Girl Life Bug Report
hookup_morning - starting with line 845 - change the function to this (otherwise, if you can't explore the apartment, you are left with no options to leave):
if $ARGS[0] = 'late_wakeup':
cla & *clr
'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> doesn''t stir in the slightest as you arise.'
if npc_apt_type[$boy] >= 3:
act'Explore his apartment':gt'hookup_morning','explore'
gschool_events - line 1041 - change "whle" to "while"
vasily_home_sex - line 1022 - 'view_pornotv_vasya' - nothing calls this event - change to 'view_pornotv_vasily'
vasily_home_sex - line 958 - act 'Yummy': gt 'vasily_home_sex','start' - There is no 'start' function in this section. Not sure what you're trying to do here. Ends with a blank screen.
korrPar - line 153 - When going into your parent's apartment from the Five Eights Estate this code will sometimes throw up an Error 111 - Location not found
Recommendation for developers when using the RAND function:
0 will always be the most common random number rolled followed by 1. If you really want your number to be random you shouldn't start with 0 or 1.
For example, with the card game at Vasily's home, the player almost always wins because of this. I changed it to the following which made who wins more random.
Line 195:
if RAND(1,100) <= 60:
Change to:
if RAND(10,100) < 60:
Line 213:
elseif RAND(1,40) < 35:
Change to:
elseif RAND(15,40) < 35:
Draws rarely occur when the code is set to:
elseif RAND(1,40) < 35: