
Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
This is what I was looking for thanks.

I had to go in and check everything in the settings show/hide menu and have it show everything before it popped up to choose and was finally able to start. Thanks both of you for the help.
Unfortunately that is nothing we have control over, what is set to show/hide when you first install qsp


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
I’m starting to think I should have made it clear that you have to select a starting option from that table
Maybe add as part of the instructions to check the show/hide settings and list the stuff that should be on for first timers to help with issues like this.


May 18, 2021
Just a bug note in case it's gone unnoticed; if you get drunk at the cheap bar by the Highwar, and taken upstairs, only the anal is recognised in stats; for some reason vaginal virginity isn't lost, despite both holes being used in the text.

Kevin Smarts

Well-Known Member
Respected User
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2017
Just a bug note in case it's gone unnoticed; if you get drunk at the cheap bar by the Highwar, and taken upstairs, only the anal is recognised in stats; for some reason vaginal virginity isn't lost, despite both holes being used in the text.
Thanks, posting fix to our repo now so it'll be correct in future releases


Oct 12, 2020
Another question... so I remember way back when years ago that the Dance Troupe advertisement was in game as one of the important ads... yet when I attempted to look for it to get Sveta training like the ad says, I found there was no way to do so outside of the Starlets / Albina route.

Is this WAI or an accident? I checked the changelog on wiki and the merge between Pushkin and Pav only removed the train station, a new Burlesque house was added but no content added, but no other mentions came up when doing a keyword search for either dance, pushkin, or burlesque. I checked the wiki for references to dance and no mention of a Pushkin trainer is listed.

If the content simply hasn't been added yet, would someone be willing to take a few short minutes to swap the ad image for a changed one. It would be very helpful please if it only lists the shows and not say that will train new dancers in burlesque. Then once - if ever - that gets added back you could simply swap them back if keep the current image saved as a renamed _swap or something.

If the content accidentally got removed but should still be in the code is there any way it can be reattached?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
Someone was going to add a job at the
Another question... so I remember way back when years ago that the Dance Troupe advertisement was in game as one of the important ads... yet when I attempted to look for it to get Sveta training like the ad says, I found there was no way to do so outside of the Starlets / Albina route.

Is this WAI or an accident? I checked the changelog on wiki and the merge between Pushkin and Pav only removed the train station, a new Burlesque house was added but no content added, but no other mentions came up when doing a keyword search for either dance, pushkin, or burlesque. I checked the wiki for references to dance and no mention of a Pushkin trainer is listed.

If the content simply hasn't been added yet, would someone be willing to take a few short minutes to swap the ad image for a changed one. It would be very helpful please if it only lists the shows and not say that will train new dancers in burlesque. Then once - if ever - that gets added back you could simply swap them back if keep the current image saved as a renamed _swap or something.

If the content accidentally got removed but should still be in the code is there any way it can be reattached?
Someone was going to add a job at the Burlesque place but never did. The only dance troupe in the game or was ever in the game is the Starlets.


Oct 12, 2020
I used to trigger this path by drinking with the boys in the living room of the Shulgins. Drink until you pass out. I hope that works that way.
Unfortunately this only semi works. You get the sex scenes, at the end they do the whole "blackmail her into being their slut / whore" however then nothing happens with the questline. Sveta never gets called by them, and if you try to deliberately place her into drinking or conflict situations with any of the three boys they act like the apartment scene never happened.

This is actually unique in that this is the only path to the old route that actually still shows sex scenes... but then nothing happens same as all the blocked routes.

I even tried re-doing the apartment scene 5 times and then spam doing the card game using save scumming so she danced naked for them a hundred times, did "anatomy homework" with Vas repeatedly, and it only added to her counters and never progressed that storyline but kept the blocks up. Vasily / Shulgin still keeps blocking the content with saying "You're a nice girl" in both the stairwell, out front of the apartment at the bench, in the park, in the train station, in the Pavlovsk diner where mother works, at the community center dance, and in the school itself after a confrontation with Vitek.

