Gosha is just who comes up when searching for "A127". "ParkKafe" is only one of two locations in the entire game where this identifier is used in a narrative setting; it only otherwise appears briefly in "sny" which looks like Dimka's new years party, and in "npc_standard_preferences" for technical reasons, and whether it's referring to Gosha or Shulyov there isn't clear either.
View attachment 4594554
with this being set up the way that it is, i wasn't sure if relying on this relation value to influence Shulyov's dialogue was a good idea, because it could very well be manipulating Gosha's relationship by accident. until or unless i find out the "right" way to track the player's relationship with Shul, i've just set up a new soniaQW variable to keep track of it. i did also use the opportunity to try implementing a refractory period for him so that the player couldn't just endlessly drain his balls, but i've yet to find a reliable way of doing that.
That is a bug, not sure how it happened but Gosha is using the wrong ID number in that scene and it is increasing Shulyov's and not his. Hopefully Kevin or one of the other coders see this and can go in a fix it.
That is the OLD way of doing it. The new way is
gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A#', 'like'
'like' => moves relationship positively a small amount (1/2)
'love' => moves relationship positively a moderate amount (3/4)
'adore' => moves relationship positively a large amount (5/6)
'dislike' => moves relationship negatively a small amount (-1/2)
'hate' => moves relationship negatively a moderate amount (-3/4)
'loathe' => moves relationship negatively a large amount (-5/6)
that way you can put in different tags and it gives a slightly random amount.