give game dev's who do that a load of crap about it, if I can not win I do not see the point of even doing the fight in the first place, is it just to pad out game play time or something?
So ended up finishing and it is pretty fucking stupid. Just one last boss the end thanks for playin. Bunch of recycled quests left over. Your reffering to getting missions to kill those that raped you... those that you could have killed in the damn first place :FacePalm: Can kill greater demons... can't prevent a rape on self. The big damage spells the game is not playable without em unless one wants to play like an idiot wasting time to wrack up over 20k or even over 40k damage

As for railroading it's a yes and no but yeah it is mainly on the yes side. Even trash tier typically toss in a virgin option (mostly as an afterthought I bet). So one could say that there is a option for something.

as for losing fights you win seems like regardless of game type its always without fail some scripted shit... Overall for most rpgm all the stupid fighting and wandering shit does de facto pad it out. Better ones give reason for fighting and have reason for wandering about however thin it is. Without that, without anything like some nifty lewd mechanics battlesex/clothes and without options be they ends or routes there aint no reason at all whatsoever to make such game in rpgm. This game like many others should have just been a poor looking VN


Jul 10, 2020
lewdness won't go past 99% at all maybe I got a broken version there is no pregnancy and the loss scenes are always the same!.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2019
Why aren't the battle h animations playing? There wasn't one for the slime slapping Milk's ass or it getting groped by a goblin.


Nov 3, 2019
I like how "calming agent" is only there to trick you into thinking that there's "pure" route
and that demon dude saying "what path will you choose" or something like that also tricks you into thinking there's multiple endings
What a thorough bamboozlement
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2019
Is there any way to get body writing on Milk like on Delia in A Record Of Delia's War?

Dark Seraph

Mar 7, 2018
Does anyone know where to find monster n.27 in monsterpedia? Also i am missing item n.14,n.15, armor n.37 and key items n,26, n.27. I am sure i have done everything i can in the game but i can't fin those.
May 23, 2022
Ese páramo se refiere a 'pueblo baldío'.
Se puede encontrar yendo a la esquina suroeste del primer mapa de área.
En la parte inferior izquierda, debería haber una placa amarilla que señale un camino que conduce a una nueva área llamada "Al área de tierras baldías".
Toma ese camino.

En el momento en que llegues al nuevo mapa, ve hacia el norte. Una pantalla o 2 en, verá un puente. Tómalo
Ahora ve al norte y luego al oeste. Verá otro pequeño camino que se conecta a una nueva área. tómalo.
En este mapa, su destino está en el oeste. Pero no hay un camino recto allí. Por lo tanto, deberá ir: al norte, luego al oeste y luego al sur. Verás una placa que dice 'pueblo baldío'. Ese es el destino (ver imagen 2)

Tu objetivo esta en este pueblo.

Ojalá hubiera una manera de extraer mapas. Pero no sé cómo.

Lo siento por no dar las instrucciones adecuadas. Soy malo para dar direcciones.
El primer archivo es donde comienzas.
La segunda imagen es donde esta su area de destino.

3.70 star(s) 12 Votes