Luckily I now know thanks to Nutluck...
That event is if you drink with them at the park not the complex and you have to have high enough slut rep that Vasily thinks your a slut.
... that this storyline is completely blocked now unless slut fame is raised high enough.

But considering that in my tests I raised it up high enough that she was listed as a "minx" with 169 slut fame and still got blocked by his "nice girl" interrupts I am wondering exactly how high it needs to go. It also completely ruined my plans of having a previously virgin good girl to get corrupted by the big bad street gang due to a single bad decision made while drunk as the required slut fame - if it even works - is so high that no one could call her innocent by that point.

I do understand that this change from years ago - when it could be triggered the first time you drank with them - was probably made for a good reason, and either way it was the content creator's or a later dev's call to change it.

... I do find it odd however that two different people, including a dev, thought this event was only triggered a single way when previously it could be triggered in many ways, and the Vas block indeed happens in all of those old locations except the apartment where the sex happens and blackmail is stated but then gets ignored.
Further, in most locations the "don't get drunk near these guys as you're a good girl" warning always comes after she is already wasted according to the red drunk icon. You would think he'd say that before the first beer or after she first became slightly tipsy or something but not fully drunk yet.
Further still why the heck would Vas block Sveta getting press ganged when he absolutely loathes her at -100 or more friend rep? A Vas that angry wouldn't piss on her to stop her from burning alive yet he still blocks her from having anything bad happen to her - yet is perfectly fine with their group doing it to other girls he presumably doesn't hate based on other voyeur scenes Sveta witnesses?


In summary... the whole Vas friendship block thing to me feels like it was hastily implemented, and then left as is without anyone checking to see if it made any sense as is or needed tweaking. I personally feel like either the apartment scene also needs to be blocked or the quest opened. I personally feel like Vas should only protect Svetas that he doesn't hate. I personally feel like claims of not drinking in the block message should be placed before she can get buzzed rather than after she is wasted but instead of the old scene due to a lazy variable look up.
But all of that's just my opinion and considering I haven't put in the work myself it's not exactly worth much. :LOL:

Someone was going to add a job at the Burlesque place but never did. The only dance troupe in the game or was ever in the game is the Starlets.
Can I please then redo my request that may have been lost in that big text? Replace the Pushkin Dance ad image with a new Pushkin Burlesque Show or some other ad and then rename the old image with a _swap after its old name so it can be re-added if that dev ever actually adds the content. Currently that advertisement is the only one that completely lies.
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Engaged Member
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Nov 2, 2017
Replies below

Unfortunately this only semi works. You get the sex scenes, at the end they do the whole "blackmail her into being their slut / whore" however then nothing happens with the questline. Sveta never gets called by them, and if you try to deliberately place her into drinking or conflict situations with any of the three boys they act like the apartment scene never happened.

This is actually unique in that this is the only path to the old route that actually still shows sex scenes... but then nothing happens same as all the blocked routes.

I even tried re-doing the apartment scene 5 times and then spam doing the card game using save scumming so she danced naked for them a hundred times, did "anatomy homework" with Vas repeatedly, and it only added to her counters and never progressed that storyline but kept the blocks up. Vasily / Shulgin still keeps blocking the content with saying "You're a nice girl" in both the stairwell, out front of the apartment at the bench, in the park, in the train station, in the Pavlovsk diner where mother works, at the community center dance, and in the school itself after a confrontation with Vitek.
As far as I know this has never changed, It is kinda a mess and no one wants to even try and work on it. see below for more details

Luckily I now know thanks to Nutluck... ... that this storyline is completely blocked now unless slut fame is raised high enough.
You are talking about two different events. I checked the apartment file and it has not been changed in years. It still has not been updated to use the new apartment system we use for example.

But considering that in my tests I raised it up high enough that she was listed as a "minx" with 169 slut fame and still got blocked by his "nice girl" interrupts I am wondering exactly how high it needs to go. It also completely ruined my plans of having a previously virgin good girl to get corrupted by the big bad street gang due to a single bad decision made while drunk as the required slut fame - if it even works - is so high that no one could call her innocent by that point.
But that is kinda the point, Vasily is your friend and unless he already thinks your a slut he won't let the other boys have their way with you.

