True, it's definitely subjective use of adjectives. I guess my idea of Zinaida is that she comes off as a shy and innocent girl because of how she blushes just over you congratulating her on doing good in a game, then she tries to down play her achievement like it's not a big deal to her. That single little line actually speaks a lot about her character in my opinion, but i'm not sure that was even intended at all. To me, it makes it come off like she would be the type who is die-hard loyal and devoted to a fault because she's so innocent and most likely inexperienced, which could lead to a really good friendship or romantic story line instead of another rape/blackmail/slut one. Julia for me just seems far more basic, the lines when you talk to her and most of any time you spend with her is just like, very straight forward in my opinion and doesn't speak a lot about her character. She does seem sweet, but nothing really jumps out because she seems like "just another girl" because of how straight forward the lines are, such as "normally she lets others lead the conversation, but with you she tries to talk more". So it's like "oh cool, she respects me as a friend so she actually tries", but that's something pretty much every human being should do, so to me it doesn't really make her seem any sweeter than a normal human, but just that she's "better" than the other girls in the game because she isn't just slutting up or bullying people.
Obviously you guys can do whatever you think is best, but I just feel like there's already so much of those sort of things in the game and hope there's eventually more romance. I'm just biased though because the game is called "Girl Life" and i'm a girl, but the game seems to almost purely target males, not that there's anything wrong with that of course. I still enjoy it a ton regardless, but even kinky girls like me can absolutely adore cute romance storylines, so i'm just being whiny about wanting more to make it into the game lol.