Quoting for awarenessOne more issue with 0.7.0:
If you enter the Eastern apartment building (where Anushka lives), you can encounter the same staircase events like in your own apartment building. However, upon conclusion of those events, you are returned to your own apartment building (instead of the one you were in). Don't know if it also occurs in the Western building as well.
A suggestion:
You seem to have the option to trade sex for a taxi ride right from the start, even when your PC isn't as "forward" sexually as you would expect to pull off something like this. Maybe hide this option until some value (exhibition? fame?) is high enough?
Another issue I found: skinny dipping in the pond in the old town park leaves you in underwear after "dressing" without your clothes anywhere (or mentioning why they would be gone).
One question - the coach keeps telling me that "we need to improve chemistry in the team" before going to any tournaments. Is there an event I'm missing or is this the current end of content?