I do understand that this change from years ago - when it could be triggered the first time you drank with them - was probably made for a good reason, and either way it was the content creator's or a later dev's call to change it.
I think you are misremembering as I said after looking at the code as far as I can tell it has never been changed, as it uses the old way of coding stuff we have not done since I started working on the game 6 years ago.

... I do find it odd however that two different people, including a dev, thought this event was only triggered a single way when previously it could be triggered in many ways, and the Vas block indeed happens in all of those old locations except the apartment where the sex happens and blackmail is stated but then gets ignored.
Further, in most locations the "don't get drunk near these guys as you're a good girl" warning always comes after she is already wasted according to the red drunk icon. You would think he'd say that before the first beer or after she first became slightly tipsy or something but not fully drunk yet.
Further still why the heck would Vas block Sveta getting press ganged when he absolutely loathes her at -100 or more friend rep? A Vas that angry wouldn't piss on her to stop her from burning alive yet he still blocks her from having anything bad happen to her - yet is perfectly fine with their group doing it to other girls he presumably doesn't hate based on other voyeur scenes Sveta witnesses?
This is part of why I know it is old content still, there is no code for how he feels about her really used etc. His content is old as in original ETO content and has not really been worked on. With that said though there is several ways to start the gangbang in the apartment but all of them require enough slut rep, some of it is rng based as well.

In summary... the whole Vas friendship block thing to me feels like it was hastily implemented, and then left as is without anyone checking to see if it made any sense as is or needed tweaking. I personally feel like either the apartment scene also needs to be blocked or the quest opened. I personally feel like Vas should only protect Svetas that he doesn't hate. I personally feel like claims of not drinking in the block message should be placed before she can get buzzed rather than after she is wasted but instead of the old scene due to a lazy variable look up.
But all of that's just my opinion and considering I haven't put in the work myself it's not exactly worth much. :LOL:
It is some of the last original ETO content left in the game that has never been revamped. The old content loved having a lot of complex triggers often with rng on top of it.

Can I please then redo my request that may have been lost in that big text? Replace the Pushkin Dance ad image with a new Pushkin Burlesque Show or some other ad and then rename the old image with a _swap after its old name so it can be re-added if that dev ever actually adds the content. Currently that advertisement is the only one that completely lies.
That would be up to Kevin and or Anya.

With all the above said, if you are looking for a good girl corrupted story then the one to do is the Niko story not Vasily.

Perhaps Kevin can comment on as he was working on the game before I was. But as far as I can tell it has not changed since I started working on the game.
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Oct 12, 2020
Yet another question brought about by testing things I previously had no interest in...

Did the driving license exam get busted - or removed - at some point? I know it must have worked at some point because the wiki's "walkthrough for beginners" popped up when I did a keyword search and tells people to get a driver's license asap. Yet just now when I tried to get one it never appears as a purchasable option. I can see singing lessons, secretarial lessons, massage lessons offered but not the driving license. It claims to need 30k so I gathered up more than that and showed up with 32k all cash in hand as I know from other things that you can't always use a mix of cash and card.

At that point as a bit of a debugging I used the cheat menu to give Sveta 300k cash in hand. Still no dice.
Then I tried giving her an additional 300k cash in the bank. Still no offering.
Next I tried leaving the building and re-entering in case it simply wasn't refreshing. Still nothing.
I tried checking the car dealership and repair shops in case you had to talk to them before unlocking the test then returned to the community center building. Still MIA class offering.

Not sure what else to test to try to get this to work.

If it is indeed bugged, then I can tell you that this particular Sveta run has her already doing the glamour photography and also doing the envelope muling from the sauna, but is still in school and 17 real age but started as a 16 year old Sveta using the cheat menu to adjust her age one year younger but with the appearance of an 18 year old and quite tall for her age. Basically jailbait as I wanted to test out if events were tied to true age or visible age, but I didn't want to squick myself by going any lower still for true age. (No offense to people who like to roleplay that, nor given to others who genuinely prefer youths but have enough self control as to never do things to them - but major offense hopefully given to any pedos who actually do molest children rather than controlling themselves.)

