Does anyone know the dynamic input code to allow me to touch anya again while she's sleeping? I must have been mashing through talking to her and agreed not to touch her again. I was able to for a while and had her agree to "help each other out sometimes", but now it says I "agreed not to wake her up like this anymore". I just did the threesome event with her boyfriend, but it still won't let me. Does it just lock you out of it after certain events or is there some way I can fix it?
Edit: Okay, so I started a new game and tested it really quick. Even after agreeing to continue doing things, she does just say "if we really need it, just tell the other. Just don't wake me up like this anymore", so it seems to just lock you out of waking her up for sex after that event. Good to know, I thought I had made a wrong choice, but I didn't.