Thank you for your answer

I thought I saw someting like " Cooney ban " somewhere that's why I had to ask if the other way around was possible.
When you are with Fedor or Artem or even Kolka for exemple I think you should have an option just for YOUR pleasure since they seem to be " nice " guys instead of always having to do someting that pleasure either just them or both of you ( but never just you, or maybe I didn't get far enough in their stories ). When you have to do blowjobs in all the stories at some point to progress it can get really annoying ( I must be the only guy to thing that :coldsweat: ). Do you plan to change Ivan event in the shower a little at some point ? ( Being immediatly deepthroat when you accep to " loathe him "... Hum... Thanks but no

And again thank you for doing this game especially since you and the other coders do it for free
PS : When you have sex with a guy and you click on " Cooney " until he says his going to cum, you get an " You breath smells like sperm ", is this a bug or is it intentional ? ( Because it doesn't really make sense to me ::|: )