Telling you all of that in case any of that is the cause as there may be conflicts in her passport / age variable either through the cheat menu or the fake passport or something else.

I could easily just use the cheat menu thing to give her an instant license but that feels wrong to me, and I will save it for a last resort.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
Yet another question brought about by testing things I previously had no interest in...

Did the driving license exam get busted - or removed - at some point? I know it must have worked at some point because the wiki's "walkthrough for beginners" popped up when I did a keyword search and tells people to get a driver's license asap. Yet just now when I tried to get one it never appears as a purchasable option. I can see singing lessons, secretarial lessons, massage lessons offered but not the driving license. It claims to need 30k so I gathered up more than that and showed up with 32k all cash in hand as I know from other things that you can't always use a mix of cash and card.

At that point as a bit of a debugging I used the cheat menu to give Sveta 300k cash in hand. Still no dice.
Then I tried giving her an additional 300k cash in the bank. Still no offering.
Next I tried leaving the building and re-entering in case it simply wasn't refreshing. Still nothing.
I tried checking the car dealership and repair shops in case you had to talk to them before unlocking the test then returned to the community center building. Still MIA class offering.

Not sure what else to test to try to get this to work.

If it is indeed bugged, then I can tell you that this particular Sveta run has her already doing the glamour photography and also doing the envelope muling from the sauna, but is still in school and 17 real age but started as a 16 year old Sveta using the cheat menu to adjust her age one year younger but with the appearance of an 18 year old and quite tall for her age. Basically jailbait as I wanted to test out if events were tied to true age or visible age, but I didn't want to squick myself by going any lower still for true age. (No offense to people who like to roleplay that, nor given to others who genuinely prefer youths but have enough self control as to never do things to them - but major offense hopefully given to any pedos who actually do molest children rather than controlling themselves.)

Telling you all of that in case any of that is the cause as there may be conflicts in her passport / age variable either through the cheat menu or the fake passport or something else.

I could easily just use the cheat menu thing to give her an instant license but that feels wrong to me, and I will save it for a last resort.
You have to be 18 and the fake id won't pass inspection to get a drivers test. The fake id will fool bouncers or anyone that doesn't look to closely but it won't let you get your drivers license early or let you go to the Uni early. It doesn't matter how old your Sveta look she has to be 18 to take the test.


Oct 12, 2020
Replies below

As far as I know this has never changed, It is kinda a mess and no one wants to even try and work on it. see below for more details

You are talking about two different events. I checked the apartment file and it has not been changed in years. It still has not been updated to use the new apartment system we use for example.

But that is kinda the point, Vasily is your friend and unless he already thinks your a slut he won't let the other boys have their way with you.

I think you are misremembering as I said after looking at the code as far as I can tell it has never been changed, as it uses the old way of coding stuff we have not done since I started working on the game 6 years ago.

This is part of why I know it is old content still, there is no code for how he feels about her really used etc. His content is old as in original ETO content and has not really been worked on. With that said though there is several ways to start the gangbang in the apartment but all of them require enough slut rep, some of it is rng based as well.


It is some of the last original ETO content left in the game that has never been revamped. The old content loved having a lot of complex triggers often with rng on top of it.

That would be up to Kevin and or Anya.

With all the above said, if you are looking for a good girl corrupted story then the one to do is the Niko story not Vasily.

Perhaps Kevin can comment on as he was working on the game before I was. But as far as I can tell it has not changed since I started working on the game.
Okay, shows how long ago the last time I gave a thorough check of the GirlLife game. :eek: (There's reasons behind that, but as you're probably not interested I will leave it at that.)

But yes once upon a time the game - back when it was still in its "just started translating this russian game tell me what you think" days - allowed the 3 boys to take over Sveta the first time she over-drank with them even if it was the first day of the game. I will fully accept that it might be an ETO change, or so ancient that no one really knows who did it.

So can I instead please ask that something be done to make this old code compliant somehow and make the newer code blocks be more sensible? It makes no sense to me that a non-friend Vas who hates her still is blocking. It makes even less sense that the apartment scenes can happen but no one remembers it. (Sveta gets a pass because she was completely wasted in the scenes and the "morning after" scene has her not realizing the sex but just knowing that she wanted to hurt someone and blaming it o Dan. But the guys should remember since once they realized she was pretty drunk they deliberately stopped drinking and instead pushed as many beers as possible at her knowingly to semi non-con her.)

Maybe either make the apartment stuff adding gates to it, or adding a variable unlock to that scene so it starts the other content currently gated as an either / or meaning two ways to unlock?

EDITED PS: In hindsight I am probably asking for a lot from developers who aren't actually invested in these old parts of the game project. Can you perhaps instead tell me exactly what coding knowledge I need to acquire so that I may assist the project and donate completed edits for these things? That way instead of wasting current development time writing these things which can be drudge work if not something you're interested in, the top devs only would need to review my changes to make sure nothing bad / game breaking was included / overlooked.
Last edited:


Oct 12, 2020
You have to be 18 and the fake id won't pass inspection to get a drivers test. ... It doesn't matter how old your Sveta look she has to be 18 to take the test.
Thank you for that. Could this please either be stated in game via a short scene where the staff member tells Sveta something is wrong with her id, or else at the very least have this info mentioned on the GirlLife wiki somewhere? I can't be the only person who ever tried to get their schoolgirl Sveta to drive - especially since where I lived the first driver's license was possible at 16 already not 18.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
Okay, shows how long ago the last time I gave a thorough check of the GirlLife game. :eek: (There's reasons behind that, but as you're probably not interested I will leave it at that.)

But yes once upon a time the game - back when it was still in its "just started translating this russian game tell me what you think" days - allowed the 3 boys to take over Sveta the first time she over-drank with them even if it was the first day of the game. I will fully accept that it might be an ETO change, or so ancient that no one really knows who did it.

So can I instead please ask that something be done to make this old code compliant somehow and make the newer code blocks be more sensible? It makes no sense to me that a non-friend Vas who hates her still is blocking. It makes even less sense that the apartment scenes can happen but no one remembers it. (Sveta gets a pass because she was completely wasted in the scenes and the "morning after" scene has her not realizing the sex but just knowing that she wanted to hurt someone and blaming it o Dan. But the guys should remember since once they realized she was pretty drunk they deliberately stopped drinking and instead pushed as many beers as possible at her knowingly to semi non-con her.)

Maybe either make the apartment stuff adding gates to it, or adding a variable unlock to that scene so it starts the other content currently gated as an either / or meaning two ways to unlock?

EDITED PS: In hindsight I am probably asking for a lot from developers who aren't actually invested in these old parts of the game project. Can you perhaps instead tell me exactly what coding knowledge I need to acquire so that I may assist the project and donate completed edits for these things? That way instead of wasting current development time writing these things which can be drudge work if not something you're interested in, the top devs only would need to review my changes to make sure nothing bad / game breaking was included / overlooked.
Honestly what it needs is for someone to take the whole Vasily story apart and his apartment, save what can be saved, revamp what is saved, then expand it and make it flow a lot better. But that would be a LOT of work and no one currently working on the game seems to have a desire to do it.

To work on the game you need notepad++ and the qsp language pack and it is easier to get sourcetree so you can pull from the master source of the game. So you can just grab each file and then work on them. Kevin would be the person to ask about that, as he would have to set you up with sourcetree access etc.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
Thank you for that. Could this please either be stated in game via a short scene where the staff member tells Sveta something is wrong with her id, or else at the very least have this info mentioned on the GirlLife wiki somewhere? I can't be the only person who ever tried to get their schoolgirl Sveta to drive - especially since where I lived the first driver's license was possible at 16 already not 18.
It was always 18 but use to be the fake id worked but we changed that, since the government wouldn't be fooled by something like that.

Not sure where in the wiki that even is. I can edit it but I rarely touch it, so I am not even sure where that info is on the wiki.


Oct 12, 2020
Not sure where in the wiki that even is. I can edit it but I rarely touch it, so I am not even sure where that info is on the wiki.
That's the thing, as far as I could search, the wiki doesn't even have any mention of the driver's license outside of that walkthrough for beginners bit that tells new people to get the license asap, and that doesn't mention an age requirement. Prior to your telling me, and my search into DL age by country I had no clue that Russia had among the stricter licensing laws for youths. - Which might not necessarily be a bad thing considering how many "accidents" happen here because of youths who haven't matured into the responsibility yet.

Personally I would suggest adding into the wiki the info about needing to be 18 and they check for fake licenses under the Community Center in the Industrial St Petersburg area... or even better include that info in-game if possible. A simple one line of text tag added to the current text about offering a drivers course with "(18+ only. No fakes!)" would clear that bit up both in game and on the wiki I think.

Another possible in-game suggestion that would be more "in character" and would also fix an issue we already spoke about - but at the cost of taking some time to implement - would be to replace the useless Pushkin Dance ad with a Community Center courses ad or a "Young Drivers of Russia Initiative" (or some such excuse) ad which in either case the visuals included there would explicitly say 18+ and we check for forgeries. This would have the added benefit of making players who have yet to check all areas of the game to know about the possibility of driving and how to unlock it - assuming they check the notices boards.

Also, thanks for the how to assist info. I already have N++ and a decent working knowledge of using it, but not the rest so I will go download that pack and get myself used to the qsp language. Then probably give Kevin a call once I feel competent. That way instead of asking people to waste their time adding or fixing things I can just use my own time up if I care that much. xD

PS: As an aside, I think you are completely wrong about the government not being fooled by that fake id (unless Russia is that much better than the USA at these things.) Unless Russia's version of the DMV is much improved over the American version I just don't see it. And I believe I have very good proof against it being true.

Fraud and forgeries almost never get caught by the initial contact points in government with the public, and generally only get exposed by domino effects when a different case exposes that something fishy is going on, and these new investigators take a long hard look into things that have been accepted for years.

Unless the fake was really really really badly made the low level government employee definitely would accept it. Most government drones don't actually care or look too closely / do much external investigation. They don't actually take time out of their day to investigate whether a picture shown on current id actually matches the picture already on file, nor do they check whether info matches outside of too obvious things that jump out and can't be ignored. Someone who looks like they are 15 and has an id claiming to be 40 for example "might" fail miserably. But even then I am doubtful and for good reason. Next paragraph give an example of just how horrible governmental oversight of id's can be.

My mother actually was a victim of identity theft where someone pretending to be her actually procured governmental services (including disability, food stamps, and a few other programs) using my mom's SS number. When the government lost track of the woman, they called up my mother after apparently doing a search into her name across the country. At the time they actually thought my mom was trying to fraud them and had simply moved residences... up until they realized that the woman who they had been in contact with was a completely different skin color, height, weight, and age.

All of which are obvious parts of appearance that you would think governmental employees would check before actually giving out services. But no, they just do not check these things even when it should be their job. The low level employee just accepts the papers, assumes they are correct (or if not then it is someone else's problem to catch it) and proceeds to accept the application simply because that takes far less time than to do a full background check of every single piece of submitted paperwork to make sure it is legit.

"But one case does not prove anything..." okay well how about the fact that I am unable to use my legs and haven't for over a decade, and three times now I have shown up in person in my wheelchair to get a driver's license renewal and specifically stated that I can't use my legs, yet for the last decade and change they have renewed my unrestricted license without taking the time to change it from a general license to a restricted / disabled license despite seeing the wheelchair handles visible in my id pictures? That's bad enough by the DMV, now add in that not a single police officer has given me a ticket for this unrestricted license, despite a couple being aware of it and my personally mentioning it to a friend in the local Sheriff's Office. I was told not to worry about it because no one will ever actually take the time to check unless I actually get caught or suspected of suspicious activity. Or even if someone was feeling extra initiative to take the time to do a file check, they wouldn't report the discrepancy even if they see it since the extra paperwork, court reporting, and other wasted time would make them not interested in it.
Last edited:

Kevin Smarts

Well-Known Member
Respected User
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2017
Another question... so I remember way back when years ago that the Dance Troupe advertisement was in game as one of the important ads... yet when I attempted to look for it to get Sveta training like the ad says, I found there was no way to do so outside of the Starlets / Albina route.

Is this WAI or an accident? I checked the changelog on wiki and the merge between Pushkin and Pav only removed the train station, a new Burlesque house was added but no content added, but no other mentions came up when doing a keyword search for either dance, pushkin, or burlesque. I checked the wiki for references to dance and no mention of a Pushkin trainer is listed.

If the content simply hasn't been added yet, would someone be willing to take a few short minutes to swap the ad image for a changed one. It would be very helpful please if it only lists the shows and not say that will train new dancers in burlesque. Then once - if ever - that gets added back you could simply swap them back if keep the current image saved as a renamed _swap or something.

If the content accidentally got removed but should still be in the code is there any way it can be reattached?
It was about to be added but the person that made the burlesque club got swamped by rl and never had chance to do more. I'll see what can be done to get something runing there.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
That's the thing, as far as I could search, the wiki doesn't even have any mention of the driver's license outside of that walkthrough for beginners bit that tells new people to get the license asap, and that doesn't mention an age requirement. Prior to your telling me, and my search into DL age by country I had no clue that Russia had among the stricter licensing laws for youths. - Which might not necessarily be a bad thing considering how many "accidents" happen here because of youths who haven't matured into the responsibility yet.

Personally I would suggest adding into the wiki the info about needing to be 18 and they check for fake licenses under the Community Center in the Industrial St Petersburg area... or even better include that info in-game if possible. A simple one line of text tag added to the current text about offering a drivers course with "(18+ only. No fakes!)" would clear that bit up both in game and on the wiki I think.

Another possible in-game suggestion that would be more "in character" and would also fix an issue we already spoke about - but at the cost of taking some time to implement - would be to replace the useless Pushkin Dance ad with a Community Center courses ad or a "Young Drivers of Russia Initiative" (or some such excuse) ad which in either case the visuals included there would explicitly say 18+ and we check for forgeries. This would have the added benefit of making players who have yet to check all areas of the game to know about the possibility of driving and how to unlock it - assuming they check the notices boards.

Also, thanks for the how to assist info. I already have N++ and a decent working knowledge of using it, but not the rest so I will go download that pack and get myself used to the qsp language. Then probably give Kevin a call once I feel competent. That way instead of asking people to waste their time adding or fixing things I can just use my own time up if I care that much. xD
If you are interested in working on the game I strongly suggest joining our discord. There is a channel dedicated about talking about the code of the game. So you can ask questions and get help there for learning.


Mar 27, 2019
Also, thanks for the how to assist info. I already have N++ and a decent working knowledge of using it, but not the rest so I will go download that pack and get myself used to the qsp language. Then probably give Kevin a call once I feel competent. That way instead of asking people to waste their time adding or fixing things I can just use my own time up if I care that much. xD
Get qgen to edit the game.

Kevin Smarts

Well-Known Member
Respected User
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2017
The advert would probably need Anya to look at as she's the head of images and such. I can't recall what it looks like but maybe it can be adapted to the burlesque lessons and we can get something running there?
The 3 school kids were part of the various mods that were merged to form ETO 1.2.2 that I merged into Girl Life line by line some 7 or 8 years ago. Apart from sorting out their text and code changes to keep stuff working they've no had much attention. The stopping you if not a slut was added because Vasily is an old friend from when Sveta and him were kids so even if they have drifted apart he still looks out for her


Mar 27, 2019
blank screen bug on "Go to the men's room with them" action (happens after PE class on slut char)
text reads
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I think there's a similar named "action" during morning or half-time break, but that one works. So I kinda hope that fixing this won't break the other lol.
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